Seeking Wrestling Mats/Scraps for Sale, Rental, or Donation

May 6, 2012
Good Afternoon,

My name is Daniel Primiani and I'm currently a 5th grade teacher at Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School in Wilmington, Delaware. I've recently created a youth wrestling program as an after school option for our students and am seeking anyone who is willing to either donate, sell, or rent out any spare wrestling mats/pieces of wrestling mat they have.

I originally only had a handful of students signed up and we were able to make do with the few crash mats we have in our gym. However, after one session, my enrollment for the program doubled and its becoming clear that I need more mat space. Before looking into purchasing new mats (which honestly isn't within our school's budget and whatever is bought is going to be coming from my own pocket), I'm asking if anyone has sections of mat that they are willing to part with. I'm open to basically any arrangement for this transaction (buying, renting, borrowing, etc.). Doesn't really matter how big or small the pieces are; I'm willing to 'frankenstein' this mat together from any scrap pieces I can get if I have to.

If interested, you can contact me through my state email address:

Thank you and have a nice day!