Good afternoon.... It has been bought to my attention from friends that my son Isaiah Wilson V who is the QB at Glasgow High school has been a topic of some pretty unbelievable conversation on the board today. After reading the posts I wasn't going to say anything but I had to chime in.... As his father I find this to be pretty disturbing that adults would be on here talking about him or other high school kids the way that it seems to go on here on this board. Not sure who you are Raven Rooster but I'm pretty sure you don't personally know me or my I would appreciate if you kept your opinions about him to yourself and not on a public message board. Especially if you don't know what your talking about.
To address your post- Yes My son went to caravel in middle school after being in a public school his entire life.... the decision was made to reclass him in middle school as a family to be sure he could make the transition academically to the tougher curriculum at Caravel his first year. He made the transition well once he got used to the workload and made the deans list most semesters while he was there. We again as a family made a decision that was in his best interest to leave the school to get a more diverse high school experience after his experience at the school...No knock against Caravel its a good school but not very diverse. All the kids there are somewhat the same type of kid which is not a bad thing... Just wasn't what we wanted for our son. We prefer for him to be more well rounded and be able to maneuver and deal with all different types of kids, people and experiences so that he is more real world ready socially by the time he goes off to college. Now if you knew him or us you would know that but clearly you don't so its pretty disturbing to see your opinion posted in such a factual way when you really have no idea. We didn't play middle school football there due to talent level of the team as his youth league was more competitive if we are being honest. As a 9th grader if we would have stayed athletically he would have had no trouble playing and beating out the QB that was there you know that as well.... We had many options of schools we could have went to and played right away so it wasn't as if there were no other options for us. To this day and every year since we've left we still get asked about bringing him back to be the guy but that's another story. And if you know that much and are in with the football program at Caravel you know that is a true statement as well. Ultimately we left because my son is a dual threat kid who is not suited to just hand the ball off and run bootleg and waggles as what is required in the wing t that caravel runs and ran 80% of the time when we were making the decision to stay or go. Anybody can do that.... Not a good fit us...Hence the reason Derrick didn't get the looks he should have received. That's also the reason other kids who play QB in the past also decided not to go there because of that system. And hence that is the reason we are getting the looks we are getting now because of the system he runs at Glasgow and his film showcases the ability to run a spread / no huddle system which is what most schools at the collegiate level are running.....Academically he carries a 3.5 gpa and has only taken honors courses since being in high school so we're good there as well. Private schools are not the end all be all. Despite what you may hear our experience at the school has been a pleasant one and since day one of being there all coaches and administrators at the school treat my kid like he is one of their own and really look after his best interest both on and off the field and court. That is unmeasurable and with all stuff aside that is all you can ask for regardless of what school you send your kid to. Something we didn't feel would have happened at Caravel again no knock on the school or anybody over there. Just a feeling we never received at Caravel.
As a matter of fact we were just on a game day visit at UPENN yesterday and guess what.... very large portion of the roster went to public schools. Never been a big fan of the only way a kid can be successful is by attending a private school which in my opinion is very far from the truth.
I say this all to make a point- Keep in mind the kids, their parents ,their friends, their coaches etc all read this stuff and for anyone on here to feel good about talking about high school kids in such a definitive and negative way is pretty embarrassing. Says more about you than it will ever say about the kids you are putting down regardless of how high or low that kids skill set is in your opinion.
We will be fine regardless...
Shame I have to this conversation with an adult but if you have anything you would like to discuss about my son in the future please direct it to me. Thanks and appreciate it!