
D1AA Prospect
Oct 4, 2008
So we just wrapped up Week 6 and the playoffs are becoming much clearer. So here are the Playoff points for all 3 divisions.

(Note: I’m still doing this off my phone so if there are any mistakes please feel free to post it)

The way Points work is 4pts for a win, 0 pts for a loss, 1 pt for a tie.

BONUS POINTS: if an opponent is .500/.600 you get 1 BP, if a team is .700/.800 you get another BP, and .900/1.00 you get another BP.

As fun as this is, I can’t really add Bonus Points until the last week of the season, otherwise it would just be a hypothetical scenario.

Middletown - 4,4,4,4,0 = 3.20
Salesianum - 4,4,0,4,4 = 3.20
Dover - 0,4,4,4,4,0,4 = 2.85
Smyrna - 0,4,0,4,4,4 = 2.66
St. George’s - 4,0,4,4,0,4 = 2.66
Appoquinimink - 0,4,0,0,4,4 = 2.00
Sussex Central - 4,0,4,0,4,0 = 2.00
William Penn - 0,4,4,4,0,0 = 2.00
Cape Henlopen - 0,0,0,0,0,4 = .66
Hodgson - 4,0,0,0,0,0,0 = .57
Caesar Rodney - 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 = 0.00.

Woodbridge - 4,6,4,4,4,4 = 4.33
DMA - 4,4,4,4,4,4 = 4.00
Archmere - 4,4,4,4,4,4 = 4.00
Caravel - 4,4,4,4,4,0 = 3.33
Friends - 4,4,4,0,4,4 = 3.33
Lake Forest - 4,4,4,0,4,0 = 2.66
Howard - 4,4,0,4,6,0 = 3.00
St. Marks - 4,4,0,4,4,0,4 = 2.85
Delmar - 0,4,0,6,4 = 2.80
Milford - 4,4,0,4,2 = 2.80
Tower Hill - 4,0,4,4,0 = 2.40
Newark - 4,0,0,4,0,4 = 2.00
Mount Pleasant - 0,0,4,0,4,4 = 2.00
Sussex Tech - 0,4,0,0,4,4,0 = 1.71
Concord - 0,4,4,0,0,0
Conrad - 0,4,0,0,4,0 = 1.33
A.I. DuPont - 0,4,0,0,4,0 = 1.33
Mckean - 4,0,0,0,0,4 = 1.33
Red Lion - 0,0,0,0,0,4 = .66
Brandywine - 0,0,0,0,0 = 0.00
Delcastle - 0,0,0,0,0,0 = 0.00.

St. Elizabeth’s - 6,4,4,4,4,6 = 4.66
Laurel - 6,6,4,4,2,4 = 4.33
St. Andrews - 4,4,4,4,0,4 = 3.33
Charter - 4,4,4,0,0,4 = 3.33
Seaford - 4,4,0,4,4 = 3.20
Tatnall - 2,2,0,4,6,4 = 3.00
Indian River - 0,4,4,0,4 = 2.40
Odessa - 2,0,4,4,2,0 = 2.00
Polytech - 2,4,0,0,4,0 = 1.66
FSMA - 0,0,0,4,4,0 = 1.33
Glasgow - 2,0,4,0,0,0, = 1.00
Dickinson - 4,0,0,0,0,0 = .66
Christiana - 2,0,0,0,0,0 = .33
Early College - 0,0,0,0,0 = 0.00
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IF PLAYOFFS STARTED TODAY…..remember for 2A and 1A the top four in each districts earn a playoff berth and then gets seeded with the points above.

in 3A all teams make playoffs and top 5 seeds receive a Bye. Top 4 seeds in 2A receive a Bye.

CLASS 3A: Bye Berths (1. Middletown, 2. Salesianum, 3. Dover, 4. Smyrna, 5. St. George’s)

6. Appoquinimink vs. 11. Caesar Rodney (Winner would play 3. Dover)
7. Sussex Central vs. 10. Hodgson (Winner would play 2. Salesianum)
8. William Penn vs. 9. Cape Henlopen (Winner would play 1. Middletown)

4. Smyrna vs. 5. St. George’s would play in 2nd rd.

District 1 Qualifiers: DMA, St. Marks, Concord, Newark
District 2 Qualifiers: Archmere, Howard, Friends, Mount Pleasant
District 3 Qualifiers: Woodbridge, Caravel, Delmar, Milford

(1st rd Bye: 1. Woodbridge, 2. DMA, 3. Archmere, 4. Caravel)

5. Friends vs. 12. Concord (Winner would play 4. Caravel)
6. Howard vs. 11. Mount Pleasant (Winner would play 3. Archmere)
7. St. Marks vs. 10. Newark (Winner would play 2. DMA)
8. Delmar vs. 9. Milford (Winner would play 1. Woodbridge).

District 1 Qualifiers: St. Elizabeth’s, St. Andrews, Tatnall, Charter
District 2 Qualifers: Laurel, Indian River, Seaford, Odessa

1. St. Elizabeth’s vs. 8. Odessa
2. Laurel vs. 7. Indian River
3. St. Andrews vs. 6. Tatnall
4. Charter vs. 5. Seaford

Got it. Thank you Titanium! Too many numbers to just type out on a phone everytime. I’m bound to mess up again.
So curious now that teams like Middletown, sallies, delmar will their points be based off a 10 game schedule or a 9 game schedule.
So curious now that teams like Middletown, sallies, delmar will their points be based off a 10 game schedule or a 9 game schedule.
It is based on the number of games played. Which has included forfeits in the past, but not games canceled due to covid or other non football related issues.
So curious now that teams like Middletown, sallies, delmar will their points be based off a 10 game schedule or a 9 game schedule.
Woody is right. The only thing that would separate Middletown and Sallies if they both win out will be the bonus points. At the end of the season
I think I asked wrong and I guess I was thinking more along the lines of delmar in general. Would a 7-2 delmar have a better seed then say a 7-3 Howard team if they both had the same amount of points after bonus points are added in.
d wrong and I guess I was thinking more along the lines of delmar in general. Would a 7-2 delmar have a better seed then say a 7-3 Howard team if th

Record means nothing. Seeding is by point index if the point indexes are tied at the end then it goes to the tie breaker system.

D. Tie Breaking for Index Seeding Procedures

1. If two or more teams are tied for any seed, the following tie-breaking criteria will be used in the order listed. Once a team is removed from the tie, the tie-breaker criteria will be reapplied sequentially to the teams that are still tied.

i. Head-to-Head Competition
ii. A win percentage of all opponents (cross-classification games included)
iii. The team who had the fewest points allowed
iv. If a tie still exists, the committee will choose by a coin toss
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Gotcha just wasn't sure if they would give advantage to a team that had to actually play more games or not.
Gotcha just wasn't sure if they would give advantage to a team that had to actually play more games or not.

It can. Like if the both of them have the same points they would not have the same point index if they played different amounts of games

Let's say DM has 30 Pts and Howard has 30 pts but one played 10 and the other played 9 then the team that played 9 would have a higher index and get the seed...

A: 30 div by 10 is a 3.0 index
B: 30 div by 9 is a 3.34 index

Team B gets the higher seed
As far as playing more games as an advantage or disadvantage in terms of point index it goes like this. The team that plays the extra game has an advantage in that they have an extra opportunity to get more points. So the general rule of thumb is the team that plays the extra game and wins that game has the advantage in the point index but if they lose that game then the 9 game team has the advantage

My line of thought is it is always best to get your kids the most games possible period.
I totally agree I think the more games the better. With so many teams now a days it just seems confusing sometimes. Sometimes it just seems easier to go back to the good old days. Four teams, two conference Champs and two at larges lmao...really showing my age now
I don't mind the new set up other than I think more teams should be 3A and only 6 districts which I have said before.

Even with this set up I would prefer only the district champs get the auto bids and the rest of the spots are at large by point index. Hell I would even go with top 2 in each district get the bids then point index for the rest. 4 in each district of 7 for an auto bid is silly
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With no disrespect to Newark or Concord but it does seem unfair that they will most likely make the playoffs and a team like milford or lake is going to miss and they are obviously much better teams. Same with either Tower Hill or Mt. Pleasant, both of them are better too.
With no disrespect to Newark or Concord but it does seem unfair that they will most likely make the playoffs and a team like milford or lake is going to miss and they are obviously much better teams. Same with either Tower Hill or Mt. Pleasant, both of them are better too.
right make the playoffs and get clocked first round
Exactly based off of HS projections Concord and Newark are going to get smoked by friends and St. Marks. You have to believe Lake and MP would put up better games then they will
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Tower Hill plays Mt Pleasant this week so that last spot will be settled this week.

2AD3 other than Woodbridge being in is still up for grabs.. Caravel could lock a spot by beating Lake this week but they still have Delmar and Milf. Delmar still has to play Lake and Caravel. Milford still has WB, Tech and Caravel. Tech has Red Lion and Milf.

I think its going to take 3 ID wins to get in with a HtH tie break

Woodbridge 3-0 (beat Tech, DM, CA) Milf, Lake, RLCA
Caravel 2-1 (beat RLCA,Tech lost to WB) Lake, Delmar, Milford
Delmar 2-1 (beat RLCA, Tech lost to WB) Caravel, Lake
Milford 1-1 (beat RLCA lost to Lake) Woodbridge, Tech, Caravel
Lake 1-2 (beat Milford lost to Tech, RLCA) Caravel, WB, Delmar
Tech 1-3 (beat Lake lost to CA, WB, DM) RLCA, Milford
RLCA 1-3 (beat Lake lost to DM, CA, Milford) Tech, Woodbridge

If Lake doesn't upset Caravel then they will be pretty much done with DM and WB left. Tech and RLCA have the tie breaker over them.

Really I can see scenarios where any of these teams can make the top 4...except maybe Red Lion they would have to beat WB to get to 3

Also think Delmar not playing Milford will suck for somebody.
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I do find that last spot for district 3 to be kind of interesting. Sussex tech was left for dead and with a win over milford could be that 4th seed.
between Milford, Lake, Tech and RLCA.. I think Tech has the best chance to get to 3 ID wins
We dissected the 3A “bye bubble” in this week’s Delaware Sports Debate if interested.

If Dover gets a bye they also have a bye the last week of the season from playing week 0. That would give them 2 weeks no game. I don't think I would like that as a coach and know I would hate it as a player. Could be a problem for them first playoff game being game rusty vs a team on a high from winning their first playoff game..
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That's a good point. Plus two straight weeks of practice in November without a game would have definitely frustrated me as a player.
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We dissected the 3A “bye bubble” in this week’s Delaware Sports Debate if interested.
I enjoyed the conversation but was curious I'd you guys were going to do division 2 as well since they do have 4 teams that will be receiving byes as well.
I enjoyed the conversation but was curious I'd you guys were going to do division 2 as well since they do have 4 teams that will be receiving byes as well.
We are considering doing the same for 2A, but right now, it seems DMA, Laurel, and Archmere pretty much have strangleholds on the top 3 seeds, with Friends & Caravel battling for the fourth spot. Not a lot of intrigue at the moment.
We are considering doing the same for 2A, but right now, it seems DMA, Laurel, and Archmere pretty much have strangleholds on the top 3 seeds, with Friends & Caravel battling for the fourth spot. Not a lot of intrigue at the moment.
Laurel is in 1A.
We are considering doing the same for 2A, but right now, it seems DMA, Laurel, and Archmere pretty much have strangleholds on the top 3 seeds, with Friends & Caravel battling for the fourth spot. Not a lot of intrigue at the moment.
Totally got you, want to make sure you keep the masses entertained lol.
What is the ruling on Seaford playing ECHS twice and at home? There is no way both games can count is there? Particularly as two in-district games as well as for point index for playoff seedings.

Seaford already beat them 62-8 this game should be no contest and they can scrimmage if they like. It's a waste to send a crew of officials there for this.
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What is the ruling on Seaford playing ECHS twice and at home? There is no way both games can count is there? Particularly as two in-district games as well as for point index for playoff seedings.

Seaford already beat them 62-8 this game should be no contest and they can scrimmage if they like. It's a waste to send a crew of officials there for this.
Contacted ECHS AD. As far as he knows, game will count like any other. Odd situation.
Contacted ECHS AD. As far as he knows, game will count like any other. Odd situation.
It probably won't matter much but there are realistic (not probable) scenarios where Seaford , Poly and Odessa would all be tied at 3-3 (without the extra game with ECHS) That would cause a problem if Seaford had a 4-3 ID record with ECHS twice and took a spot that way
It probably won't matter much but there are realistic (not probable) scenarios where Seaford , Poly and Odessa would all be tied at 3-3 (without the extra game with ECHS) That would cause a problem if Seaford had a 4-3 ID record with ECHS twice and took a spot that way
I don't think the DIAA regulations made a distinction between counting the game for points and counting the game for Division record.

I reread the DIAA manuals. As far as I can tell, they are silent on playing teams multiple times.
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Teams that have played the following opponents are guaranteed at least one bonus point:

St. Elizabeth’s
St. Andrews
I don't get why they gave that second game to Seaford, if anything they could have done 2 games between odessa and ECHS, with them being the two newest teams.