SNL week 3

WP with their 2nd pick six of the game 41-6 Colonials late 3rd

Josh Ames must've really been important to Hodgson because WOWSERS.

Also, could Penn be on the upswing? Guess we'll find out once they get to the beef of their schedule.
A few thoughts after watching Archmere-Howard today. Auks fans were decidedly worried when Howard marched down the field on their opening drive, a lot of deja vu. However, Howard needed to convert two fourth downs on that opening drive, so it wasn't total domination. And I don't think Howard made it past midfield the rest of the day. Their linemen are as big as they were last year, but they aren't (on average) anywhere near as athletic. The Auks relied on big passing plays for much of the game, until Howard tired midway through the third and the Auks running game took off. The Howard line was decidedly gassed by that point. Certainly other teams that can throw should be targeting their D-backs, because their D-line didn't provide a ton of pressure (big, stout at the point of attack, but not overly fast), so their D-backs were under a ton of pressure. On the two passing TDs to Conor Udovich, he beat Howard double teams. On the passing TD to Pearson, the DB was just beat. Perfect passes by Albero for all three were obviously critical, but a good QB should be able to target Howard's DBs.
Does anyone know the score of the Glasgow/ECHS game? It's the only one I can not find. Was it even played?
Josh Ames must've really been important to Hodgson because WOWSERS.

Also, could Penn be on the upswing? Guess we'll find out once they get to the beef of their schedule.
You can’t be serious with thinking out loud that WP is on the upswing? WP wins are against teams with an overall win-loss of 1-9. That 1 win was Hodgson against CR. Take a look at how Central handled WP. As far as we are concerned that is the true WP team.
Howard structurally does not belong in 3A. Archmere doesn’t belong in 3A. Let‘s let the year play out. Hopefully, the EastSiders get another shot at the Auks…

Out of curiosity, how is Howard structurally different than HVT or St Georges?

Last 5 years.. Howard is 2-2 vs STG and 2-3 vs HVT. 3-3 vs HVT if Howard beats HVT this year which seams likely. I think a .500 record over 6 season puts them in their same class, JMHO
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Out of curiosity, how is Howard structurally different than HVT or St Georges?

Last 5 years.. Howard is 2-2 vs STG and 2-3 vs HVT. 3-3 vs HVT if Howard beats HVT this year which seams likely. I think a .500 record over 6 season puts them in their same class, JMHO
Here is what I mean by structure.….and I don’t claim 100% accuracy here. Howard is smaller than St. G’s and Hodgson by 200 to 250 students. Because of its mix of career areas, the school is probably like 64% female. Their facilities are lacking. I believe their practice FB field is currently under water.

Howard has a couple of great coaches (Ritter and Matthews). That is their saving grace. I think that year in and year out they would be a .500 team in AAA as currently constructed.

I don’t claim infallibility here. Remember, I am the guy who huffs and puffs for a Sals - Howard game on a periodic basis.
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When making this argument for Howard, I don’t understand it. In the foreseeable future, Appo, Cape, CR will probably be around .500. If Howard will be better than them, they should go up. Maybe Howard can’t compete and I think they can, but neither can the 3 above. Maybe all of them should come down and have less 3A teams. Concord was the best team every year in the old D2, winning the title at least 3X. They can not compete with MTown, Sals, and Smyrna.

Hodgson had a good run but look a shell of what they used to be. I am not sure M-Town, Smyrna or Sals will have a year that Hodgson has had the last two. Dover has not been competitive lately besides this year.

On the flip side, Caravel, Friends, TH, and Red Lion should be in 1A using the Howard argument. They have good coaching and their entollment is probably less than 300 at each school, including females. Everyone would think those 4 going down would be ridiculous.
You can’t think of Howard as going up and winning championships. It’s as simple as they are one of the top 11 in the state.
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@Shine bright like a diamond i totally agree with you. I do think that the top 11 teams should be in the top division. Regardless of school size it should be the top teams. That's why if they are really re-evaluating every two years they should move the top 2 or 3 teams up a division and the the bottom 2 or 3 teams down a division. You can tell that a team like laurel would already be better suited for division 2 and delcastle for division 1. Same that a Howard or archmere would be better for division 3 and appo is better for division 2. I guess at the end of the season we can see if these standings become a bit more competitive. And you really can't argue school size because technically William penn has over 2000 students while St. George has 1100. Milford has over 1000 so which schools should be closer to each other.
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No matter what, I think we are better off with the current alignment. At the end of the 2 year cycle, we will see what the committee does. I infer from some arguments that some folks think Howard wants to be a big fish in a small pond. I am not sure.

One thing for damn sure we know that a large school size doesn't guarantee success.
A few thoughts after watching Archmere-Howard today. Auks fans were decidedly worried when Howard marched down the field on their opening drive, a lot of deja vu. However, Howard needed to convert two fourth downs on that opening drive, so it wasn't total domination. And I don't think Howard made it past midfield the rest of the day. Their linemen are as big as they were last year, but they aren't (on average) anywhere near as athletic. The Auks relied on big passing plays for much of the game, until Howard tired midway through the third and the Auks running game took off. The Howard line was decidedly gassed by that point. Certainly other teams that can throw should be targeting their D-backs, because their D-line didn't provide a ton of pressure (big, stout at the point of attack, but not overly fast), so their D-backs were under a ton of pressure. On the two passing TDs to Conor Udovich, he beat Howard double teams. On the passing TD to Pearson, the DB was just beat. Perfect passes by Albero for all three were obviously critical, but a good QB should be able to target Howard's DBs.
Here is what I mean by structure.….and I don’t claim 100% accuracy here. Howard is smaller than St. G’s and Hodgson by 200 to 250 students. Because of its mix of career areas, the school is probably like 64% female. Their facilities are lacking. I believe their practice FB field is currently under water.

Howard has a couple of great coaches (Ritter and Matthews). That is their saving grace. I think that year in and year out they would be a .500 team in AAA as currently constructed.

I don’t claim infallibility here. Remember, I am the guy who huffs and puffs for a Sals - Howard game on a periodic basis.

Not to argue or say anyone is wrong but just to offer some counter points and personal opinions for the discussion.

Point one is if Howard (or any program) would be a consistent .500 in a class then that is where they belong. Realignment is not to put teams in the class that they have the best chance at winning a championship in but where they can be competitive. Some years better than 500 and some years maybe less. Some years make a run.

As you pointed out in a later post enrollment isn't always a factor. In the previous D1 there were as much as a 800-900 student difference and the schools at the top of that spectrum weren't the best teams. School choice does play a large role in that because there was a time when the larger schools WPenn and CR were consistent winners.

My contention with the Howard situation is not really any issue with Howard but the process in how it came about. They decided on a formula for classification and the chips fall where they fall. A team should not be able to lobby for placement particularly based on how many Seniors graduated or if a star player transfers out. Couldn't HVT have made the same argument and plea to be put in 2A? I don't like the precedent set that a program can lobby for placement based on a good Senior class graduating or transfer outs.. No good.

I don't like the 11 teams in 3A either. We had 18 in the top class before we didn't need to go down to 11. Really just needed to move Delcastle, Poly, Charter and Milford. 14 is where 3A should be.

I think it should go

3A- 14 (7+7)
2A- 16 (8+8)
1A- 13 (7+6)

43 teams- 3 classes 6 districts, top 4 in each district get in playoffs, 8 playoff teams each class. nice and uniform no byes needed, start a week earlier and leave one week open before play-offs for makes ups or preparation for playoffs,

You use the formula and rank the programs 1 on down. The top 14 go to 3A, the next 16 to 2A then then the rest to 1A

Regardless of the set up of Classes in terms of numbers there should be a formula and wherever a program falls is where they get placed. There should be no lobbying or debate. You are what the formula says you are.
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The first thought that came to my mind was Could it be that simple? Sometimes all the discussions cloud the situation.

Bib, just for sh*ts and giggles, who are the 3 who should go up?

Whatever 3 the formula puts there. I think WDEL or one of the media outlets had the formula and had the team listed in order. I will try and find it

WDEL did report this on the formula

"By every data point that we've gone by, Howard is ranked 9th in the state in regards to all the data points we're using in our calculations."

The formula

50% enrollment, 30% 3-year record, and 20% 5-year record
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The first thought that came to my mind was Could it be that simple? Sometimes all the discussions cloud the situation.

Bib, just for sh*ts and giggles, who are the 3 who should go up?

Other than Howard I know Concord would be one. Concord was just in the D1 playoffs in 2019. Being in the D1 playoffs puts you in the top 3rd of the class of 18

The last one to make the 14 would either be Woodbridge, Milford or Mt Pleasant depending where they fall in the formula

The formula then every two years would move teams in or out or not at all
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Even if we did only 12 3A teams with Howard ranked 9th by the formula they would be in 3A soundly with 3 teams below them in rankings. It's one thing if they were ranked 12 and lobbied down but at 9 it doesn't seem right. This is why some folks really have the issue on this subject. IMO
When making this argument for Howard, I don’t understand it. In the foreseeable future, Appo, Cape, CR will probably be around .500. If Howard will be better than them, they should go up. Maybe Howard can’t compete and I think they can, but neither can the 3 above. Maybe all of them should come down and have less 3A teams. Concord was the best team every year in the old D2, winning the title at least 3X. They can not compete with MTown, Sals, and Smyrna.

Hodgson had a good run but look a shell of what they used to be. I am not sure M-Town, Smyrna or Sals will have a year that Hodgson has had the last two. Dover has not been competitive lately besides this year.

On the flip side, Caravel, Friends, TH, and Red Lion should be in 1A using the Howard argument. They have good coaching and their entollment is probably less than 300 at each school, including females. Everyone would think those 4 going down would be ridiculous.
You can’t think of Howard as going up and winning championships. It’s as simple as they are one of the top 11 in the state.
Cant compete with Sals, Smyrna and MTown? Have you watched Howard play the last three years?
I think Howard could have and still can compete. But Bib is correct, it’s not about whether they can compete or not. There is a formula that determines who plays where. At the end of the 2 year cycle, the formula determines where each team is placed.
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I think Howard could have and still can compete. But Bib is correct, it’s not about whether they can compete or not. There is a formula that determines who plays where. At the end of the 2 year cycle, the formula determines where each team is placed.
Howard was hands down the best team in the entire state last year (D1 and D2). Also, they have double the amount of students then all those other schools you mentioned. Lastly, Howard is the only school in the city that get's to handpick students... Time to move up.