Fire The Kelly's Now!

Uncle Bumfuzzled

D1AA Prospect
Sep 11, 2012
Chip at UCLA and Brian at Notre Dame must go immediately!

Thought I would get this out of the way early on! Apologies to other Kelly's...

UCLA losing to Cincy is troublesome.
You just hate Irish people. Hater! You know I was adopted so don’t let the name fool you. My bio dad was a Kane which was shortened from O’Kane when his family migrated to USA. Not sure if I should be offended by your remarks. Upon further review no offense Hell I am a drunken Mik. I own it lol
2 coaches that drive me crazy happen to be Kelly's. There is no animus toward our friends from the Emerald Isle. Ara Paraseghian, my favorite coach of all time, was an Armenian Presbytrian. (I don't think I ever met an Armenian. I have met Presbyterians.) He coached the Irish Catholics...go figure....
Chip at UCLA and Brian at Notre Dame must go immediately!

Thought I would get this out of the way early on! Apologies to other Kelly's...

UCLA losing to Cincy is troublesome.
I don't understand after the likes of Davies, Willingham and Weiss, your distain for Kelly. You know it could have been much worse, many ND faithful were clamoring for Chip Kelly.
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Brian turfing the hallowed grounds was not taken so well.. Even by me. Plus Brian bringing in kids that had off field issues and the academic cheating scandal.. but hey ND is back in the top 10 but at what cost? I think there are old school ND fans that would rather lose than drop standards
I don't understand after the likes of Davies, Willingham and Weiss, your distain for Kelly. You know it could have been much worse, many ND faithful were clamoring for Chip Kelly.

I agree with that wholeheartedly. I post the same thing in the beginning of every football season.

The ND cheating scandal was a grad assistant doing a couple of papers for Everett Golson. It was self reported by the Irish. Drop in standards? ND has always bluelined athletes. It is just that kids today do some dumb things that are caught by the social media.

I am waiting for BK to out coach somebody.
I agree with that wholeheartedly. I post the same thing in the beginning of every football season.

The ND cheating scandal was a grad assistant doing a couple of papers for Everett Golson. It was self reported by the Irish. Drop in standards? ND has always bluelined athletes. It is just that kids today do some dumb things that are caught by the social media.

I am waiting for BK to out coach somebody.
Used a whole week's worth of profanity watching the first half...I'm not quite ready to get on the "Dump Kelly" bus but I'm sitting on the bench right across from the ticket window
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Used a whole week's worth of profanity watching the first half...I'm not quite ready to get on the "Dump Kelly" bus but I'm sitting on the bench right across from the ticket window

True story. It must be something about Notre Dame fans and profanity. I never heard my father curse until I was 10. Then Joe Kuharich got the Irish head coaching job for 4 years. A lot of cursing...back then a lot of it was at the radio.

….at Georgia and at Michigan is the ND regular season...

At Stanford at the end of season will not be easy.
I think Weiss, Davies, and Willingham would have lost last nights game. Kelly coached his team to a win. Hell, NFC East Giants, Skins, or even Cowboys coming after him anyway.
….at Georgia and at Michigan is the ND regular season...
I think Michigan/Harbaugh is better than last year but a lot of hype and Ohio State focused too much. ND, once they get going (and have the close Georgia loss behind them), will handle them by 14.
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I think Weiss, Davies, and Willingham would have lost last nights game. Kelly coached his team to a win. Hell, NFC East Giants, Skins, or even Cowboys coming after him anyway.

I do think BK would be a good fit for The NFL. I thought a few years back that the Bengal's Lewis was going to be fired and Kelly would go there. He is probably is making more than 3/4 of the NFL coaches now. I think the only way BK gets that kind of money in the NFL is if he wiins the national title at ND...
Chip led the UCLA Bruins to a home loss to San Diego State yesterday. The Bruins are now 0-2 having lost at Cincy to open the season. Don't think things will get better soon. UCLA hosts Oklahoma this weekend. Name the score, Sonner fans.
I think that is an overreaction after getting beaten by the #1 team in the state. The Sals were at mid field with the ball down by 7 with 7 minutes left. They couldn't get it done.

Take a walk down memory lane. Where was the program before he got there?

Maybe Sals fans' expectations are too high after the overachievement of last year.

Let's be real here. Hodgson hit harder and were quicker, faster, more athletic, stronger, and smarter than the Sals were on Friday night. If Hodgson were more disciplined they may have been able to put a running clock on the Big S.

No excuses. You are what you do.
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Message to Bengals: Fire Zac Taylor and hire Brian Kelly.

Urban, just give us your last four-five years.
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Urban worked for Lou Holtz as an ND assistant.
For whatever reason, he has kind of cool to previous ND inquiries.
BK is OK but not of the caliber of a National Championship Coach. The Irish may also be squeamish about the spousal abusing assistant that Meyer seemed to have been protecting for some ungodly reason.

Like I said before he would be my first pick. He could groom a successor.
I don't hate BK. I just think is not going to win you a national championship.

Also, I don't know why Meyer picked FLA over ND years back. Maybe he felt that he couldn't recruit at ND. ND has now pretty much taken off the reigns on recruiting and will take chances on kids.
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