Summer 7x7 play

Im not obsessed with any player, I just don't like sallies and if you subtracted a couple college aged players their squads these past few years would have been marginal playoff teams at best.

And you know that much about their social lives....I'm going to predict right now that you're going to try and slide in their DMs

This is what its like to lose five in a row. Come down off that ledge kid.
what I learned so far,
1. Cowpie is obsessed with the Reeders'
( they both have girlfriends)
2. HS was a slacker
( now a Trooper I hope)
3. Spike don't like girls
( now a waiter in Rehoboth)
4. UD laughs at immature kids
(definitely a guy you don't want to mess with)
5. RR is still King of sports and film
(always was, always will be)
6. Bucsnot is a legit poster
(probably mad thread got hijacked)
7. Chesdel is a fan of golf
( and 8th grader was held back 6 times)
8. Mr Godwin was grandfathered in
( WTF)
9. Depreps is obsessed with RL
(we are obsessed with a train wreck to)
10. Bummy has a jealous grandson
( cowpie needs a hug)

haha me likes ..good stuff Sparty

he's out on the same ledge Bummy was on...

you should get his address and send him some Big S attire!!
Hearing Brightwell and eca others are headed to ST Frances Baltimore...following one pied piper to the next,,nothing like chasing that carrot
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Just curious what you guys think any upside is for Brightwell if he does transfer out? With the offer and verbal commit to Temple already, what does he gain by leaving St G? I could have understood if he felt like he wasn't getting the college attention he expected, but he sounds pretty happy with Temple. And not that I'm complaining if he transfers - young man is a beast and his departure has to make all DII schools a little happy.
HS I think its academic... Not sure if he is eligible in DE... There is no such thing as academic ineligible at St Frances Plus they have a national schedule and Biff Poggie's money behind them... EGO mainly.. The same reason 4 and 5 star rated seniors with multiple offers transfer to IMG I guess... Chest Thumpers.
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St Frances is the new Friendship Collegiate Academy(DC) FCA never beat any top 300 rated team but they would parade their D1 offered kids a crossed a stage and twitter out the "offers" to sell the program
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@CowShit do you not understand every team even your beloved Cavs have kids that turn 19 during their senior year? You just hate Reeders because they happened to be good 19 year olds.. Its really not uncommon for a school to have kids that were held back a year couple that with the correct birth date Aug-Dec and you get what you get...

@birdcock2 I do understand some other teams may have a 19 year old every blue moon. But most of them are like our brave little HSfootballlaxfan poster who can't make grades and fail...

And correct me if I'm wrong but the whole "hold back so Johnny can play against littler kids" phenomenon is limited to private schools, right? I can only speak to my experience but I can't recall anyone at a public school being allowed to repeat a grade without actually failing that grade...
Yes CowPatty... its typically done when transferring from public to private if that private has a middle school but not typically done because of athletics more so to give the kid a year to adjust from the public school curriculum and work load vs the private... I know of very few people that held their kid back solely for athletics,, Actually ST Pauls (MD) requires it to transfer there from public schools and its not a bad idea.. When my son transferred from Edgewood Middle to a private school they said he tested well enough to get in but due to his birth date and the fact he would have been 1 year behind where they were in Math and two years behind in Latin that it would be a good idea to repeat 6th.. Which we did but he has a Nov birth date and started school at 4 so really we just put him back in the grade he was supposed to be in
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better learn Spanish...
If you want your yard looking nice...
Vote TRUMP !!!
Stopped by St. Marks tonight. First time seeing 7on7 this summer. Glasgow beat St. Marks and Sals. Very fast and skilled. St. Marks was probably the second most competitive. Beat McKean by double digits. Not sure who won Sals vs McKean. I would guess Sals. McKean has very little. Was good to get out and see some football again. Can't wait until some scrimmages.
Was @ MHS . Teams were Middletown, Concord , Newark and DMA. Middletown easily beat both Newark and Concord . Actually, shut out Newarks offense with Newarks only " score " coming on a defensive INT late in the game . Concord did score 2 TDs . Cavs scored a lot and often. ( around 40 pts on Newark and 40+ on Concord ). Not sure the score of DMA v. Concord or DMA v. Newark tho both games looked competitive.
Any thoughts on, or teams/players to watch at, this Saturday's tournament (assuming anyone can stand the heat)?
Bucs beat me to sharing the link. Believe pool play starts at 9, with bracket play in the afternoon as shown on the website.
Is this High School Team competition or all-stars 7v7? If HS how did they did they get that past the DIAA off season rules or did DIAA sanction it?.. Just curious..
High School competition. No clue about the DIAA sanction but with all the Del . H.S. that are listed as participants, I would think its legit .
Games are being played as scheduled. The website is updating after each game.
never mind I see they started.. Looking like a Smyrna v Middletown final..That could be fun... Glad to see HVT is in. I always wondered why they don't play in the New Castle league
Semi Final results


(9)St Marks-19


Final results

Smyrna 25
Middletown 24

Got to see quite a few teams. A few teams have some good solid built athletes, an observation though.....both Smyrna and Mtown were head over heels above everyone else, in the fundamental and talent level of the game. Of course, you can't take anything away from a 7on7, there's no pads, or pass rush in your face.

Was told in the stands, two teams backed out at the last minute due to them thinking about rain, I thought I saw Dover and Appo on the original list but didn't see them there.

I really like Hodgsons new helmet style, the Oregon look works for them.

St. Marks has one tall receiver that lined up mostly outside, he towered over everyone that lined up in front of him.

CRs QB looked like he could be a fullback.

Laurel, Woodbridge, and Mckean I thought lacked severely in size, they looked like a pee wees out on the field.

Tatnall impressed me a bunch. Some quality players on that team. They hung with some of the teams they played. I'm interested to see how they do this season from what I saw.
yeah the field seemed pretty week as far as just looking at results... I did notice CR started rough going 0-2-1 then went on a run to make the semi's. Obviously they improved as the day went. It was also obvious the teams that play 7on7 in the NCC League dominated the others most games.. Oh and the two OOS teams from CT and RI were terrible lol.. I don't think I have ever seen anyone beat someone 53-0 in a 7v7 game
Couldn't agree more RR, I was thinking CT and RI, we might have one of them formidable, I was highly disappointed. But credit to them, for having to drive all the way down here just for a 7on7 day.

I would have felt a little better if you replaced those two with say, Sallies and William Penn. Maybe a Sussex Tech
I am sure they were thinking coming to DE they might have a chance.. Suprise!!! lol

Lets be honest the USA Football 7v7 Championship is rinky dink,,, All the good HS 7v7 teams are at tourneys like the Hoover 7v7 and the ones on the college campuses like Rutgers, Maryland etc.. but hey the kids went out and competed so that.s good,, It was also good to see teams in DE that don't go out much and compete join in...
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Hillhouse from CT is known as a basketball power not football. OT remembers back in the day them beating a Patrick Ewing led Cambridge Ringe and Latin out of Massachusetts 2 years in a row. They were Ewings only losses in his high school career.
Hillhouse from CT is known as a basketball power not football. OT remembers back in the day them beating a Patrick Ewing led Cambridge Ringe and Latin out of Massachusetts 2 years in a row. They were Ewings only losses in his high school career.

WOW Great intel OT thanks
I thought going in HVT and St G's would have fared a little better than they did
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Honestly, I don't think you can fault STG only because they run the ball 98% of the time. They very rarely throw it and being a 7on7 you can't run the ball.
Games tomorrow to watch:
@a.i. Howard vs. A.I

@Caravel DMA vs. Appo
Caravel vs. Smyrna
DMA vs. Smyrna

@Middletown Middletown vs. Glasgow
Glasgow vs. Newark

@stm STM vs. Concord
STM vs. Sallies
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