I hope this is bogus


Sep 21, 2012
This image was supposedly from last nights game and is all over social media, ......I truly hope its not real but it certainly looks it. If so, somebody should be out of a job immediately!

Basically showing the MT linemen where to hit on the knee to inflict damage.. Thats what it looks like to me anyway
Oh, I believe it. There's a lot of things that go on in HS fball, by respected coaches...have some very good sources also.
Come on now, you actually believe a coaching staff would actually condone something like that? That's a few kids with poor taste and you grown ups are rolling into their social media like your 18 again.
Ur call but it was circulating earlier and is all over social media by now.
My son showed me the pic two minutes before I saw this post. Number one unspoken rule is to knock the whatever out of opponent but never try to deliberately cause injury. Even if it's celebrating a previous injury, it's in poor taste. But I should add that this looks Photoshop'd to me. Plus , no coach would bring this outside if it was real.
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Come on now, you actually believe a coaching staff would actually condone something like that? That's a few kids with poor taste and you grown ups are rolling into their social media like your 18 again.

Wish that was the case. I don't jump to conclusions, my job doesn't allow it, but I have a handful of incidents that prove otherwise...and video to confirm on one occasion. And as I said, by well known coaches and from reliable sources. Not worth getting into since nothing will be done and I'll look like a over the top parent.
Wish that was the case. I don't jump to conclusions, my job doesn't allow it, but I have a handful of incidents that prove otherwise...and video to confirm on one occasion. And as I said, by well known coaches and from reliable sources. Not worth getting into since nothing will be done and I'll look like a over the top parent.
I will tell you I'm a parent of one of the MT boys and regardless of what your "sources" say the coaches are not teaching our kids to injure others. That's ridiculous to even imply such. For you and others to proliferate that kind of garbage on here is irresponsible.
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I've never implied it was MT..however, the pic is concerning.
So b/c you don't think it happens, it doesn't?
It has nothing to do with what I think if it happens within the world of football or not. The problem I have is people spreading this info and actually implying that a Coach actually took time to draw on a board a rudimentary depiction of a helmet hitting a knee. That's disingenuous at the least. I agree it was in poor taste, but to condemn an entire program because some kid made a mistake is also in poor taste.
Understandable. But IMO this stuff is spread so easy b/c it happens. I'm sure there's misconceptions as well. Don't know in this case but hope there's some explanation.
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This is the exact kind of rhetoric that dampens the spirit of HS Football. You join today, jump on here and spout out a random accusation of cheating. Yet, you provide no reference of an incedent or information to support such a claim. I do enjoy the real football conversations on here but the desire to burn kids and coaches to the ground is out of control.
I'm no CSI guy, but - if that is a white board, then the line shape and textures, as well as the fit of the picture on the board suggests to me a computer graphics cut-n-paste job. Looks like a crayon or colored pencil drawing.
I think the number on the sleeve is a dead give away. Probably a doodle from some kid back in 2009. Talk about stirring the pot, this one is out there.
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I have been using PS for over 26 years, the blurry edge inside of the black frame of the board screams cut and paste.
I just figured the sign out..
If you use your head and get a concussion, you won't grow up like most of the Clones and be Orthopedic Surgeons of the knee..

that was easy....
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Everybody take a deep breath. It is an obvious hacking job by the Russians.

First, they try to influence our Presidential Election and have Trump elected. Now, they are
screwing with the DE HS FB tourney.

Gentlemen, there is an enemy within.
"He-man" never played a snap though, thank god. That kid was an arrogant little......I'll refrain from name calling.

As far as the Math scores go, He was suspended for the entire off season and the first two games. And if I remember, every kid involved had to retake the test with a follow up administrator.

As far as the doodle board, I hope it's fake, I too agree that is Bush league. But like one poster said, it's an unwritten rule for teams to go after legs seeing how anything above the waist gets you a flag or ejected.

I also don't think any coach would have the time on the sidelines to draw up something like that, with that amount of detail. But I could be wrong.

17 coaches might be low balling. I know there's a different coach for every position, makes it more personal than have 1 coach for 2-3 positions.
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what was the story behind He-Man from Baltimore?
My girl Pickle would like to know..

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