302 kids at UMD QB. Kasim Hill and Safety Darnell Savage doing their thing vs #23 Texas. MD 14. Texas 7 mid 1st. Hill started but Pigrome in now. MD doing the two WB thing. I don’t like it lol
24-22 UMD in 3rd.
Savage making some NFL caliber plays out there. Very fast and smooth. Almost effortless looking. Is a great run defending safety Recognizes the play early closes fast and makes a sure tackle. A tad small but looks like he can play in the NFL.
UMD vs Texas. 34-29. UMD. UMD has a chance to ice it but went double wing. They have played a lot of double wing today which is weird and very conservative
Tenn comes right back running up WVU throat. they neutralized Bigelow. basically Bigs was just pas rushing from the nose picking a gap and coming. Not taking blocks and playing within a scheme . He is getting trapped and double teamed now to the point he wa taken out by WVU
Here we go. ND vs Meeshigan. 302 #28 Watson for M at CB but the RR2 family is all about the Irish but gl to Brandion hope you have a good game in your loss lol