Way too early 2021 Predictions


D1AA Prospect
Oct 4, 2008
Now that 2020 is almost over and hoping 2021 gets back to’s my early picks for next season....

Top Teams (In no Order): Sussex Central, Middletown, Smyrna, St. George’s, Salesianum, Caesar Rodney

Dark Horse: Hodgson, Appo

Prediction: Middletown beats Smyrna in Championship. Returns all but 3 starters and gets Braden Davis back.

BOLD Prediction: St. George’s defeats Sallies in Championship. Delaney takes over on both sides of the ball stopping Dinardos old school I-formation.

Top Teams: Howard, Archmere, Woodbridge, Delmar, St. Marks, Red Lion, DMA, and Caravel

Dark Horse: Tower Hill, Laurel, Friends

Prediction: Howard 3peats and Igundo has a Delaware high school historic season.

BOLD Prediction: Delmar finds a way to slow down the Howard attack and brings the trophy back to the Blue and Orange
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I've heard Davis is not eligible to return to MT since his parents did not 'leave the state'. I know the original newspaper reports said he went to live with his grandmother
I've heard Davis is not eligible to return to MT since his parents did not 'leave the state'. I know the original newspaper reports said he went to live with his grandmother

He may have to get a waiver for that as well as he was class of 2021 and a freshman on the roster of Christian Academy of Knoxville 2017-2018 (he is also on their middle school roster for football and basketball 2016-2017 as a class of 2021) before transferring to DE and reclassing to 2022. Looks like he was originally going to Red Lion but ended up at Middletown as a freshman 2018-2019

Not sure how it works if you start HS in one state then transfer to MS in another state.. He very well could have been on the roster for freshman year but transferred before school actually started but he definitely reclassed when he came to DE

On the school of residence thing. If he lives in the Middletown zone then the rule is you get one free transfer anytime to your zoned school but that applies like it did for the Sussex Tech kids who transferred to Central and Woodbridge mid sr year the last couple years.. The one time only applies if you start school out of zone and you one time transfer in. If you transfer out then back and your legal guardians did not move then firststateG is right you need a hardship waiver.. Not sure if transferring out because of Covid and possibility of no season and then back constitutes a hardship. I believe the transfer for athletic advantage comes into it which trumps all exceptions..

At the end of the day I believe he will probably get his waiver.. All you have to do is threaten to sue..just saying
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I've heard Davis is not eligible to return to MT since his parents did not 'leave the state'. I know the original newspaper reports said he went to live with his grandmother

The other thing would be if they legally transferred guardianship to the g-parents and then back..or if he is 18.. but again if the transfer is deemed to be done for athletic purpose then that could decline eligibility

This same type thing played out in Georgia when Jake Garcia a highly ranked 4*QB from California who transferred to Valdosta High in Georgia because California wasn't playing in the fall. In his case the parents claimed they separated and he moved to GA with the Dad. After initially being ruled eligible and even played a couple games the kid and parents did an interview on ESPN and talked about how the separation was only temporary and when football season was over they would be getting back together and how they only did it so the boy could play.. The GHSAA then ruled the kid ineligible to play because a full move did not occur.

To make the story crazier then both the parents moved to ATL Ga and he enrolled into Grayson High where he became eligible to play a couple weeks before the state playoffs. Grayson was undefeated and they actually played this kid over their starting QB who has led them all season. DBag move by the coach f you ask me. ... They play for the state championship this week and are the #1 ranked team in GA. Garcia's stats are slightly better than the kid he displaced and they pretty much would have won anyway,, Talk about some win at all cost cut throat BS

Garcia was also committed to USC and the plan was to play in GA then early enroll at USC.. He ended up flipping and signing with Miami..not sure if he flipped or if USC decided to go another direction due the high profile of this story and his helicopter parents.. lol who knows.. kids and parents today:rolleyes:
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From my inside knowledge, all of that was already looked into before the decision was made. So I wouldn’t try and make a story out of nothing.
From my inside knowledge, all of that was already looked into before the decision was made. So I wouldn’t try and make a story out of nothing.

Not really trying to make it a story but it already is a story in that to my knowledge he is the only DE player to transfer out of state this year to play with the intention to come back and play next year to avoid missing a year of playing. The press has already written a story on this when he transferred out and it will be a story when he plays next year given his high profile status. is what it is.. I got nothing against it, it's just interesting.
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I think it is an interesting discussion but that is about it. I think there would be no problem at getting an exemption on appeal. Look, this goes back to Covid for the family's initial motivation to transfer out of state.

Best wishes for the young man and his family.
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With CoVID I think you will see more reclass before next year and they will all get the waiver