Laurel Parts Ways with HC


In the weight room getting big
Oct 4, 2010
Looks like they got rid of Phillips. Has to be something behind this.... No way you fire a coach like him after the recent success he's had.
Heard either Administration or School Board was not happy with Phillips and this has been known since the end of the season. The real question is, Who is going to be the leading candidate? Wouldn't be surprised if it is the DC at Woodbridge, Eston Ennis. Former Laurel Bulldog.
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Phillips was 25-35 his 6 seasons. He went to the chip bc he played on the weakest side. St Georges, Howard, Hofgson and Lake all played on the other side. He played a depleted Caravel team and Friends. That run is sandwiched between two below 500 seasons. A change doesn't seem to be such a bad idea.
life lessons, your crazy, his school gets raped by Sussex tech. So now in less then one year, Changes at HS Football Coach, Middle School Football, High School Basketball, Middle School Basketball, High School Softball, High School Baseball, Something is going on..... And tonight's school board meeting will be interesting....

Here is the article about Glenn being let go:

Here is the one where his Brother resigns:
It's his job to keep his talent. If he can't help those kids here that's just another reason for a change. To be honest 25-35 I'm going to Tech too.
Nope not related to Phillips at all, nor do I have any affiliation with Laurel so try again.....Actually got tired of of seeing him bitching at the refs all the time looking for a call. 25-35 doesn't look great from the outside but look at the bigger picture, it's hard for anyone to win at a school that small. He had some success especially here recently so the move was kind of shocking.
Smack unless you are the de dude too ain't nobody talking to you lol. We know your a Lake guy.

He is playing the same small schools that the entire division plays. Bottom line is he didn't deliver. Not winning, kids leaving the district and not putting kids into college is just a bad deal.
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Heard either Administration or School Board was not happy with Phillips and this has been known since the end of the season. The real question is, Who is going to be the leading candidate? Wouldn't be surprised if it is the DC at Woodbridge, Eston Ennis. Former Laurel Bulldog.

It's been confirmed by Mitchell Northam from DelmarvaNow - Ennis is the guy.
Bottom line is Sussex Tech steals kids from Seaford, Woodbridge, and Laurel every year. So you can't feel bad for just Laurel when it comes to that. Woodbridge just got a new HS and they have slowly started to keep all those studs from Woodbridge's Middle School. Laurel now has a new school and maybe they just needed a change. Phillips did some good things with the talent he had, but as others have stated he had a losing record and absolutely argued with the officials and opposing coaches on a consistent basis. I believe Eston Ennis is the right man for the job. He has that Laurel Bulldog pride, was a former college football player with Wesley and has been a DC at Woodbridge for many years. He's also been the head baseball coach at WB, so he has experience in a Head Coaching role. Good Luck to him and for the players sake, I hope he can help turn that program around.
25-35 isn't that bad at a really small school. Coaching is a thankless job. Lots of time put in and lots of grief and bs to put up with. Glad I got out. I miss Friday nights but I don't miss all the other crap.
Somethings no one can take away from Coach Phillips-

He has a passion for Laurel and gave it his all. Despite having a roster poached by "private-publics" his kids had that love for football and tenacity.

Good luck to Coach Ennis- he'll do well!
I suspect the fact Tech plays in and is competitive in D1 is a difficult thing to overcome for any D2 coach.. Some players and even more so parents just want to be in the D1 spotlight..
Votechs are popular everywhere. Just like with S. Tech, kids up north are flocking to Hvt and St. G.
Vo-techs kill community: splits kids up, creates divisiveness among parents and even impacts local economy. Vo-techs should be for just that - vocational education. Kids who attend should continue to play sports in their home district.
Votechs are popular everywhere. Just like with S. Tech, kids up north are flocking to Hvt and St. G.
The Tech schools as athletic powers and a free alternative to privates is pretty unique to Delaware.. I am not aware of any state where the Techs are in play for athletic championships.. Eastern Tech in Baltimore had some runs in football and baseball in the 90's but that was when the coaches had a hand in who got selectected.. The state took over and now its a lottery system of those who qualify... I don't know of any other state where Tech schools are really competitive athletically and pretty much operate like a Tech school.. There are Northeastern States Charter Schools who are attracting for athletics though..
I don't know how tech schools can be getting this much hate as far as being too good...Whens the last time a tech school has won a D1 state championship? But upstate schools like MT, WP and Sals have out of district studs choice there all the time and nobody bats an eye. Nobody forces the kids to go there its completely there choice, if I had the choice of going to an awful program like laurel or seaford I would choose ST in a heartbeat. People make it sound like these tech schools recruit when the bottom line is they just choose to go to a better school and get a better education.
I don't know how tech schools can be getting this much hate as far as being too good...Whens the last time a tech school has won a D1 state championship? But upstate schools like MT, WP and Sals have out of district studs choice there all the time and nobody bats an eye. Nobody forces the kids to go there its completely there choice, if I had the choice of going to an awful program like laurel or seaford I would choose ST in a heartbeat. People make it sound like these tech schools recruit when the bottom line is they just choose to go to a better school and get a better education.

That is kind if the point.. Tech schools aren't supposed to be better schools academically or athletically they are supposed to be for those who don't want to go to college and learn a trade..iIts being abused for athletic advantage, Like the Howard hoop team who won the championship a couple of years ago... They all chose carpentry as their trade to get in knowing it would be open..How did they know that?
I don't know how tech schools can be getting this much hate as far as being too good...Whens the last time a tech school has won a D1 state championship? But upstate schools like MT, WP and Sals have out of district studs choice there all the time and nobody bats an eye. Nobody forces the kids to go there its completely there choice, if I had the choice of going to an awful program like laurel or seaford I would choose ST in a heartbeat. People make it sound like these tech schools recruit when the bottom line is they just choose to go to a better school and get a better education.
Perhaps the great disdain from down south is specifically focused on Sussex Tech because of how they went about building their programs from the very start of their existence as a full-time school while eliminating many of the true "trade" programs. Left a bad taste from the get go at Woodbridge when both coach and star RB left, and after that please don't say they didn't recruit because it wasn't just by accident kids starting going there. Maybe feelings are a little different upstate because of all the charters and such that we don't have to deal with so much and the landscape has changed since back then with more school choice. I honestly wish everybody would stay at their home school and push to make it the best it can be, both academically and athletically.
That is kind if the point.. Tech schools aren't supposed to be better schools academically or athletically they are supposed to be for those who don't want to go to college and learn a trade..iIts being abused for athletic advantage, Like the Howard hoop team who won the championship a couple of years ago... They all chose carpentry as their trade to get in knowing it would be open..How did they know that?
Your absolutely right when it comes to that, but I think maybe these tech schools are just plainly evolving into something different then just a trade school. Since there are so many programs within the school that do involve going to college and getting a degree. It is much more then it used to be in that aspect. The option of a school that offers so many programs and is also top notch academically is just too appealing for most middle schoolers. In the Case of ST
Not sure where all the hate is coming from for tech schools. They offer a competitive academic education while learning a trade or preparing students for college such as those in the medical and engineering fields. And why cant tech schools offer a good academic education? Man of their academic classes tie in with their career areas. This stigma where Tech's should be only a part time school where students return to feeder schools for sports is extremely old school thinking. Why wouldn't you want a student to learn in a safe environment where they can learn a skill while learning academics? The NCC tech schools have an application process where a rubric is used based on grades,attendance, and a student essay. The old days where they could just get a kid in are long gone.
The Techs are starting to take the cream of the crop students while they shun the students that they were initially created for. The Tech school was not intended for the kid with the 4.0 and above avg state scores. It was intended for the middle of the road kid who may not go to college. That student can then pick up a trade and leave high school ready to work.

If the Techs are now requiring a certain GPA, attendance and other criteria where does it leave the struggling student?

That's the beef I have. As far as sports go, it's each school for himself. If the Techs are winning then the publics and privates need to do a better job of hiring quality coaches and developing quality programs.
life lessons-

exactly. The point of the tech school is to appeal to and teach a trade to the student who can't see how sitting in "History of Conflict" will help them be a plumber.

Easy fix- NO AP classes in tech school. Carpentry, masonry, culinary arts, plumbing, electrical...not AP Calc. I know kids who don't get into tech schools and it's exactly what they need- then they're stuck in a school where the curriculum is not connecting with them. Motivation drops, poor attendance/behaviour problems increase, and now they hate school.
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Maybe the Tech schools that were created in the 1950's weren't intended to have AP courses, but todays Tech schools are different. Students choose a career path and those plumbing and masonry students don't sit through AP courses. The students who are in nursing and pre-engineering are the ones taking the AP courses. As a graduate of a Tech school I can tell you that there are many options and paths to choose, maybe things are different at Poly or ST. I can only speak for the NCC Tech schools.
Maybe the Tech schools that were created in the 1950's weren't intended to have AP courses, but todays Tech schools are different. Students choose a career path and those plumbing and masonry students don't sit through AP courses. The students who are in nursing and pre-engineering are the ones taking the AP courses. As a graduate of a Tech school I can tell you that there are many options and paths to choose, maybe things are different at Poly or ST. I can only speak for the NCC Tech schools.
Sorry for the novel, men, but bear with me...

The traditional or "home" districts, in Sussex County, at least, have no one to blame but themselves. The kids that could really, truly benefit from a technical/vocational education don't because the home districts make no effort to get the word out to them that such an opportunity exists. The home districts and their school boards would rather cry about how ST "poaches" their "best" (let's be frank, here and say, "white") students and their best "athletes" to attend ST. Let's face it, that's what the home districts want you to think and they've got the sheep parents that aren't involved and don't go to the home district school board meetings and don't have any idea what's going on with their kids believing that lie. It's much easier to blame evil old ST for their high standards and high academic performance than it is for the home districts to look inward and blame their own low academic and disciplinary standards on themselves.

A perfect example of the home districts not making Tech an option for their students is Sussex Tech's annual open house that is provided each year for eight graders in the various Sussex County middle schools to take a day off from their regular middle school schedule and go take a look at what ST has to offer. This is a perfect opportunity for the kids that could really benefit from a technical/vocational education to see what it's all about. The truth is the home districts make it as hard as they can for their students to take advantage of this opportunity.

I live in one SC district, one where sending my kids to the local public middle school simply isn't an option. I choiced my kids to another SC district for public middle school, where the academics and more importantly, the safety and discipline were far superior. Though we would have gladly stayed in district #2 for high school, my kids were fortunate enough to be selected to go to ST.

When the day arrived for the kids to attend the ST open house, ST sent buses to transport the kids from all over SC from their home district to ST. My kid's district, at least, made it as difficult as possible for interested kids to board the bus to ST. The ST bus wasn't allowed on district property and interested kids had to be transported (they weren't allowed to walk) the 1.5 miles to the pick up point; a public, unsupervised and unsafe grocery store parking lot. If the kids didn't have a note from home giving them permission to travel the 1.5 miles, they couldn't attend. This was assuming the kids had someone to take them in the first place because they had to ride with a relative or someone specified on the permission note. Secondly, imagine 100 or so kids descending on the attendance office at once in the middle of the day and being handled by 1-2 personnel at the school attendance office. Even kids with the proper permission credentials weren't allowed to go. Third, after the open house at ST was over, 13 year old kids were dumped off, with nightfall approaching, in the local grocery store parking lot with, in some cases, zero supervision. How is that scenario ensuring the best for your kids? As always, the parents on the scene made it happen.

The bottom line is the kids that got to see firsthand what ST has to offer are kids whose parents were well-informed, took the initiative to make sure it happened and had the availability to ensure their kids got on and off the Tech buses safely. My guess is kids from less than optimal situations, single parent homes and homes where the parents had no ability to take time off from work were left out in the cold. And let's be honest about the likely demographic of these children: poor and minority (or both). I know for a fact that this happened in the district I live in and the district my kids attended in middle school. I saw it with my own eyes in one district and have firsthand knowledge it happened in the other.

Sure, ST should be more vocational in nature. The problem is getting the children that would likely benefit from such a great opportunity IN THE SCHOOL to begin with.

Sorry for the Dickens' novel,,,it had to be said.
freddiefokker; I agree with what you said minus the obvious racial overtones. Both parents of minorities and none minorities students who are usually educated and informed make choices to put their kids in positive situations that reflect their values. Not all students who are non-white go to ST for athletics; they go because they want their kids to have the same options as yours. Other than that your right on most if not all the issues with public schools; their administrators reflect the mentality of pandering to as you say; the lower class.

When there are choice, people who are educated and informed are going to choose the best option. In looking at the state of Laurel and Seaford's athletic programs, and to a larger degree the entire district, it's sad, but they have no one to blame but themselves. My DD had the same experience with Poly and our home district. They don't care if their best and brightest students stay at their home school or not, it's not their targeted demographic. On top of that if a student is very athletic gifted going to a school downstate may not even be an option at all.

As an example years ago a local company I worked for told us that our company's headquarters was placed in Connecticut outside of New York because that's where the best and brightest talent would come instead of moving to Delaware. At the same time we were setting up a remote office in Bentonville, AR for our Walmart sales team, also our VP of IT would regularly travel to Redmond, WA to visit Microsoft; how ironic? I have always had the mindset "If you build it they will come!"

So I wish people would stop of complaining and make a push to make the local school offer better options for the students that are leaving!
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There are so many fundamental things wrong with the way ST runs the school. Let's not be naive in the fact that they recruit. They do. If you are a top athlete and want to attend ST, you are in.......The school does not operate like PolyTech....ST tried very hard to get a new school. They flooded the school with kids and made overcrowding a big issue.(Remember that they control the amount of kids that attend the school.) so that lawmakers would feel bad for them and build them a new school. Makes it easy when they don't have a school board and the taxpayers have no say in anything. As they are flooding the school, the school went way over budget and over 40 teachers nearly lost their jobs because of the financial negligence. Just Google the issues with the school and see what pops up. There is a lot that hasn't even been touched on by anyone on this forum.
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So they recruit get over it! If their home school's education and or athletics where better than ST they would have nothing to offer. Public schools need to put a better effort in recruiting or retaining their own students. Treat the same in district student as you would a prize recruit. There's no DIAA rules about recruiting, I mean retaining, your own students.

Kids that have options can choose. I know for a fact that talented kids in our child's class after shadowing at both private, charter and tech schools ask to shadow at the local high school and was told it was no need, they have open house for 8th graders once a year in the evening that only about half the teachers attend, just because they were in district kids. Guess where their kids went?
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