I don't think much of the DCIAA so winning that is no big deal. I think the top of DE D1 would have no problem with them. Spalding is a decent MIAA A team and would probably win D1 in DE.. Riverdale is hit or miss .. Look I am not saying FCA is not a good team just not what they were when Coach Rahim was there and they were recruiting like crazy,,, DCIAA/DCSAA reigned them in and they went on double secret probation after Rahim left to get back into the DCIAA playofffs. I am sure they are being watched like a hawk.. The players they get now are ones that cant get into one of the WCAC or IAC schools but don't want to go to a DC public.. DCIAA City teams arent even in the same stratosphere as WCAC or some of the IAC teams