OT: St Frances days may be numbered


Top 100 Prospect
Jun 30, 2010
At least in its current form MIAA teams are dropping them from their schedule. Calvert Hall sent out basically this same announcement , word is Mcdonogh and Spalding following suite.. interested to see how this turns out


Dear Mount St. Joseph Football Family,

After consultation with our board of directors, our administration, our athletic director and our head coach, we have informed the league and St. Frances Academy that we will not play football this year. With considerable research and much reflection, we no longer seem to share the same vision of the league in educating young people with a goal to foster a safe and healthy competitive environment (Article Two, Mission Statement- MIAA Constitution). We feel the spirit of the league Constitution, which discourages transfers for athletic purposes, is what we uphold as incongruent with other member schools.

After much deliberation, there is significant agreement that St. Frances has moved their program to a level that we are not interested in competing at or with. If their goal is to be a national power competing against like schools we wish them success, but that is not our goal nor our mission in athletics.

Loyola Blakefield has already made a statement by stepping out of the conference completely for a period of time. We are not seeking that, but we join with them in a decision that is for the safety of our students.

Kraig Loovis
Rich Holzer
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OK this is getting good

From: Nixon, Patrick
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2018 4:55 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: RE: Saint Francis problem

I'm writing this email because I would like to shed some light on some of the actions of the Saint Francis football coaching staff and affiliates. Though this program has recruited my student athletes in the past, they have recently increased the intensity of their misconduct. Two football seasons ago they began recruiting one of my players who had just completed a very good sophomore season. They were constantly calling his cell phone and calling home to the parents. They even asked about other players who may be interested in transferring. They eventually contacted 2 other Mervo student athletes in 2017 about the possibility of them transferring. After a lot of meetings with the kids and their parents all of my student athletes decided to stay at Mervo. That didn’t stop them from constantly contacting their parents, their mentors etc.

Though I have no facts on this other situation, I wanted to let you know my thoughts. While I was away on vacation, I got a phone call from my assistant principal stating that a man was at Mervo trying to get the transcripts of those same student athletes who were being recruited to transfer to Saint Francis. When the gentleman was asked who he was, he stated that he was a friend but wouldn’t give his name. My assistant principal thought it was strange and so she called to inform me of what happened. My guess is that it was an affiliate of Saint Francis. That person never came back nor did the kids ever ask for their transcripts.

Throughout this entire past season, the coaches from Saint Francis continued to contact my now junior WR/FS that they wanted a year ago. Telling him that he wouldn’t go to college if he stayed at Mervo and that they promise him a full college scholarship if he came to Saint Francis. Once again the same kid entertained going to Saint Francis. He was practicing with the team even though he was still enrolled at Mervo. They gave him a Saint Francis sweat suit even though he wasn’t enrolled. They even had a coach come pick him up at our school to take him to workouts while still attending Mervo. Just like the year before, the same kid eventually decided to stay at Mervo and not transfer. Unfortunately, prior to that kid ultimately deciding to stay, he gave one of my other top players phone number to one of the Saint Francis coaches. This kid showed me all of the phone attempts and text messages placed by the Saint Francis coach/ affiliate. In these text messages, he asked him if he wants to come to Saint Francis so that he could get “SEC, NFL, MONEY”. I find that these empty promises and unethical tactics to be disgusting. Yesterday, the same coach messaged my kid by saying tell your coach to contact the University of Florida. “They are down here looking for you.” I know very well that this is a bold face lie! This is just another tactic to make the student athlete believe that he is in the wrong place if he wants to get recruited. I’ve had a conversation with one of the Saint Francis coaches about all of the crazy tactics. He told me that we (public schools) should be calling Saint Francis to recommend our kids to them if we really wanted what’s best for the kid. I’m not sure what the rules or values that the MIAA has but something needs to be done about how this program is handling business. I have dedicated my life to the youth of Baltimore City. It’s a shame that another school located in the same City has made my fight even tougher. I appreciate the time spent reading this letter. I hope that I have provided you with a little more insight on some of the things that Saint Francis is doing. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Patrick Nixon

Mergenthaler High school

Athletic director/ head football coach
Then this

Statement on MIAA Football from Deacon Curtis Turner, Principal
Statement on MIAA Football

Saint Frances Academy is a Catholic, college-preparatory school that intentionally seeks to serve those who otherwise would not have access to a Catholic education. Founded in 1828, our original mission was to “teach children of color to read the Bible”, an illegal act in the slave state of Maryland at the time. For 190 years, we have stood as a beacon of hope for those trapped by poverty, despair, racial injustice and lack of educational opportunity. With the help and support of a diverse cross-section of the greater Baltimore community, we are a thriving little school that constantly defies the odds, perseveres in the face of hardship and, by the grace of God, overcomes any obstacle. Sadly, at the same time, for the past 190 years, elements of our society have been opposed to our noble mission and opposed to our very existence.

Reading the recent statement from Mount Saint Joseph High School and Calvert Hall College High School about our athletic league in general and Saint Frances Academy in particular has exposed a rift in the Baltimore community that many of us know exists, but few of us are willing to address. My community was angered and hurt by the insinuation that we don’t share the same values as other members. This is particularly harmful coming from other Catholic schools.

The Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association is comprised of schools that are big and small, religious and secular, old and new. Its strength is in its diversity. With the exception of our social-economic demographic, we resemble any other private school in Baltimore. But it is that difference that is driving the current dynamic in the league.

The majority of our students live at or below the poverty-line. Our school drastically changes the trajectory of their lives for the better. Our students leave here with a future that was unimaginable for many of them before matriculation. We operate two dormitories because some of our students are from cities plagued with the same ills as Baltimore but, there is no Saint Frances Academy to serve them And for our students from Baltimore who live on campus, they are experiencing the safety and stability that allows them to excel academically and spiritually. This year’s graduating class will attend schools like Duke, Georgetown, Michigan State, Tuskegee and Maryland. Our 41 graduates have earned approximately $4.1 million in merit-based scholarships. And furthermore, we compete in a league where the average tuition is nearly $20,000. Our tuition is less than half of that. The fact that our students excel and compete on the highest level, despite these challenges, should be applauded, not criticized.

It should be noted that Saint Frances Academy is the oldest Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. If anything, historically, we should be credited with setting the standard by which a Catholic school in Baltimore should be measured. Instead, these nefarious elements seek to destroy rather than build. They seek to divide rather than unify. In fact, it is our uniqueness that makes us a great fit for the league and an asset to the City of Baltimore. We are deeply saddened that others do not see that.

In the prayer for the canonization of our foundress, Mother Mary Lange, we say, “Mother Mary Lange’s love for all enabled her to see Christ in each person, and the pain of prejudice and racial hatred never blurred her vision.” Following Mother Lange’s example, we will not allow hatred and anger to consume us. Rather, I personally invite those who do not know us to visit the school and experience its history and spirit firsthand. Our hope is that they will and that they will see Christ in us as well.

However, if they persist in their efforts to isolate us, Saint Frances Academy is a resilient community. We have a long history of overcoming insurmountable odds and we never back down from a challenge. We will compete in football and other sports. We will continue to prepare our students for college and beyond. And most importantly, we will continue to graduate faith-filled young men and women.

In Providence,

Deacon Curtis Turner, Ed.D.


Saint Frances Academy
Then this from Baltimore Suns Mike Preston (who doesn't cover HS sports and knows nothing, Covers the Ravens and is a buffoon)

Instead of criticizing St. Frances for its recent football success, schools in the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association should work harder to try to keep pace.

Mount Saint Joseph and Calvert Hall this week became the second and third teams to decide not to play the Panthers this fall, citing safety concerns and other perceived differences in their programs.

Neither Mount Saint Joseph nor Calvert Hall will get any sympathy here.

St. Frances apparently has violated no rules in becoming a national power, and it appears racism is part of the motivation behind these schools not being willing to play the Panthers.

“Absolutely, and I’m not going to shy away from it,” said Dr. Curtis Turner, principal at St. Frances since 2008. “No one wants to talk about it directly. We’re the oldest Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the only difference between us and the other Catholic schools is the social economic demographic.”

St. Frances is predominantly black, and the majority of the students live at or below the poverty line. Back in 2013, 2014 and 2015, when the Panthers were 3-3, 4-2, and 0-6 in the A Conference, no one complained about playing the Panthers, maybe one of the worst high school teams in Baltimore history.

But two years ago, Turner hired former Gilman coach Biff Poggi to take over the program and St. Frances has become one of the top teams in the country. The Panthers just don’t win, they dominate and were ranked as high as No. 4 nationally last season.

And now there are complaints. Critics want to say the Panthers recruit players from other states. They say they steal players from other teams. They say St. Frances players have been playing longer than the allotted four years.

Where is the proof?

Until then, the innuendo needs to stop and St. Frances’ competitors need to work harder. Private schools have been recruiting players from Baltimore, Carroll, Anne Arundel, Howard and Harford County public schools for decades, so it’s hard to feel compassion for them.

It seems almost standard practice for parents of athletes in private schools to hold their children back a year in grade school so they have a better chance of getting a scholarship as a senior. St. Frances is doing what its competitors have been doing for years, but now the Panthers are winning.

They have become like Alabama in college football and the Golden State Warriors in the NBA. But instead of pointing fingers, rival schools should look in the mirror. They should recruit better athletes and hire better coaches. Maybe they should spend more time in the weight or film rooms.

But this complaining about an unfair advantage needs to stop. In 1984, Poly was unbeaten and unscored on for the entire season. No one complained. No team refused to play McDonogh’s girls lacrosse team recently, even though the Eagles won 198 straight games.

There is a sense of entitlement at these private schools. I’ve known Poggi and a lot of his coaches for more than 20 years. They are competitors and want to win, but this staff has a sense of purpose. The coaches believe in giving players second chances and trying to turn them into men.

They aren’t just about winning. According to Turner, every senior football player under Poggi has graduated. He said 12 of the players on the current roster are legally classified as homeless, coming from as far south as Richmond, Va., and as far north as Philadelphia.

“People just think we’re going out bringing in ringers or whatever,” Turner said. “They have distressed areas in Richmond and Philadelphia, but they don’t have a St. Frances Academy nearby.”

According to Turner, St. Frances can house 40 students.

The program is much more than about football. It’s about all those things we have said sports build, such as character and discipline. But sometimes we get so carried away about what is on the surface that we don’t see what is going on underneath.

I believe in second chances. I believe in taking kids off the streets. It’s good to provide students who have struggled with tutors, and to put them into housing. Playing football might be their only opportunity to succeed.

The athletic directors at McDonogh, Archbishop Spalding and Gilman said they have not decided whether to keep St. Frances on their 2018 schedules. Regardless, Turner said St. Frances will still play a full schedule of games even though the Panthers might have to find new opponents in June.

He said the school had talked to the MIAA three times in the past about going independent, but was denied. In the meantime opposing teams should look at playing St. Frances as the ultimate challenge.

That was the way other teams approached Dunbar and Calvert Hall boys basketball in the late 1970s and 1980s. They met the challenge instead of walking away from it.

“My counterparts at Mount St. Joe and Calvert Hall never called me to discuss the issue,” Turner said. “They say we don’t share the same values and that was some very hurtful stuff. It seems like there were a lot of meetings about us but I was never invited.”

Can too much charity be a bad thing? The Baltimore prep sports scene seems to be on the verge of unraveling with the emergence of a parochial powerhouse, funded by a head coach with apparently massive financial means and the desire to make schoolboy football the focus of his philanthropy.

On Tuesday, administrators at Mount Saint Joseph High School announced the school was dropping intracity rival St. Frances Academy (SFA) from next season’s football schedule. Kraig Loovis, the Mount Saint Joseph athletic director, and football coach Rich Holzer released a woeful and rather whiny statement saying their school could no longer compete with SFA.

Poggi did more than merely coach the St. Frances football team, however; he also bankrolled it.

Poggi owns a financial service firm based in the city, Samuel James LTD. A report in the February issue of the Catholic Review, a newsletter of the Baltimore Archdiocese, identified him as a “hedge fund manager” and said that he personally pays for “more than 40 football players” to attend SFA. The piece put the school’s entire enrollment at 172 students, and said “out of town” players are given room and board in rowhouses in Baltimore’s trendy Canton neighborhood.

Asked why he chose to turn St. Frances into a national football juggernaut, Poggi told the Review: “It educates children, some of whom are virtually homeless, aren’t eating properly, or living in areas where there is great danger. Let’s take the game they love, and the game we love, and be really good at it.”

The Catholic school charges about $10,000 per year per student (tuition is $9,150, plus fees of $700-$950), meaning he’s in for nearly half a million bucks per year, even before we get to the players’ housing and meals.

Poggi had been a Baltimore version of Buddy Garrity, the car dealer/high school football benefactor from the Friday Night Lights TV series, for years before coming to SFA. Poggi had also self-funded the football program at another old line Baltimore prep, Gilman School, winning 13 league titles in 19 years, and gotten godly amounts of attention for his deeds there: The program he built at Gilman, a school founded in 1898, was the focus of a 2004 bestseller, Season of Life, from author Jeffrey Marx (disclosure: Marx is a longtime friend).

But things had turned sour by 2015, when Poggi, who was a himself a Gilman alum and had played football at the school, left his coaching job there amid a rumored dispute with administrators over the prominence the team had acquired on campus. In an interview with the Baltimore Sunafter his departure from Gilman, Poggi admitted there was “some tension” with the folks who ran his former school, and likened his relationship with the headmaster to that of an NFL coach and a team owner.

Poggi spent the 2016 football season as a special teams assistant on Jim Harbaugh’s staff at the University of Michigan—where his son, Henry Poggi, was a running back—then returned to his hometown in 2017 to resume high school coaching at St. Frances. The school is old, founded in 1828 as the Saint Frances School for Colored Girls, intended by the Catholic church as a place where the children of slaves could get an education, and has always had a focus on minority students. Football is relatively new, however: There wasn’t even a SFA football team until 2008, and the program only got started then because Poggi, even while coaching Gilman, donated $60,000 to SFA specifically for football. When Poggi left Gilman in 2016, he shifted his entire staff to SFA to watch things over while he spent a year in Ann Arbor. So upon his return to Baltimore he had what was essentially a turn-key football operation waiting for him. SFA played Gilman early in the season; Poggi’s new team whupped his old one, 50-0. SFA and Gilman had a rematch in the MIAA A championship game in November; Poggi’s new team whupped his old one again, 47-7.

While bowing out of the 2018 game with SFA, Mount St. Joseph’s athletic director and head football coach cited Poggi’s reliance on “transfers for athletic purposes,” a practice which the Mount Saint Joseph brass described as violating the “spirit of the league constitution.” Poggi’s habits, given his instant success at SFA, aren’t expected to change. So there’s a feeling among schools in the area that SFA will have trouble finding any opponents in Baltimore.

St. Frances coaches have told people ESPN is producing a movie based on the football program’s ascension under Poggi, and ESPN confirmed that an E:60 piece on SFA is in the works.

I spoke with an administrator from one Maryland school that as of now is still scheduled to play SFA next season. He told me that he thinks pretty soon only similarly deep-pocketed nationally acclaimed programs—such as St. John’s College High School, a Washington, D.C., prep that is subsidized by alum and Under Armour founder Kevin Plank, and IMG Academy of Bradenton, Fla.—will agree to play SFA. (St. Frances and IMG were supposed to meet last season in a game scheduled for broadcast on ESPN, but the contest was canceled because of Hurricane Irma.) And though the administrator allowed that “there are worse ways to spend money than helping kids,” he admitted being tired of hearing about Poggi’s do-gooding.

“It just so happens,” he said, “that all the kids who need help happen to be 6-foot-5, 280 pounds and play football.”

“After much deliberation, there is significant agreement that St. Frances has moved their program to a level that we are not interested in competing at or with,” read the Mount Saint Joseph statement. “If their goal is to be a national power competing against like schools, we wish them success, but that is not our goal nor our mission in athletics.”

Last season, St. Frances went 13-0 and outscored opponents 534-61 while finishing as the No. 4 ranked team in national polls, No. 1 in Baltimore and the state of Maryland rankings, and winning the MIAA A Conference championship. The closest game SFA had all year came in a 37-22 win over Mount Saint Joseph in October.

Mount Saint Joseph isn’t the first league school rattled by SFA’s greatness. After SFA whupped rival Loyola Blakefield, 65-0, Loyola announced it was leaving the conference. SFA wasn’t named in Loyola’s goodbye letter, but might as well have been.

“As the talent pool continues to rapidly expand within the MIAA ‘A’ Conference, we have carefully considered how this affects our student-athletes in a variety of ways — most importantly, their safety,” read the announcement from Anthony Day, Loyola’s president.

SFA’s rise to national prominence came in the school’s first season under head coach and Baltimore prep football legend Biff Poggi.
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an interesting take from someone commenting

The statement by Deacon Turner doesn’t address the real issues. This has nothing to do with anything other then illegal recruiting, serious rules violations and a roster made up of players from all over the east coast. If anyone thinks that STF has built this football program with a majority of inner city poor underprivileged African American kids from Baltimore City then you are lost and living in a fantasy world. The MIAA leadership did not want to address this issue with STF because they knew they would be called out as being racist. It looks bad when the rich white schools are picking on the poor inner city African American Catholic school. The MIAA had knowledge of this and didn’t want to do anything in the hope it would go away. This is why it’s just coming out. The schools looked to the MIAA leadership for direction and the league did nothing. As a result, the schools looked at the issues and took it upon themselves to make a decision as to play or not play STF based on these rules violations and safety concerns.

Everyone on this board is smart enough to recognize that should a player get seriously injured playing against STF, someone is getting sued! If a school plays them knowing that STF recruits nationally and has a roster/team made up of big time college recruits and a player from that team gets seriously injured, the coach, AD, principal and headmaster are all going down and better have money to pay for attorneys! This isn’t soccer or baseball, this is football, a physical contact sport"
Here is the MIAA Rule about recruiting

5. Recruitment In conformity with the purpose and spirit of this Association, the following principles govern the manner in which member schools influence and encourage a student to become affiliated with a school:

a) No school, through any of its officers, representative or by any other means, shall directly or indirectly offer inducement to a student of any school, regardless of the student’s age or academic grade, to terminate enrollment at said school and migrate to another for athletic purposes.
What I find ironic in all this is when ESPN did that Outside the Lines piece on Sills/Red Lion Biff Poggi was one of the talking heads at the end of the piece saying things like what Red Lion was doing was bad for high school football, the kids etc etc. Hell Poggi used to be anti Rivals, combines and rating of the kids and didn't give Rivals guys access to his players and told his players not to get involved in that stuff... So weird... I think the guys ego is so big he would say anything to get on ESPN or he is the biggest hypocrite ever
Here is the MIAA Rule about recruiting
a) No school, through any of its officers, representative or by any other means, shall directly or indirectly offer inducement to a student of any school, regardless of the student’s age or academic grade, to terminate enrollment at said school and migrate to another for athletic purposes.

Is this an intra-league rule only? Like they can't offer inducement to a MIAA kid or is it ANY kid...a la Cropper and any other decent player that has left our state to attend SFA?
Is this an intra-league rule only? Like they can't offer inducement to a MIAA kid or is it ANY kid...a la Cropper and any other decent player that has left our state to attend SFA?

That rule applies to any school its about offering inducements to transfer for athletic purposes. All the MIAA schools recruit 8th graders but aren't supposed to offer inducement or promises to come to your school for athletic purpose or gain. By the Mervo's coaches letter SFA is obviously doing that and the MIAA has known about it and was given proof for 3 years but did nothing about it so the coaches and AD's are taking matter in their own hands and forcing the issue.. FYI still no statement or word from the MIAA
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Is this an intra-league rule only? Like they can't offer inducement to a MIAA kid or is it ANY kid...a la Cropper and any other decent player that has left our state to attend SFA?

Here is the full rule..looks as though SFA broke them all

5. RecruitmentIn conformity with the purpose and spirit of this Association, the following principles govern the manner in which member schools influence and encourage a student to become affiliated with a school:

a) No school, through any of its officers, representative or by any other means, shall directly or indirectly offer inducement to a student of any school, regardless of the student’s age or academic grade, to terminate enrollment at said school and migrate to another for athletic purposes.
b ) It is considered appropriate for a school’s admissions department to provide a student information about its school; however coaches and other members of a school’s athletic department are prohibited from contacting or communicating with a student or the student’s parents/guardians until such time as an inquiry regarding the student’s possible admission to the school has been initiated by the student’s parent/guardian through the admissions department. This policy does not preclude attendance by coaches or member school representatives to non-high school athletic events for the purpose of screening prospective student athletes. On the occasion that a prospective student athlete or his parents seek information from a member school’s representative attending a non-high school event, the school’s representative may answer preliminary questions about the member school. The school’s representative should indicate to the prospective student athlete and his parents that further contact by an athletic department representative cannot be made until the admissions department at the member school is contacted by the parents.
c) MIAA schools may not initiate contact or “recruit” middle school students who are enrolled in other MIAA schools, while the students are representing their MIAA school.
d) Athletes being recruited to member school teams, who have not yet officially attended a day of class and regardless of age or grade, may not practice or participate with a member school team during the regular season. Additionally, they may not participate in any out of season practice or game which primarily involves players from the member school’s team. This does not apply to incoming 9thgrade or transfer students who have signed enrollment contracts and are trying out for a fall team.
Bruce Cunningham (@Bruce45Sports)
6/4/18, 9:12 PM
Yet another MIAA school is refusing to play St Frances in football this fall. Tonight, McDonogh sent out an email to it's athletic community announcing it will opt out. Citing player safety issues, the Eagles join Loyola, Mount St Joseph and Calvert Hall in dropping St Frances

In last year’s McDonogh-St. Frances regular-season meeting, two Eagles suffered broken bones and another had a stress fracture exacerbated during the game. Former McDonogh coach Dom Damico, who stepped down in April after 24 years leading the program, said the Panthers were just “bigger, stronger, faster, better.”

“It’s like a college team versus a high school team,” he went on to say after that 28-0 St. Frances win. “We’re not deep enough or strong enough to play them. That’s just a different breed of football. … They’re playing at the national level trying to win a national championship. We’re trying to make the playoffs in the A Conference. It’s a different approach, but they’re a great team.”
Not at all. Just providing an interesting situation happening in MD that happened here with Red Lion / ECA. Your new so you don’t know my involvement in that and the heat I took defending them here and an eventual revelation it’s was out of hand and not sustainable. It’s an interesting thing happening in some areas that is coming to a head with coaches chasing these mythical national championships guised in coaches claiming they are just helping underprivileged kids get to college. All the while all the recruited kids are sr players with multiple offers already.

St Frances well really Biff Poggi is a hypocritical ego maniac hiding behind the noble causes to win a MNC. He tried it at Gilman and was shown the door and has gone way over board to take over a poor Baltimore Catholic school and take it over the top. Seriously contacting jr students at other schools telling them they won’t get to college unless they transfer to St Frances? Then recruiting higher ranked players over them This is no hate. Half of St Frances kids who sigh letters of intent for D1 even qualify. They are housing kids in row homes in Baltimore City how is that taking them out of the environment Hey I get his said mission and agree with that mission. He is not that guy He is poaching kids with promises of SEC/NFL Money from very good schools

No I don’t hate The parents and kids are chasing a dream and getting sucked in by some rich guy funding it ( sound familiar DE people). Problem is eventually it comes to a head and their will be a group of kids that take the fall out. It happens every time

By the way Dematha and IMG dropped them.
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Not at all. Just providing an interesting situation happening in MD that happened here with Red Lion / ECA. Your new so you don’t know my involvement in that and the heat I took defending them here and an eventual revelation it’s was out of hand and not sustainable. It’s an interesting thing happening in some areas that is coming to a head chasing these mythical national championships guised in coaches claiming they are just helping underprivileged kids get to college. All the while all the recruited kids are sr players with multiple offers already. St Frances well really Biff Poggi is a hypocritical ego maniac hiding behind the noble causes to win a MNC. He tried it at Gilman and was shown the door and has gone way over board to take over a poor Baltimore Catholic school and take it over the top. Seriously contacting jr students at other schools telling them they won’t get to college unless they transfer to StFrances? Then recruiting higher ranked players over them This is no hate. Half of St Frances kids who sighn letters of intent for D1 even qualify. They are housing kids in row homes in Baltimore City how is that taking them out of the environment Hey I get his said mission and agree with that mission. He is not that guy He is poaching kids with promises of SEC/NFL Money from very good schools

No I don’t hate The parents and kids are chasing a dream and getting sucked in by some rich guy funding it ( sound familiar DE people). Problem is eventually it comes to a head and their will be a group of kids that take the fall out. It happens every time

By the way Dematha and IMG dropped them.
lol IMG dropped them for basically the same reasons teams from Texas dropped IMG, the irony of it all haaaaa
lol IMG dropped them for basically the same reasons teams from Texas dropped IMG, the irony of it all haaaaa

Damn double posts wth Depreps
I understand what you are saying I stated repeatedly that those kinds of schools are only good for athletes who already have big time offers. So they can get better daily and get ready for the next level. The real problem and the reason kids think they need to go to places like this is projecting. Recruiters say yeah but you played no one so your film means nothing. Recruiters are getting lazier by the day. Not all but many just hang around these programs. Giving full rides to backups that hardly play. You can’t blame kids who see this, and hear it every day they play against no one. Hell you guys do it on this board arguing over the two small divisions in Delaware. That’s were it starts.

Then there are kids that want or pursue their dream, and just want to be around like minded athletes to get better. So they transfer to these schools. This also is the reason personal training services are so popular. It’s all out of hand, but I understand it’s not going to change. Parents just need to do what’s best for their kid. Part of that is understanding expectations. Sadly most have no idea.
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IMG and St Frances are two completely different animals...besides the obvious facilities differences. Top rated kids that are transferring to IMG are doing so to train and live the college football player life as to get on the playing field early in college so they can enter the draft early.. Free college education is not the agenda the NFL is.

Even IMG is cutting back the spending on the football program. My guess they are realizing these 4 and 5 star top recruits aren't making it to the league in the numbers they anticipated or aren't signing with them being that is what its all about. IMG is a sports agency the money they invest in the program is supposed to come back ten fold when they sign these kids to the NFL but their is no guarantee the kids will sign with them or make it big in the NFL
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St Frances out of the league will play independent schedule. It will be hard for them to get games without a league membership.. only teams in certain states can play them. see ECA. I give them two years max before that unravels.. but it was the best move for both parties..
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someone did the research and posted this.. its pretty eye popping all Jr or Sr transfers all 3to5 star players most with offers

On the 2016-2017 and/or 2017-2018 SFA roster at some point:

Hosea Addison, Douglass (MD)

Peace Addo, Springbrook (MD)

Ben Amadi, Riverdale (MD)

Eyabi Anoma, Randalstown (MD)

Joachim Bangda, SJC (DC)

Chad Brown, Long Reach (MD)

Jahlil Brown, Edmondson (MD)

Calvin Carroll, ECA/Franklin/MSJ (DE/MD)

Jalen Carter, Reservoir (MD)

Demon Clowney, SJC (DC)

Sterling Cooper, Harrisburg (PA)

Chris Cropper, Academy of St. Elizabeth (DE)

Darrian Dalcourt, Gilman (MD)

Jaelyn Duncan, Northern (MD)

Kwesi Evans, Dunbar (MD)

Randy Fields, ECA (MD/DE)

Alvontray Foster, Lake Clifton (MD)

Kwincy Hall, SJC (DC)

Tyree Henry, Stephen Decatur (MD)

Traeshon Holden, St. Cloud HS (FL)

Logan Holgorsen, Morgantown (WV)

Caleb John, DuVal (MD)

Jalon Jones, Henrico (VA)

Terry Jones Jr., Mervo (MD)

Jake Larson, Battlefield (VA)

Shane Lee, Gilman/SJC (MD/DC)

Darion McKenzie, Stephen Decatur (MD)

Malik Morgan, Edmondson (MD)

Donovan Robinson, Avalon (MD)

Isaiah Robinson, Avalon (MD)

Jamal Shearin, St. Pauls/SJC (MD/DC)

Gary Brightwell, St Georges (DE)

Sam Thomas, ECA (MD)

Jordan Swann, ECA/Caravel, (DE)

Reportedly Incoming:

Blake Corum, St Vincent Pallotti (MD)

Jordan Jakes, Eagle's Landing Christian Academy (GA)

Jeffrey M’ba, France
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Biff poggi (@BiffPoggi) · Twitter
Thank u and good wishes to all of our friends in MIAA A football It has been an honor to compete against u all and meet so many friends.Best to all the coaches and wonderful kids. We go onward to our goal to win a National Championship.If we do- you are part of us
8 hours ago · Twitter

hmmm I thought the goal was to educate inner city kids and give them a chance to get to college?
So it begins.... 4 star Florida commit Jalon Jones has left SFA and headed back to Richmond.. The only other QB they have is a incoming freshman
Not sure SWAG..They were talking about him on the Baltimore forum awhile back.. Was supposed to go to DeMatha or something but switch to SFA.. Don't even know if he is official at SFA
St Frances schedule so far

08/24 Doral Academy (FL) home
08/31 St Joes Prep (PA) home
09/07 Christ the King (NY) home
09/28 Life Christian Academy (VA) home..first year program really?
11/02 Silver Oak (md) home

also hearing 4 Canadian teams all at home

word is they will play all home games this year

Maybe its just me but I dont see any MNC in this schedule.. also dont see any kids getting to go out and face top competition either..SMH
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Yes the same one. But not sure about likes to play but Caravel is not trying to build a IMG and win a MNC either
SFA is just desperately trying to put any kind of schedule together at this point..although I don't think them playing Silver Oak is much of a game.. SFA JV would beat them 60+ to 0.. Silver Oak has played real good teams in the past and those games were all stopped at half time

Caravel has played Silver Oak for the last 5 years.. Pretty much a cake win for them going 5-0 in that stretch most the time back ups in after the half

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Canada Prep Academy lost to ECA 40-14 fall of 2015, with Leddie Brown busting three long runs and ending ~220yds. CPA has some size and hit hard, but usually outmanned, as their roster is rather limited (40-45 players tops). They typically play teams such as Notable opponents include Orchard Lake-St. Mary's Preparatory School, Brother Rice High School, St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, St. Edward High School near Cleveland, and Steubenville High School.

SFA schedule is looking sad, makes you wonder on the utility of going there to be recruited if you’re going to play an easy schedule.
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SFA is just desperately trying to put any kind of schedule together at this point..although I don't think them playing Silver Oak is much of a game.. SFA JV would beat them 60+ to 0.. Silver Oak has played real good teams in the past and those games were all stopped at half time

Caravel has played Silver Oak for the last 5 years.. Pretty much a cake win for them going 5-0 in that stretch most the time back ups in after the half


I’m sure Caravel would much rather play an in-state school instead of Silver Oak. For some reason, though, they have trouble filling out their schedule with Delaware schools. /s
DII schools are ducking Caravel and DI schools have nothing to gain by playing them except a potential loss to a DII school.Puts Caravel in tough scheduling spot year after year, imo

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