New poster


In the weight room getting big
Jun 16, 2021
Good morning everyone,

I just wanted to say hello. I am a new poster here and just wanted to introduce myself. I have read a lot of the comments here and look forward to engaging in conversation with what seems to be sharp individuals. Just to get it out of the way I do have a kid at DMA so I may be a bit of a Homer when it comes to them. Football is only a month away and I look forward to seeing what happens this year.
Good morning everyone,

I just wanted to say hello. I am a new poster here and just wanted to introduce myself. I have read a lot of the comments here and look forward to engaging in conversation with what seems to be sharp individuals. Just to get it out of the way I do have a kid at DMA so I may be a bit of a Homer when it comes to them. Football is only a month away and I look forward to seeing what happens this year.
Welcome Longagoplayer.

I joined when my youngest son started playing at Delmar and learned a lot from the guys on this forum. There are some cranks on here (it is the internet after all lol), but the majority of the people are welcoming and friendly.
I am the warmest, most welcoming person here....just an all around good guy and scholar.

#FAKENEWS Don't let the old fella's wrinkled sheep skin fool you. You are looking at one of the Sallies clan most hated posters at one time. I think he even had a bounty on his head for whomever could out his real identity and snuff him. 💀
#FAKENEWS Don't let the old fella's wrinkled sheep skin fool you. You are looking at one of the Sallies clan most hated posters at one time. I think he even had a bounty on his head for whomever could out his real identity and snuff him. 💀
I have been called an old goat before but never been accused of having sheepskin. All reports point to the Sals having another less than ,500 season. My sense is that they are transitioning. To where? I have no clue. I was probably hated by the Big S Nation at one time. I gave up that shtick a while back when one of my daughters married a Salesianum grad. He is fine fellow with good table manners.
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"All reports point to the Sals having another less than ,500 season. My sense is that they are transitioning."

Is this the end of Billy D?? God, I hope so. Where are they transitioning to...think soccer and I never would have thought of that. They don't get the tough city kid anymore.