OT: NJ reduces in season contact

Okay this is seriously getting out of hand. I get safety is the number one priority but kids sign up to play football, rugby, wrestling, lacrosse, etc, for the physicality it brings.

Now you’re gonna lower the contact hitting to 15 minutes, where as a game is 48 minutes, meaning come gameday someone is gonna get seriously hurt because they can’t prepare their body with the amount of contact it’s going to endure during a live action game. The day Delaware follows suit with things like that is the day I’m moving to Texas, Florida, California where they take their football more seriously

End of rant
I'm all for keeping the kids safe, but 15 minutes a week? Yeah, I don't know about that. That shock of first contact is better felt when it's friendly fire, not when it's an opponent out to do anything to help his team win.
"The New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association has passed a new set of rules that will reduce in-season practice contact to 15 minutes, reducing contact from its current level of 90 minutes per week. In addition, the new rules limit teams to six hours of full contact a week during the preseason. Scrimmages will count as one hour. Last year, there was no limit on full contact in the preseason. New Jersey doesn’t allow full-contact during the spring and summer months."

What the hell are the coaches supposed to do with the kids for all that time? Run Drills? Run plays vs no defense? Play 7v7? Feel sorry for those kids in Jersey practice is going to suck and be very boring.
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I think there was a coach in Minnesota who won a few titles at D-3 level, he never had contact drills. It can be done, but only the Lord knows how he did it.
When they say full contact that does not me no touching. It is in reference to bring players to the ground. This has been an approach taken by many coaches over the last couple of years limiting themselves in the amount of days of full contact especially late in the season and leaning towards mainly a thud practice. Full speed form tackle to the wrap but holding your teammate up. Most teams only have a full live period a couple days a week. Likely Tuesday or Wednesday. Remaining days thud or tagging off.