damn DT thats harsh.. cut the old feller some slack.. besides he brings the talent.. check them fine honeys out
Hey 84 you basstard.. you got one of these? We do wife puts it out every year right after the turkey gets bassted. makes me wanna choke the bassitch
Nah, I smoke my trees and then sing to them, at first glance, I thought it was a huge bud with a Santa hat. Are you sure that’s not red hat scentsy bud, just asking
haha just noticed the balloons in the upper left corner... those silly accordion players
All in fun.I think he’s just messing around bud
I’m curious just what kind of party these folks are having? Dove could be making a big mistake not inviting them. My sense is the ladies are pretty good with their fingers and we know they can squeeze their box. Hmmmmm makes you wonder. Bummy might have been on to something with that accordion stuff all along.
Thanks,rr...dovetail has never liked me. I think dove is a 1960's era clone. Maybe he doesn't appreciate my insight and analysis. Also, he never appreciated the level of detail that I go into my city ratings. Maybe after this week's games I will publish my city rankings. Charter, Howard, Saint Lizzie's, Salesianum, and Tower Hill (in alpha order). Gotta love Wilmington.
If anybody is banned it should be me. Where is your sense of judgement?
Uncle Bummy, I don't dislike you. Sometimes though, you are like a toothache that won't go away.
IllI second that!Good, but there are days when I get on my own nerves...