Appo baseball

Not at all & judging when you made this account your probably him so hit the cages young fella!
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You may be spot on in your assessment of the young man but he must be doing something right , he starts for a pretty good Appo team .
Never said there wasn't.. said he wasn't any good he let himself get caught up on the hype of the little league World Series & never developed his game

It's pretty sad when adults have to talk crap on children cause they're jealous. Being Joey has a starting position on Appo's varsity team, shouldn't that tell you something??? Be a little more humble when talking about children.
YES children, last time I checked a 16 year old is not an adult. For an adult to come on here & talk crap about someone else's "CHILD" is cowardous & ridiculous. They need to grow up. If you have nothing nothing nice to say about children, kids, teens whatever you want to call them since you want to be so specific, you shouldn't say anything at all. Herein lies the problem, YOU shouldn't even have commented on this thread. You're just on here to start trouble.
You're obviously an adult with a child old enough to drive and you're talking trash on someone else's child ...your assessment is wrong in 2 ways... #1 you don't know baseball talent from the trash can you found your mouth in #2 you're pathetic for talking trash on a child. As adults we teach our children to be respectful and use your head when posting on social media way to go setting a good example. Have a blessed day :)

K mom
YES children, last time I checked a 16 year old is not an adult. For an adult to come on here & talk crap about someone else's "CHILD" is cowardous & ridiculous. They need to grow up. If you have nothing nothing nice to say about children, kids, teens whatever you want to call them since you want to be so specific, you shouldn't say anything at all. Herein lies the problem, YOU shouldn't even have commented on this thread. You're just on here to start trouble.
Give them all a trophy, win or lose, right? Grow up! This is an adult forum.
Give them all a trophy, win or lose, right? Grow up! This is an adult forum.
Amen @8yaz! Participation trophies are the downfall of society. They're the reason a bunch of purple-haired, nosering flaunting snowflakes marched the streets because they weren't happy they're candidate got beat in the election!
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Amen @8yaz! Participation trophies are the downfall of society. They're the reason a bunch of purple-haired, nosering flaunting snowflakes marched the streets because they weren't happy they're candidate got beat in the election!

Did you say the same thing about all the rotted teethed, shitstained underwear tea partiers in 2009 when they marched constantly?
Did you say the same thing about all the rotted teethed, shitstained underwear tea partiers in 2009 when they marched constantly?
Listen here lib, I'm not debating politics with you but if you think that there weren't more protests this year than in 2009, you obviously put the wrong sauce on your toaster strudels if you know what I mean.
Bigger, yes. More, no. If you look at demographic data, liberals are better educated, healthier and earn more, meaning they have jobs and other meaningful things to do so they just had a couple big priests with record turnout. The tea party small government/Medicaid abusing rabble obviously had nothing better to do for years so they just constantly protested....just much smaller crowds
Give them all a trophy, win or lose, right? Grow up! This is an adult forum.
No one sd anything about participation trophies you clown. What are you even talking about. You're the one that needs to grow up & stop taking bad about other people's kids. Hiding behind a screen you coward. Get a life....
@Bballmom1224, I know it's upsetting when someone calls out your child and I understand your frustration. The problem is this is Depreps, a Delaware high school sports forum, so this is why people talk about or discuss high school age children. I do agree that using a student athletes name, when speaking derogatory should be limited or even better never used. Public forums are nothing more than the posters opinion and observations on any given topics. You should also understand that not all the posters on this forum are adults. We have had an influx of high school kids making comments also, so if you don't like what you read, ignore it. I hope your son makes the best of his situation and hey, if he's happy who cares what people say or write. Good luck
@Bballmom1224, I know it's upsetting when someone calls out your child and I understand your frustration. The problem is this is Depreps, a Delaware high school sports forum, so this is why people talk about or discuss high school age children. I do agree that using a student athletes name, when speaking derogatory should be limited or even better never used. Public forums are nothing more than the posters opinion and observations on any given topics. You should also understand that not all the posters on this forum are adults. We have had an influx of high school kids making comments also, so if you don't like what you read, ignore it. I hope your son makes the best of his situation and hey, if he's happy who cares what people say or write. Good luck
Joey is not my son. It's just bullsh*t that grown ups such as NHS96 came on here & talked smack on him & then someone replied to my post questioning me saying people are jealous of children, yes 16 yr old boys are still children, someone else's children. I despise when adults are jealous of kids. Sadly, some people are just clowns & cowards & have to hide behind screens. Thanks for your respectful comment tho, it's nice to have someone post with some normalcy. & Not always be a jerk.
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Who ever the young man is, kids transfer in every sport to better their situation, only his parents and the young man know the reason. The fact that he is starter on a very good team speaks volumes to his talent, sounds like he's in a better place and I hope he makes the best out of it.
Seems like all you do is make ugly comments sitting in your underwear from your parents' basement. I doubt you would say that to me face to face.

A few points-

I make pretty comments.

I would buy and sell your ass multiple times over.

I would for sure say it to your face. And you would back down quicker than your wife could eat a can of uncooked spam (3.67 seconds)
@PickleEveryEndNow, some of the newer posters tell on themselves i.e. age by trying to settle verbal disputes with face to face offers and such.....a lot of the newer posters don't understand the meaning of a public forum especially a high school forum lol, if you can't discuss high school teams or players, this would simply be a De talk forum, anyway I digress. Moms, Dads,teammates, classmates or opponents, you never know who's posting what. I believe that's what the forum was set up for. Unfortunately sarcasm and wit are a lost art, long live satire lol
A few points-

I make pretty comments.

I would buy and sell your ass multiple times over.

I would for sure say it to your face. And you would back down quicker than your wife could eat a can of uncooked spam (3.67 seconds)

Brilliant, your reply makes my point. I would explain irony to you, but I think I would be wasting my time.
No one sd anything about participation trophies you clown. What are you even talking about. You're the one that needs to grow up & stop taking bad about other people's kids. Hiding behind a screen you coward. Get a life....
Listen mommy, I don't talk bad about kids on this site, I speak my opinion. If that is offensive to you or the "children" (your word), than stay off the site.
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Sheesh! didn't say one bad thing just stated my honest opinion on the kids game smh you parents kill me why don't you just put your kids in a bubble we won't be saying anything about them . Also i find it interesting the creator of this thread hasn't said anything if it was an actual adult looking for opinions they'd respond but no it wasn't it was a kid who wanted somebody to say something about him/friend
3 women arguing... haaaA
Yaz, Pic, and Joey's mom....
can you say cat fight?
Sheesh! didn't say one bad thing just stated my honest opinion on the kids game smh you parents kill me why don't you just put your kids in a bubble we won't be saying anything about them . Also i find it interesting the creator of this thread hasn't said anything if it was an actual adult looking for opinions they'd respond but no it wasn't it was a kid who wanted somebody to say something about him/friend

I was just wondering if this kid was good, and you're the only one who had any response, I just wanted to know if the Davis guy is note worthy.
I was just wondering if this kid was good, and you're the only one who had any response, I just wanted to know if the Davis guy is note worthy.
Joey Davis is not a bad ball player. Haven't seen him this year, but didn't do to bad last year.
I was just wondering if this kid was good, and you're the only one who had any response, I just wanted to know if the Davis guy is note worthy.
No you never even said Davis was the kid but Question answered . like I said you made your account recently and all you've commented is downtalking your teams competition I.e cape henlopen pitching and then started a thread asking if anybody think the kids any good hoping somebody would shout either you out or your a friend/ family member of the kid looking for praise .. it's funny you thought it would go unnoticed an that you got mommy involved
Joey Davis is not a bad ball player. Haven't seen him this year, but didn't do to bad last year.
100+ kids had a " not to bad year" last year and were not talking about them for a reason smh this forum is going downhill
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