Laurel Football


Tackles too high
Nov 4, 2013
Reading the paper and listening to a lot of people I was looking for Laurel to be a very good Div II team this year? I know it was only one game. But everyone wanted Phillips Out? No they have him gone and the 1st game looked rough. I was shocked to see him replaced. One year after he was in Div II Finals. I know the year after was not great but did I miss something. Best of Luck Laurel..
I was at the Sussex Central game and they looked totally inept. They tried to get no. 9 to do everything when they had the ball. Just wore him out. They also looked very much out of sync. They should do better but they need to make it happen quick.
Phillips is a classless act, they only had 8 personal fouls during the state championship game. He was successful because of his players talent level.
I can not comment on that. I do not know him or his replacement? I was just expecting to see a better result after all I have heard about them. Wasn't Phillips a Blue Gold Head Coach? If so I find it hard to believe they would have taken him if he was like that?
Even when they were hugely successful Laurel was a low class (dare I even say down right dirty) program (well before the Coach Phillips era), so I shed no tears that they struggle. However, I don't think it's fair to judge a new coach on one game. Looking to see if they progress over the course of the year, if the kids start buying into the program and Coach Ennis' way of doing things. From what I've seen we'd be hard pressed to find another head coach in the area who puts in so much hands on time, and has as much passion for what he's doing. Just takes time for the kids to buy into what he's trying to do and adjust to higher expectations, and that doesn't happen over night.
Phillips is a classless act, they only had 8 personal fouls during the state championship game. He was successful because of his players talent level.
Evidently you have not been around Laurel football very long, you sound like the classless act, even if they had 8 personal fouls the talent you said he had got them not him. I have seen alot of good football in Laurel in the last 40 years, from Pop Warner, Middle School, JV, to Varsity. From Coach Bill Pugh to Coach Phillips there is alot class to come from such a small town that has the smallest school in the state.
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I can not comment on that. I do not know him or his replacement? I was just expecting to see a better result after all I have heard about them. Wasn't Phillips a Blue Gold Head Coach? If so I find it hard to believe they would have taken him if he was like that?
Blue Gold Head Coach and also Blue Gold Assistant Coach for 2 years. Coach Phillips was also selected by his peers as the Division 2 Coach of the Year after the 2014 year. He was only the 2nd one to do so at Laurel (not bad for being classless in 5 years). The other was Mr. George Schollenberger whom the school named the new football field after, which was a well deserved honor for him and his family.
yeah OK me and the Mrs witnessed his act when he was a addressing his team the one and only time we went to Laurel.. Its was deplorable the nonsese that was coming out of his mouth... Blow hard is what he was
Coach Ennis will get it done...bad day for Woodbridge when he left..he will make sure students are doing the right thing
Jeez guys...

Coach Ennis will do fine there. He is a good man. Even the slightest change takes time for teams to adapt...let alone a complete overhaul.

It's not like they lost to a bad team- SC, according to many on here, should have a great year in Division 1.
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People will always have different opinions of others. I know Coach Phillips personally and have had many conversations with him about sports and life. He is passionate and there is no debating that. I read that someone was offended by the way he spoke to his team. What offends one person doesn't offend another. It's football and these are young men and sometimes the message is harsh. I know how he felt about his players, school and town and I am hard pressed to find someone more dedicated than Glenn. The last time a saw Glenn was at a baseball tournament in Georgetown and he took 15-20 minutes out of his family time to work with my son in the batting cage. That's just who he is. Just talk to the young men that have played for him and ask them what they think of Coach me, I already know the answer.
love their new offense!! its awesome!! keep up the good work bulldogs.....
Typical delmar person. Went into hibernation last season when they were 1-9. They win one game in a new season and turn back into_____________________. Fill in the blank!
LOL OTS thats funny.. reminds of when when were headed down to Delmar for a play-off game and stopped in a Laurel Food Lion to grab some vittles for the tail gate.. No less than than 5 employess stopped us and said they hoped we kicked their ass as they are tired of Delmar stealing their players,,, There is true hate between Delmar and Laurel lol
And THAT is the beauty of downstate football, where we're blessed not to have a new charter or private school sprout up every other month and most kids still go to the same school as their neighbors (and often their parents). That level of disdain has to be built up over generations. Tech being the obvious exception and our dislike of that has been beaten to death in earlier threads...
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And THAT is the beauty of downstate football, where we're blessed not to have a new charter or private school sprout up every other month and most kids still go to the same school as their neighbors (and often their parents). That level of disdain has to be built up over generations. Tech being the obvious exception and our dislike of that has been beaten to death in earlier threads...

Well I am not so sure that is a good thing.. You folks are in a bit of a time warp down there,, lol
Laurel for years has been a very dirty, very unsportsmanlike team. Lots of mouth. I saw them at a scrimmage earlier this year and they were the same way. Not sure why the lack of class and respect many of the players have. I think the new coach will indeed change the culture. Right now though it is more of the same; big mouths and lack of respect for others.
Laurel does have a lot of mouth for sure, and it drives me nuts. I think most every team does its just sports now a days. Somewhere we lost respect for each other and the game, and it drives me nuts. Now with that being said with three minutes to go down 35 – 0 and I watched the new head coach at laurel continue to coach his players. Not scream, curse, or give up. I watched the way he addressed his team after the loss, and by loss I mean butt kicking. It may not be this year but I think Laurel will just fine. It was nice to watch some one lead by example and try to build some character in these young men. And yes we hate Delmar… lol
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Had the chance to play Laurel and Coach Eston Ennis in high school in early 2000s. He is a good dude and changing of the hands in programs take sometime.

Good luck to everyone this season.
Laurel won! However they had several unsportsmanlike penalty's and one ejection. I have never seen a team with so much mouth and so little respect for the game and their fans/school
Congrats to Coach E on his first win. Knowing him I wouldn't want to be one of those kids with the unsportsmanlike penalties right now....
That's highly debatable especially with Wells as the HC.

Except it's not. Even during what could be considered down years for Central under Wells, Division II teams have not fared well against Central. And they shouldn't. That's why we have divisions.
Those with more inside intel than I say that Laurel's problems with the personal fouls and unsportsmanlike penalties are coming from a couple of long term, one in particular, assistant coaches!
Those with more inside intel than I say that Laurel's problems with the personal fouls and unsportsmanlike penalties are coming from a couple of long term, one in particular, assistant coaches!
Then root him out and get rid of the clowm
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