States Breakdown (all for fun)

Feb 21, 2018
Here is a fun breakdown of the Final results by conference and weight class.

State Placers by Weight and Conference
State Placement Points by Weight and Conference
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Number of returning placers per weight (top 6 placers only)

Top half vs Bottom half of the brackets (top 6 only)
All weights had 3 from top and 3 from bottom place except- 113, 126, 144,175 which were 2 from top and 4 from bottom.

Seeds-vs- Placement (meaning they placed what they were seeded)
#1 Seeds#2 Seeds#3 Seeds#4 Seeds#5 Seeds#6 Seeds
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If I am looking at this correctly, BHC didn't even average a place winner per weight. Not a great look and a lot of the place winners graduate this year.
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Would it be a fair statement to say that at least say 70% of the kids wrestling in the independent conference would feed into a blue hen school? I’d love to see what some teams would look like if all of the kids that fed to them actually went. What’s an AI lineup or say a Brandywine or Newark lineup look like.
Never going to happen. The schools you mention are a half generation or more from ever getting to even close to what they used to be. Fix the discipline and feeders and maybe someday they come back on line. Until then, charters, privates and parochial schools get the lions share.
Never going to happen. The schools you mention are a half generation or more from ever getting to even close to what they used to be. Fix the discipline and feeders and maybe someday they come back on line. Until then, charters, privates and parochial schools get the lions share.
No I mean like for example where would say Radecki be if he attended his feeder, where would Spoor be and so on. Just a pretend world where no privates or DMA’s exist.
This discussion is both to the BH -vs- Private and the North -vs- South

I know there is an upstate/downstate debate every year how downstate kids stay in their public school, but is that only because there aren't any private schools south of Bear and only 2 Tech schools in Kent and Sussex combined, correct?
New Castle county has 4 tech schools and 12 Private schools= 16 additional learning opportunities as opposed to 2.

Then look at population per county: New Castle-578,000, Sussex-263,000, Kent- 189,000
New Castle's population is larger than Kent and Sussex combined so it all makes sense why there are more options upstate. Not saying any of this is right, just throwing numbers around to paint a picture.

CR, WP, SC and Cape are the 4 largest high schools in the state and in that order. The 3 HL have the choice of 2 schools (Local or tech) or travel a lot (there is a small percentage that do every year) WP has the choice of 17 schools (4 Tech's+12 Privates or stay local) with very little travel time (25 min at most). It does appear that most WP guys stay local, but you can insert Newark or Concord, etc..

Upstate= Options out the butt with tax dollars to support schools
Downstate= Travel a lot or stay local with less tax dollars to support schools
Not to mention income average in New Castle is $85,000, Sussex is $75,000 and Kent is $69,000. This has a lot to do with who can pay tuition and who cannot.

IMO, I expect CR, WP, SC and Cape to continue to be the BEST public High Schools in the State year in and year out because of volume and tradition. If Privates did not exist, I think the northern public schools all pick up 2-3 at most (give or take because of siblings and such but not much more) Not sure any 1 school loads up enough to win it all in the next 2 years (I have no feeder data, so I could be completely wrong)

To win it all, it takes 6 elite level guys -or- 8 exceptional guys- or- 10 above average guys that must be in your lineup. Public must build, Private must recruit and that's the playing field like it or not. HL and BH need youth and JV developmental programs. Privates don't need feeders or JV development when they only need 6-8 wrestlers over a 4 year period.

I am not against Private, HL or BH. I see both sides of the coin and am merely sharing what I have learned.

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