Should all schools have turf?


D1AA Prospect
Oct 4, 2008
I believe this has been asked before on this board over the years, but with the potential threat of a hurricane, games have been moved or cancelled and I ask myself as a fan, should schools have turf fields to accommodate weather conditions so that when it rains or straight down pours, the fans and family's and players don't have to readjust your schedule, work schedule, planned trips because of rain.

Looking at the remaining games to be played tonight with the exception of I think Dickinson, every game to be played is being played on a turf feild.

Maybe it's because I'm one of those die hard fans, (waits in line to get tickets before the ticket takers even leave their house to start ticket taking), but rain does not bother me, so if the game I plan on attending has to be rescheduled or moved, it is a HUGE inconvenience for what I think is already a busy schedule.

What's everyone's take on this? Should all schools be required to accommodate a feild to house potential weather storms such as this? The money that gets put into it today would only save you in expenses later on I would think.
HS...i like your passion. But high school sports arent provided as a service to the fans. Its an extra curricular activity. Most districts wouldn't be able to afford a million dollar field just so fans can come in the rain.

I would even take it a step further and say i HATE the turf fields. Especially these multi-purpose turf fields with the track around them, like Appo. I feel like i need binoculars just sitting in the stands. Give me a field like Wm Penn's anyday!!! Now some places it would make sense like Baynard because the field is used by so many teams. And to your point, it would be nice if schools had turf so weekends like this, games wouldn't trash a field or make them unplayable. But lets face it, how often during a season do we have Nor'Easters and Hurricanes. So to me...if a team like Wm Penn chose to postpone a game because of field conditions...i would prefer postponing a game (even if i had to miss it), then they rip up the grass and put down turf.

I get your point...but don't agree with you.
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What's everyone's take on this? Should all schools be required to accommodate a feild to house potential weather storms such as this? The money that gets put into it today would only save you in expenses later on I would think.[/QUOTE]

I believe this has been asked before on this board over the years, but with the potential threat of a hurricane, games have been moved or cancelled and I ask myself as a fan, should schools have turf fields to accommodate weather conditions so that when it rains or straight down pours, the fans and family's and players don't have to readjust your schedule, work schedule, planned trips because of rain.

Looking at the remaining games to be played tonight with the exception of I think Dickinson, every game to be played is being played on a turf feild.

Maybe it's because I'm one of those die hard fans, (waits in line to get tickets before the ticket takers even leave their house to start ticket taking), but rain does not bother me, so if the game I plan on attending has to be rescheduled or moved, it is a HUGE inconvenience for what I think is already a busy schedule.

What's everyone's take on this? Should all schools be required to accommodate a feild to house potential weather storms such as this? The money that gets put into it today would only save you in expenses later on I would think.

I don't know whether I prefer Astroturf to grass. I never smoked Astroturf.”
Joe Namath quote
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Oldskool, I see your point and understand completely but I'll agree to disagree.

However, concerning your point on the track around a feild I couldn't agree more. There's nothing I hate more than having to travel to a stadium where I can't see the play, for example, Baynard, a.i., and even your Appo. Places like Penn and are right on top of the field, even if your in the top row. Depending on the game plays out you almost feel like part of the team because of how close you are.

I remember being in the field and it helped get me more ready to play because of how much the fans were interacting with us, helping us be more "amped"

Because of take I have in getting the fans up on their feet, telling and chanting during games, I just recently had a current players father come to me at a game to take a selfie with me. He said that his kid would always take in the moment, like any player would, but that he always looked forward to that time he heard or saw me getting everyone on their feet because at that moment he knew it was game time. As corny as it sounds, it was a pretty cool moment to hear that because of something so small like chanting and standing up cheering, could play so huge of a factor to a players mentality at a game, and when you go to schools like Appo, with the track, you don't have that interaction with the fans or players because your so far off from the feild. EVEN Newark who has no track, still had their stands far back enough where you need help seeing.
Well if you have trouble spelling field, why sure you punctuate, Pick and chose what we do, I like that. Listen I am not one that is very good at spelling, and I did not pass English one year, I think I can do about 15 words without messing up, so I am really hung up on the ones I can spell. Plus sometimes doing by phone gets tricky.
Just how many on here can spell field

Oldskool, I see your point and understand completely but I'll agree to disagree.

However, concerning your point on the track around a feild I couldn't agree more. There's nothing I hate more than having to travel to a stadium where I can't see the play, for example, Baynard, a.i., and even your Appo. Places like Penn and are right on top of the field, even if your in the top row. Depending on the game plays out you almost feel like part of the team because of how close you are.

I remember being in the field and it helped get me more ready to play because of how much the fans were interacting with us, helping us be more "amped"

Because of take I have in getting the fans up on their feet, telling and chanting during games, I just recently had a current players father come to me at a game to take a selfie with me. He said that his kid would always take in the moment, like any player would, but that he always looked forward to that time he heard or saw me getting everyone on their feet because at that moment he knew it was game time. As corny as it sounds, it was a pretty cool moment to hear that because of something so small like chanting and standing up cheering, could play so huge of a factor to a players mentality at a game, and when you go to schools like Appo, with the track, you don't have that interaction with the fans or players because your so far off from the feild. EVEN Newark who has no track, still had their stands far back enough where you need help seeing.

HS....I have always been partial to natural grass and I do like the fields with no track, really gets you on top of the action! M-Town probably best atmosphere/crowd in the state. .....
....I know it has been discussed on here several times and the guys on 1290 Sports Jam recently discussed the 1 field in Delaware that should and needs to be changed to turf. I am talking bout Baynard Stadium. Again, I prefer grass but there is no reason they should not have converted by now. The investment would pay for itself.
Agreed about Baynard Stadium- would love to see turf there, especially with that many teams relying on it's conditions on any given weekend.

I've played on both grass and turf. Personally, I prefer:

1) Bermuda or Kentucky Blue (warm weather grass)
2) FieldTurf
3) Normal northern grass (fescue or mix)

And the worst surface of all time to play on is the old school turf- played TCNJ on their old turf and it was like concrete with outdoor carpet laid on it...Turrrrible
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