Excessive Celebration

I’ll entertain this, this is fun. First of all, I don’t know first thing about Karate, I think Karate is stupid. Secondly, all I said was if you have a question or concern let me know; I will give you the accurate information instead of you all assuming. Next, this my name that I use here on this forum as I’m not afraid of anyone and need to talk tough and hide behind a fake name. As for the other people on here, I have no idea who they are.
I’ll give you the basic gist of karate, it’s all about protecting yourself while also having respect for your opponent. Turning boys/girls into respectable men/women in their community. I suggest watching the movie “karate kid”- the original. Great demonstration of the right way to train kids, and the wrong way. I hope this will clear up any confusion on the matter.