Smyrna 24, Cape 0. Will Knight with all 24 points. Middle of quarter 2
Jordan Haynes with another TD pass for the Tigers! 1:20 left in 2Q Appo 41 AI 38
Carlos Dean TD on fourth and long. Red Lion leads 40-24 8:03 4th
Cape's Michael Williams 12 yard TD Run. 2pt NG - Smyrna 24, Cape Henlopen 6 5:55 2nd
Jordan Haynes with another TD pass for the Tigers! 1:20 left in 2Q Appo 41 AI 38
Carlos Dean TD on fourth and long. Red Lion leads 40-24 8:03 4th
Cape's Michael Williams 12 yard TD Run. 2pt NG - Smyrna 24, Cape Henlopen 6 5:55 2nd