2017 Season is on

GC actually not in the top 25...not even in the top 10 of their region. Great program but definitely not one of their strongest years. Embarrassing loss for sals. What happened to that strong offense? All those kids you would think they could score more than 2 goals. Just a bad game or is sals overrated/weak this year?

I'd love to see the box score and stats. I'm sure face offs and possession time had a big thing to do with how little the Sals scored. You can't score if you don't get the ball. Garden City has a junior FO/Middie committed to Maryland and a senior FO/Middie committed to Brown. Along with the fogos GC has attackmen committed to Duke and Brown, a defensemen committed to Bucknell, and a middie going to Lafayette. I bet with the tradition and good coaching they have up there they went into the game with the goal of possessing the ball off the face-off and producing quality offense while keeping it out of Drake's stick on the defensive end.

Sals is still the team to beat in Delaware and a very quality team nationally. They have a very tough schedule coming up against some typical powerhouses which will help show if this was just an off-game or not. I'm sure opposing coaches want this film badly.
GC "was" in the top 25 but now they are 40. My mistake. More teams move up in Lax Power every week as more games are played. I saw the Sals game tonight. I left middle of the third with the Sals up 10-2. The FOGO from Sallies won almost every face off so the Sals started with most of the possessions. I agree not one of the Sals strongest years. Sals are winning the game easily tonight but they had "so" many unforced turnovers. I am told that the team is young but not having a roster I have no way of knowing the grades of each player. I know Drake is number 3 and he was having a great game. I have not seen Appo or Friends play but my guess is they could be very competitive against the Sals this year.
I'd keep Cape and Archmere up there with Appo and Friends as teams who could possibly be competitive with Sallies. A 1 goal loss could go either way based on a few plays.
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Still too early to count CR out, I still think they are a top 4 team imo
Salesianum is the current champ and will remain so until beaten in DE. That said, the current top 5 teams, IMO, would be competitive with most of Sallies "national" schedule. Appo, Friends etc., would be good games for Easton, Fairfield Prep, Durham Academy and the DE teams would represent well at that level.
Hill, MP, GC are top national teams and kudos to Sallies for playing them.
My point is that there could be a new state champ this year. I do not think Sallies is a lock this year, they will have to play hard for this one.
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Cape - Archmere was a good game. Archmere with many penalties, some were poor judgment, others were a bit of head shakers. Cape came out strong and owned the time of possession. The triple pole faceoff works well for them. Cape was about 18 of 23 in the game but lost only one or two in the first 3 quarters. When Archmere started to win faceoffs, they were able to score. Cape looks to go deep into the playoffs again this year. The top 4 are beginning to solidify.
Is Appo/Sals a lock for a rematch in the championship? Appo looks like it might have the only offense that can somewhat match Sallies especially after Sallies lost their whole starting D from last year...Can anyone else in the state knock off one of these 2 teams

Also saw highlights from GC/Sals on inside lacrosse...looks like game should've been much worse but Sals goalie kept them in the game. Think it was Hobbs 2 Gs (one man up) and Drake 1a (man up)...Someone in state needs to get that film and see how Drake was taken out of the game
Appo/Sals is not a lock, likely, but not a lock.
Appo/Cape is possible and would be great to have an all public final.
Friends and Archmere still can get there and hang for the early part of the game vs Appo/ Sals until fatigue set in.
Tower Hill and CR may still get to semis but don't see them in final.
At this moment, Appo / Sals would likely be the best final.
Will keep an eye on the coming games with Cape/ Sals, Archmere / Appo, Friends/Cape
If Friends wins out there is a good chance they would be the number one seed which means Sals and Appo could meet in the semis. The Sals could certainly get beat by a Delaware team this year. This years Sals are not nearly as good as the team that lost a few years back to Cape. Of course that was a great Cape team and would likely handle this years Appo team handily.
Friends can beat Appo

Cape and CR can play with Friends and Appo

Archmere is the 6th best team this year but not a top 4.

Tower Hill is the next best team, but can't beat any of the elites listed above this year.

I think anyone in that top 5 can give Sals a run, Appo, Friends, Cape or CR.
Friends can beat Appo

Cape and CR can play with Friends and Appo

Archmere is the 6th best team this year but not a top 4.

Tower Hill is the next best team, but can't beat any of the elites listed above this year.

I think anyone in that top 5 can give Sals a run, Appo, Friends, Cape or CR.

Top 5
1. Sals
2. Appo
3. Friends
4. Cape
5. Archmere

No other teams (DMA, Tower, or Cr) can hang with these guys. I was at the cape vs archmere game and cape won that by a few lucky calls going their way and executing on man up. CR could barely handle dover tonight, they wont have much for archmere on friday. CR doesnt have a solid defense this year which is really tough to win close games with.
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Caught the game on 302sports livestream. Thought it was pretty evenly matched. CR played better at the beginning of the game and then Archmere started to turn it on towards the end. First half was all about the big shooters with Stevenson and Moyer with CR winning the majority of the FOs and then once Archmere figured out how to win the FOs they began to take the lead. Just shows how important possessions are in a close game, a good FOGO will win you some games.

As far as calls it looked like the refs were calling a ton of penalties in the first half and then after halftime almost didn't call any up until the end of the game. Not sure if they decided to let the boys play or if both teams cleaned it up.

Good game though both teams have some real good players.
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I watched the Malvern victory over Sallies yesterday. My take away is that the Sals attack is much improved. The Malvern FOGO totally dominated the Sals FOGO so Malvern had vastly more possessions. But when the Sals "were" able to get possession they scored more often than not. I will wait to see the outcome of the Sals games against CR and Cape but after watching the Sals yesterday I would say they are now the clear favorite to win the State tournament
I think the most important games remaining are Cape v Friends, Cr v Appo, and Archmere v Appo. They'll have big implications on playoff seeding.
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After watching Appo. destroy CR Fri night. Archmere better bring their A game to Appo. Monday night! I really cant see the Auks stopping the Jags offense!!!
Someone check my math but based on team records as of today, If Friends wins out, they will have the same score as Sals if they win out. What is the tie breaker, common opponents (Cape and CR)?
You will probably get your answer on the 17th. when Friends play Cape! Right now I would say Friends 3rd. Cape has 2 losses and still has to play Sallies.
Back of the napkin and very quickly calculated and not checking for errors I think if the season ended today as far as records for bonus points and assuming Cape loses to both Friends and Sals and everyone else in top five wins out. I show the seeds in this order:

Back of the napkin and very quickly calculated and not checking for errors I think if the season ended today as far as records for bonus points and assuming Cape loses to both Friends and Sals and everyone else in top five wins out. I show the seeds in this order:


Archmere would be ahead of Sallies and Appo, even after losing to Cape and Appo? I don't understand how the points works, but that does not make a lot of sense
Point system has been debated for years. Points for wins, bonuses for playing .501 and .701 teams (win or lose).
Assuming all win out
I have Friends and Sals tied at top, then Archmere third. Appo 4th and Cape 5th if they lose to both Sals and Friends.
As an aside, other than Sals/Appo, are there other games you would like to see?
I would like to see Appo/Cape and Archmere/Friends go at it again in the playoffs.
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If what you're saying is right with the points then we'd have Sallies and Appo on the same side of the bracket. Be interesting to see what the other side of the bracket would look like.
If what you're saying is right with the points then we'd have Sallies and Appo on the same side of the bracket. Be interesting to see what the other side of the bracket would look like.
Not if Sallies is the #2 seed...which is what he calculated. 1 v 4 and 2 v 3. I would think Sallies would be the #1 seed again, but...
I recalculated. (If Cape loses to Sals and Friends and everyone else wins out. And for the sake of bonus points I used current records)

Friends would get 30 points for wins, 15 bonus points divided by 15 games = 3.0
Archmere would get 22 points for wins, 21 bonus points divided by 15 games = 2.86
Sals would get 22 points for wins, 17 bonus points divided by 14 games = 2.78
Did not recalculate the rest but from yesterday I have:
Appo at about 2.66
Cape at about 2.5
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......also interested to hear where I am off in the point totals if indeed I am.
Did anyone see the Sallies - Cape game? I saw the line score and it looks like the game was close. Who controlled the face offs?

I watched Friends beat Tower Hill. Tower Hill had way too many penalties. I was impressed with how Friends moved the ball on attack and prevented Tower Hill from clearing the ball on those occasions when TH was able to stop Friends from scoring.
Cape sallies is on 302sports youtube. Game was close and Sals did not close it out until last 3 mins or so. Should be a great playoff season
Was surprised it was so close. Really thought the Sals would come back in state and blow everyone out. Maybe its the Padua and Ursuline Prom season? Maybe thses guys are slackers like the baseball team? Maybe Appo handles them if they don't get their act together