Seaford Coach Resigns


Water boy
Sep 26, 2012
Anyone know why the Seaford coach resigned mid-season?

Another punch to the gut for a once-proud program....
"Where have you gone Ronnie Dickerson, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you ugh, who, who"
Until Seaford School District cleans up what goes on inside the school they will have no success in anything! They spend more time and energy blaming everyone else for their downfall, instead of looking within. They lose students at the Middle School level, then turn around and blame other School Districts for stealing their kids at the High School Level. Seaford lost those students years ago. Bottom line Parents make choices for their children, in reference to school climate, academics, and athletically if FAMILIES so choose! So quit complaining about your own bad decisions!
Heard he was cut off at the knees. Tried to instill some responsibility and discipline in the kids. Kids showing up 90 minutes late on game day and getting punished for it apparently didn't sit well with some folks.
Culture has to change with backing from administration!
This post was edited on 9/27 10:03 PM by IrishQB#11
Word has it that Seaford AD offered the head coaching position to the offensive coordinator of last year's football team. Talk around town is he has been observed at seaford football practice providing CONSULTATION to the offense and defense.
Originally posted by DE-Sussex:
Heard he was cut off at the knees. Tried to instill some responsibility and discipline in the kids. Kids showing up 90 minutes late on game day and getting punished for it apparently didn't sit well with some folks.
I was afraid it was something like this...

I sent an email to the NJ. Maybe if enough people do that, we might get some answers.
This post was edited on 9/29 8:28 AM by freddiefokker
You should get answers in a perfect world but you won't cause they will not admit they were wrong. Was Darling the right fit who knows but if he was cut off at the knees trying to change things around the program, that doesn't surprise me that Administration has no backbone.
Also being a FAN of all sports both Male and Female, got word that Seaford may now be unable to field a Field Hockey team for the rest of season! Wow no wonder their students leave. No Academics, Athletics, and School Climate sucks. What would you do, but it is probably everyone else's fault!