Major restructuring looming for Delaware high school football

Smyrna building the new school and stadium helped also. Along with the population explosion more kids staying home and not choice out or going Tech. As well as now choice in. I said when all this started going down with the new school and new coaching staff Smyrna would become a destination school for choice ins and it has particularly for football and wrestling. Has had a major effect on Poly. You see the same down at Woodbridge with the new school, stadium kids staying home, winning and the effect it is having on Sussex Tech.. With Smyrna it was a just a multitude of things going right at the same time, new school, new athletic facilities, new coaching staffs, location.. it was all just the right series of events for what has become a destination school for sports. They are not unbeatable though . We saw that with the game vs Central. Very good team but not complete as defense is very suspect but that is a different conversation.
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This is interesting regarding Odessa... 31 man freshman football roster. That is a pretty strong number if it holds for each incoming class. Even if its 25 that is 100 by the time they have Sr's. Any idea what the enrollment for Odessa is projected to be when they have all four classes?

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Interesting stuff, Bib. If Bummy's memory serves him correctly, Glasgow started out by starting out with just a 9th grade and they won the first D2 football tournament when that group was seniors.

Maybe somebody can verify that....
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This is interesting regarding Odessa... 31 man freshman football roster. That is a pretty strong number if it holds for each incoming class. Even if its 25 that is 100 by the time they have Sr's. Any idea what the enrollment for Odessa is projected to be when they have all four classes?

I would estimate anywhere around 1000-1200 early on. MOT is still building so it could and probably will go up, but construction on that side of MOT isn’t at a boom as the west side.

if I’m correct, the realignment has already been done, so You got kids that would normally go to Appo are going to Middletown, and kids from Middletown going to Odessa. Pretty sure school choice is At a halt until Odessa is full 9-12, then kids in the district can choose where they wanna go.

What’s more interesting about this, is that by the Summit Airport just below the Summit Bridge, there’s a proposal for a yet another campus grades K-12. It’s years away but....damn, I don’t think the area needs another.
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Yeah, I saw the map before Odessa was built. I’m down by Helens Sausage house and that’s now considered Odessa, which surprises me. But everyone close to the program knew Middletown was gonna be the only one who suffered from all this. Not sure if they are gonna reevaluate the lines once Odessa is full or not. Thought I read it somewhere but it’s been a while
I am guessing for the next few years or at least until OHS has a competitive varsity team ballers in the green area, being they can't choice to MT, will choice to Smyrna... If they aren't already. St Georges may get a bigger piece of that northern green area than they were getting as well..

On another note if I am the AD at OHS I already got my eye on Coach Marks and making that connect... If MT had gone with Marks instead of staying in house Drew Fry would have won 2 state championships..just saying
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Yeah I can see that playing out. The kids in that area choosing to go schools like Smyrna, St. George’s, Red Lion, and William Penn. all within a reasonable ride.

as for varsity coach, I can see them reach out to Marks. I also wouldn’t rule out Ritter from Howard (lives in Middletown and has applied for all 3, Middletown, Appo, and St. George’s hires), I’d even go as far and say Anderson from Red Lion, who has a far reach in the area, and runs the MOT league. Bring the kids up knowing you and they’d wanna play for you.
if I’m correct, the realignment has already been done, so You got kids that would normally go to Appo are going to Middletown, and kids from Middletown going to Odessa. Pretty sure school choice is At a halt until Odessa is full 9-12, then kids in the district can choose where they wanna go.

So is there a chance Middletown loses its football pipeline for a few years while kids can't choice?
So is there a chance Middletown loses its football pipeline for a few years while kids can't choice?

there’s a possibility, yes......they’d have to move into the area selected for MHS. I already know of 2-3 who have or are going to be moving after the school year.
Yeah I can see that playing out. The kids in that area choosing to go schools like Smyrna, St. George’s, Red Lion, and William Penn. all within a reasonable ride.

as for varsity coach, I can see them reach out to Marks. I also wouldn’t rule out Ritter from Howard (lives in Middletown and has applied for all 3, Middletown, Appo, and St. George’s hires), I’d even go as far and say Anderson from Red Lion, who has a far reach in the area, and runs the MOT league. Bring the kids up knowing you and they’d wanna play for you.

Fyi.. Anderson doesn't run MOT league anymore but I also don't see him leaving the RLCA gig where he is AD and pretty much does what he wants for a public school gig unless maybe AD comes along with it. Not sure how the money plays in either but am assuming Red Lion pays more than the public school would. On the other hand his son graduates this year so who knows what he may be thinking as to the future?

Ritter I could definitely see BUT if I was AD I would want the hot hand as far as offenses go and excitement to the program. Ritter would be same ole old school.. JMHO
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there’s a possibility, yes......they’d have to move into the area selected for MHS. I already know of 2-3 who have or are going to be moving after the school year.

Correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure if a kid is already in MT they can stay until they graduate regardless..
Fyi.. Anderson doesn't run MOT league anymore but I also don't see him leaving the RLCA gig where he is AD and pretty much does what he wants for a public school gig unless maybe AD comes along with it. Not sure how the money plays in either but am assuming Red Lion pays more than the public school would. On the other hand his son graduates this year so who know what he may be thinking as to the future?

Ritter I could definitely see BUT if I was AD I would want the hot hand as far as offenses go and excitement to the program. Ritter would be same ole old school.. JMHO

sorry, thought he was still there. Would make more sense as he has more responsibilities with Red Lion. But yes, Ritter and Marks would be my two top choices. A sleeper would also be Maul from Cape. He had several great years at St. George’s, but always wanted the Cape job. If he can’t turn it around down there maybe come back up here and start fresh?

and yes, if you already are at Middletown/Appo you’re allowed to graduate with said school. Any Sophmores-Seniors in the green area doesn’t have to go to Odessa because the school is freshman ONLY. Next year would be the sophomores and then the new incoming freshman in the green area.
Anderson is gone after this year

Is this known to be true or opinion? I mean it would make some sense it's obvious he loaded up the roster for his Sons Sr year at least that is the way it appears but it would be a shame if he didn't try and keep it rolling there but of course I am not inside the walls and I do know how them folks can be with their drama.. lol
I guess I want to chime in on a Ritter. I am not sure old school category applies but I am willing to hear an explanation. Is it his age, demeanor, philosophies?

Regarding the interview thing...There are interviews, offers and acceptances. He has interviewed and turned down a couple of offers In the past. Unsure, if he would leave Howard.

My take is that he is happy where he is but might consider going to an all male Catholic city school in a few years.
I guess I want to chime in on a Ritter. I am not sure old school category applies but I am willing to hear an explanation. Is it his age, demeanor, philosophies?

Regarding the interview thing...There are interviews, offers and acceptances. He has interviewed and turned down a couple of offers In the past. Unsure, if he would leave Howard.

My take is that he is happy where he is but might consider going to an all male Catholic city school in a few years.

only referring to systems.. just saying not many aspiring QB's and WR's will choose Howard...
Not sure if all the love for the HC at Howard is warranted. I think Howard has been blessed with certain teams leaving D2 and the 8 team playoff. By going to Appo school district, that would be a significant pay decrease. The OC over at Howard is the difference. Matthews is the main guy on offense over there. Not for him, it would be pedestrian. I think Mathews son is on the team now. Plus many of the players Matthew’s son played with at middle school are at Howard. They will be really good for the next 3-4 years. Mathews is the best coach over there by far. Plus he is just a good guy. One you would want your kid to play for. Not the same for the current HC at Howard.

That being said, last year there were 3 really good wr’s at Howard. I was only at 3 games last year. Not sure if they are all still there but definitely will get some D1 looks.
I guess I want to chime in on a Ritter. I am not sure old school category applies but I am willing to hear an explanation. Is it his age, demeanor, philosophies?

Regarding the interview thing...There are interviews, offers and acceptances. He has interviewed and turned down a couple of offers In the past. Unsure, if he would leave Howard.

My take is that he is happy where he is but might consider going to an all male Catholic city school in a few years.

Does that mean that a coach at a certain all male catholic city school is going to retire???
Fyi.. Anderson doesn't run MOT league anymore but I also don't see him leaving the RLCA gig where he is AD and pretty much does what he wants for a public school gig unless maybe AD comes along with it. Not sure how the money plays in either but am assuming Red Lion pays more than the public school would. On the other hand his son graduates this year so who knows what he may be thinking as to the future?

Ritter I could definitely see BUT if I was AD I would want the hot hand as far as offenses go and excitement to the program. Ritter would be same ole old school.. JMHO
Does Anderson teach? If he doesn’t than he isn’t getting an AD job at a public school.
Not sure if all the love for the HC at Howard is warranted. I think Howard has been blessed with certain teams leaving D2 and the 8 team playoff. By going to Appo school district, that would be a significant pay decrease. The OC over at Howard is the difference. Matthews is the main guy on offense over there. Not for him, it would be pedestrian. I think Mathews son is on the team now. Plus many of the players Matthew’s son played with at middle school are at Howard. They will be really good for the next 3-4 years. Mathews is the best coach over there by far. Plus he is just a good guy. One you would want your kid to play for. Not the same for the current HC at Howard.

That being said, last year there were 3 really good wr’s at Howard. I was only at 3 games last year. Not sure if they are all still there but definitely will get some D1 looks.

Sure would love to know what the "HC at Howard" did to warrant a baseless opinion like this...
Gate, I agree. The shot at Ritt was off the wall. He deserves a lot of credit for bringing Howard FB to a place of prominence. Yes, I know that Flight B is substandard in FB at the moment but that isn't his doing. Plus everybody knows the value of Coach Matthews. The man was DE HS FB Coach of the year a few years ago at the now defunct, Pencader Academy. Matthews could have his choice of HC jobs, also, if he chose to leave.

I think Howard has an excellent coaching staff. Ritt has done a good job bringing in great people to his staff.

Dove, I know of no impending retirements at an all male Catholic high school in the city. Ultimately, everybody retires. The clock is ticking on all of us.

Dove, you have a thing for DiNardo, like I have a thing for Brian Kelly. Do we have the same therapist?
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"Dove, you have a thing for DiNardo, like I have a thing for Brian Kelly. Do we have the same therapist?"

Uncle Bummy, who needs a therapist? I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. Besides, Kelly actually beat somebody that was good
Sure would love to know what the "HC at Howard" did to warrant a baseless opinion like this...
He has done quite a bit for the program at Howard. Before he was at the helm, they were not very good. He deserves credit for them being a perennial contender.
He would not be my choice to start any program.
There is more to a football coach then just winning
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dove, I would never take a shot at my beloved Irish but Clemson had 5 starters out including the 1st QB that will be taken in next years NFL draft.

BDN has won multiple state titles at Middletown and at Salesianum. He has had season ending injuries for starting QB's in the last year and maybe this year.

I will take a pass on the bottle and lobotomy.
Yeah, me too. He took the last snap against Lansdale. Maybe he was sickened by DiNardo’s game plan this week.

Are you saying he just took the "last" snap at Lansdale ? I ask because he wasn't the QB for at least most of the game I watched. I had thought they said Mooney got hurt during the week in practice. #2 Ryan Rzucidlo was the QB vs Lansdale and seemed to be a pretty strong running threat but a little shaky with his accuracy. I tend to think he may give Sals a better chance to win though as dual threat.. JMHO
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Are you saying he just took the "last" snap at Lansdale ? I ask because he wasn't the QB for at least most of the game I watched. I had thought they said Mooney got hurt during the week in practice. #2 Ryan Rzucidlo was the QB vs Lansdale and seemed to be a pretty strong running threat but a little shaky with his accuracy. I tend to think he may give Sals a better chance to win though as dual threat.. JMHO

That’s a shame. Hopefully it’s not a season ending injury.
Bummy may be wrong on the season ending injury thing for the current Big S QB. I made an assumption and you know where that takes us.