Remember when you could actually engage in some good decent football talk on this forum? The Salesianum and the Delmar faithful pretty much dominated the board from an upstate downstate perspective, but we talked football. No bashing of individual posters, no bashing of student athletes and questioning coaches and their decisions and what was deemed as questionable calls by the officials was mostly done in a respectful manner. Sometimes officials would come on and help with rules interpretations and offer a different perspective to think about and discuss. Where has it gone? Seems like now we call out individuals, call out their kids if they play for an opposing team, accuse officials of outright bias against certain teams and air our personal vendettas against some coaches under the guise of anonymity. Welcome to Football Facebook.
This post was edited on 11/24 7:04 AM by vertical stripes
This post was edited on 11/24 7:04 AM by vertical stripes