I'll answer that for RR. This is a message board and it really doesn't matter what our assessments are of any player. Documentation beats Explanation! Offers, rankings, and analyst who get paid for what they do have the answers for you. A lot of people don't believe this, but it is FACT. The easiest college projection for a junior or senior player in high school now would be based on the offers on the table. College coaches recruit and assess players who can play at their level. If the young man has D1 OFFERS, that's the type of player he is (not letters or interest, because TRUE FACT is they are 99% done for 2017 class and 80% done recruiting for their 2018 class). D2 schools are also finalizing their 2017 class and starting on 2018 class.
In all honesty, if you are a 2017 or 2018 player and have not received an offer or are not having face to face or phone conversations with coaches yet, that should be a sign that your college playing goals are too high and should start looking at some D3 or NAIA programs. NAIA isn't anything to sneeze at, they are very competitive and give out full rides.
I know that was a lot, but in short he is able to play at the level that he is drawing interest from.