• C
    In Pa privates and public’s play each other in the playoffs and regular season. The Inter Ac, Malvern Episcopal Haverford school etc...
  • L
    Laxatt replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10 - Caravel 9- Glasgow 8- Cape 7- Smyrna 6- Polytech 5- Appo 4- Friends 3- Christiana 2- LF 1- Delcastle
  • M
    MTownCavs09 replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Smyrna 9. Mckean 8. Delcastle 7. Caravel 6. Polytech 5. Appo 4. Glasgow 3. Friends 2. Cape Henlopen 1. Laurel
  • D
    Banks lives in Wilmington. And only a few states separate public and nonpublic schools into their own state championships, such as...
  • D
    “Name a public school in Delaware that pulling from another state” Middletown LOL
  • C
    connorr11 replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10-Lake Forest 9-Caravel 8-Glasgow 7-Appo 6-Christiana 5-Poly 4-Friends 3-Cape 2-Smyrna 1-Delcastle
  • D
    Dback2500 replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Caravel 9. Polytech 8. Delcastle 7. Cape 6. Appo 5. Glasgow 4. Christiana 3. LF 2. TH 1. Smyrna
  • BackinBlack86
    Pretty sure I know the facts. Every state I mentioned except Maryland privates play publics in the playoffs. That wasn't even what you...
  • Ironman_8708
    Ironman_8708 replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10) Caravel 9) Glasgow 8) Cape 7) Christina 6) Delcastle 5) Poly 4) Appo 3) Lake 2) Friends 1) Smyrna
  • H
    Missing piont.. And all the States you mentioned. Do not allow Private and Public Schools play against each other in Playoffs either...
  • H
    What???.. Name a Public School in Delaware that is pulling from another State in 30 mile Radius.. Iam waiting?? Because not happen...
  • BasinRdBetty
    BasinRdBetty replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Caravel 9. Smyrna 8. Cape 7. Appo 6. Delcastle 5. Polytech 4. Friends 3. Christiana 2. Lake 1. Glasgow
  • W
    Wrestlehead55 replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Caravel 9. Polytech 8. Smyrna 7. Appo 6. Glasgow 5. Cape 4. Tower 3. Christiana 2. Laurel 1. Delcastle
  • D
    "WIll the Sals be bigger and better, sure... However, you only have to beat them once." Maybe twice because in this kissing your sister...
  • F
    First_state_gridiron replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10 Smyrna 9 Appo 8 Caravel 7 Poly 6 Christiana 5 Laurel 4 Glasgow 3 Friends 2 DelCastle 1 Cape
  • cavaliercharlie
    cavaliercharlie replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Caravel 9. Friends 8. Smyrna 7. Glasgow 6. Delcastle 5. PT 4. Cape 3. Christiana 2. LF 1. Appo
  • DaDude01
    DaDude01 replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Caravel 9. Appo 8. Poly 7. Cape 6. Christiana 5. Glasgow 4. Tower 3. Smyrna 2. Delcastle 1. Laurel
  • R
    ReturnOfTheGate replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10 Caravel 9 Glasgow 8 Smyrna 7 Cape 6 Christiana 5 Friends 4 Appo 3 Lake 2 Polytech 1 Concord
  • D
    Dadof3smartkids replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10 Caravel 9 Glasgow 8 Smyrna 7 Christiana 6 CH 5 TH 4 Appo 3 Delcastle 2 Brandywine 1 LF
  • U
    upstatewrestlingfan replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 9.
    10. Glasgow 9. Polytech 8. Caravel 7. Cape Henlopen 6. Christiana 5. Appo 4. St. Georges 3. Tower Hill 2. Lake Forest 1. Concord
  • D
    Diehardsportsfan replied to the thread DELHS CP WEEK 8.
    Good Stuff! GOOD STUFF!!!
  • P
    I think the weights were off from the other pre-season picks Finals or Champs 106 - Donato 113 - Guerrieri 120 - Stratton 126 -...
  • M
    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Brandywine vs. Polytech @ 6pm Cape Henlopen vs. Dover @ 7pm DMA vs. Caravel @ 7pm Lake Forest vs. Laurel @ 7pm...
  • D
    Nice work. The NJ could use more people like you.
  • N
    So I will take a different approach on this. A public school will always be looking up. Sallies will only get bigger and better. The...
