Thursday Night scores Week 0

Interesting Cape goe for it 4th an 3 on own side of 50 and tries a long pass it was wide open but over thrown
Cooper Brown 2yd plunge on 4th and 2 on goal line.. PAT good

Sals 7 Cape 0 4:03 1st
TD Sals 14-0

Sals look pretty good on O.. QB looks good running RPO and they have some weapons..
Not trying to be that guy but I’m baffled by how many media outlets thought that was gonna be a “Close” game. You can see the separation of the teams pretty easily.

although that catch and run and truck on the Sallies defender was a thing of beauty
The Cape line is big, but slow. The Cape QB looked great when they won the 7 on 7 tournament in Georgetown but looks like a different QB in this game. The Cape RB looks good, but that might be because the Sallies can't seem to tackle.

I don't think the Cape QB has completed a pass over 5 yards all game.
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The Cape line is big, but slow. The Cape QB looked great when they won the 7 on 7 tournament in Georgetown but looks like a different QB in this game. The Cape RB looks good, but that might be because the Sallies can't seem to tackle.

I don't think the Cape QB has completed a pass over 5 yards all game.
Been a LONG time since I’ve seen the Big S have an offense like this. Would like to see the stats afterwards, maybe 60/40 run/pass?
The Cape line is big, but slow. The Cape QB looked great when they won the 7 on 7 tournament in Georgetown but looks like a different QB in this game. The Cape RB looks good, but that might be because the Sallies can't seem to tackle.

I don't think the Cape QB has completed a pass over 5 yards all game.

Too much 7v7 can be a bad thing for a QB.. Gives a false sense of how things are going to go when they strap up. JMHO
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Sals QB looks good, has a nice ball. He rolls out a lot but if he could set his feet I don't think he would miss the throws he has. Sals RB looks good and the receivers seem to have some good hands. Defense is doing a good bend don't break and are getting timely sacks. Cape line is big but not great fundamentals. Running back is the only one helping the offense.
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Cape is better than they have been, but not good enough tonight. If they eliminate the mistakes, the QB improves his passing game, and the coach doesn't try to win the game with trick plays, I can see them doing pretty well this season. Maybe even a winning season.
Cape is better than they have been, but not good enough tonight. If they eliminate the mistakes, the QB improves his passing game, and the coach doesn't try to win the game with trick plays, I can see them doing pretty well this season. Maybe even a winning season.
Lots of big penalties
Well sallies/ Cape just got a whole lot more interesting
Yes, and needlessly so. Sals appeared to take their foot off the gas and lose the second half 14-0. The game was entertaining. Glad to see the white on white Sals uniforms. Takes me back to the 1980’s when I was my 30’s. Good. night, Gracie.
Yes, and needlessly so. Sals appeared to take their foot off the gas and lose the second half 14-0. The game was entertaining. Glad to see the white on white Sals uniforms. Takes me back to the 1980’s when I was my 30’s. Good. night, Gracie.

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Yes, and needlessly so. Sals appeared to take their foot off the gas and lose the second half 14-0. The game was entertaining. Glad to see the white on white Sals uniforms. Takes me back to the 1980’s when I was my 30’s. Good. night, Gracie.
Yes, that famous conservatism of BDN came out last night making a close game out of once was a rout. You have to wonder why Cape dodged them for 26 years?
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I thought is was interesting BDN wasn't calling the plays. They have an OC Cook calling the plays. Conor Campbell the QB did a good job running the O

*edited to correct false information mi culpa
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From what I could see, it looked like Scott Cook (OC) was calling the plays. I think Assistant DelleDonne relayed signals, and ran players in and out.

I believe Cook was at DMA last year.

I have no clue where Connor Campbell came from?? Maybe he was already there. Would need to check the JV roster from 2 years ago.

In any event, the Big S approach is different.

I still see them as a borderline 6 win team but I am clueless.
Ehhh, Idk. I thought Campbell ran the offense really well and took off when he needed too. Smart kid, agile and quick, I can see Sallies doing better than 6 wins. I’m not sure what Central looks like but I give them a chance to come away from that game 2-0.

As long as they don’t take the foot off the gas like they did last night I can see them beating St. George’s, Hodgson, and CR. They’ll stumble against Middletown, beat William Penn, and stumble again against Smyrna before closing the season with two wins against Dover and Appo bringing them at 8-2. Central game could go either way though. But I think they will have a good season. Better than I initially thought.
Campbell was on the Sallies JV
roster in ‘19
Therefore, he wasn't a transfer in to run the offense. A take away from this is that to run this offense successfully the right players have been put in the right positions. (Hey, I am on fire with insight.) A conclusion could be that the talent was there to give this a go...and the Sals won't really look like elephants on roller skates running the spread. (Another great insight.)

OK, now time for me to fixate on how Notre Dame will lose to Florida State on Sunday.

Have a nice weekend.
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From what I could see, it looked like Scott Cook (OC) was calling the plays. I think Assistant DelleDonne relayed signals, and ran players in and out.

I believe Cook was at DMA last year.

I have no clue where Connor Campbell came from?? Maybe he was already there. Would need to check the JV roster from 2 years ago.

In any event, the Big S approach is different.

I still see them as a borderline 6 win team but I am clueless.
I must have been mis-hearing the announcer .. mi culpa
No need for a mea culpa. I have attended or seen most games online over the past 4 years and I didn‘t remember the kid taking snaps…possibly against Smyrna last year?

Is SC and Penn being live streamed tonight?