Hawaii vs Colorado


D1A Prospect
Feb 27, 2009
Just tuned in, 10 minutes left in the game, Hawaii up by 8 pts, ICE Fleming picks up his 4th foul, goes to the bench. For 6 minutes and Colorado goes on to out score Hawaii 10-0, ice comes back in a qui lily drops a three ball, then goes to the hole very strong, gets a lot of contact but still makes the bucket. Colorado up by 1 with .32 seconds left, great game, Hawaii takes the lead. Fleming is definitely the difference for this team. He brings a toughness this team needs. Very impressed with Fleming, playing against top tier competition and being one of the best players on the court. Big win for the rainbows!!!!! Good Luck the rest of the season p.s. Fleming looked like an NBA prospect tonight
Just tuned in, 10 minutes left in the game, Hawaii up by 8 pts, ICE Fleming picks up his 4th foul, goes to the bench. For 6 minutes and Colorado goes on to out score Hawaii 10-0, ice comes back in a qui lily drops a three ball, then goes to the hole very strong, gets a lot of contact but still makes the bucket. Colorado up by 1 with .32 seconds left, great game, Hawaii takes the lead. Fleming is definitely the difference for this team. He brings a toughness this team needs. Very impressed with Fleming, playing against top tier competition and being one of the best players on the court. Big win for the rainbows!!!!! Good Luck the rest of the season p.s. Fleming looked like an NBA prospect tonight
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