DIAA Board meeting today


D1AA Prospect
Oct 4, 2008
Motion to cancel playoffs this weekend and do Bowl games next weekend.

Smyrna Vs. Middletown
Sussex Central vs. St. Georges
Hodgson vs. Caesar Rodney
Cape Henlopen vs. Sallies

Woodbridge vs. Delmar
Archmere vs. Howard
St. Marks vs. Red Lion
Newark vs. DMA.

was the proposed motion.....there was no “second” to the motion.

One board member said that the board would face legal action if it was passed. DIAA member Doug Thompson who proposed the change aid Delaware lost all credibility and is being laughed at by other states
Next up on agenda is Winter sports....I believe somewhere in the meeting is the proposed realignment for football as well
Motion to cancel playoffs this weekend and do Bowl games next weekend.

Smyrna Vs. Middletown
Sussex Central vs. St. Georges
Hodgson vs. Caesar Rodney
Cape Henlopen vs. Sallies

Woodbridge vs. Delmar
Archmere vs. Howard
St. Marks vs. Red Lion
Newark vs. DMA.

was the proposed motion.....there was no “second” to the motion.

One board member said that the board would face legal action if it was passed. DIAA member Doug Thompson who proposed the change aid Delaware lost all credibility and is being laughed at by other states

Doug Thompson who proposed the change said Delaware lost all credibility and is being laughed at by other states

I am all for the bowl games but dang even I know it's too late for that now. What the hell is he talking about? Laughed at where? Why would we(DE) care what someone from some other state is saying on twitter or some nonsense thing like that? 🤡

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They want to apologize to the teams that didn't get in.. wtf.. Is that like the NFL apologizing to teams when the refs blow a call that costs them a game?

someone's laughing alright.. me 😆

Are these folks going to be able to get realignment done?. I know not likely today but before next year?.. thoughts?
Idk. But I’m about tired of listening to them now. I was only listening for the potential realignment.
Someone needs to make a motion to kick Mr Thompson off the island.. They spent way too much time on his nonsense today..👢
ohh boy let's talk about and consider every cockamamie idea someone sends in.. stick a fork in me I'm

This lady is in the wrong position if she is one of those who want to try and make everyone happy types.. That I can tell you..

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7hrs 5 minutes and all that was accomplished was how many weeks and games the winter sports would have... for the record 7 weeks, BB 14 games, Wrestling 14 duals, Swimming 12 duals... playoff formats and selection TBD by the sports committees ... #staytuned

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My sense is that the only place where a private-public reallignment would even remotely make sense is basketball. Not that I am supporting it but it might merit discussion.

How many times in the last 25 years has a public school won the boys or girls baslketball tournament? You could have private and public championships then have a state championship. Not necessarly supportive but it might be worthy of a conversation.
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It’s not even about public and private. It’s about even competition. If it was about public and private Sallies and Hodgsons of the world wouldn’t win a state championship the last few years....even though they were rightly deserved.

its about eliminating the 40+ games, which needs to happen. But “Thompson” needs to stay in his lane and go somewhere cause this dude is annoying as FUC*
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Heard it and thought it was funny. Obviously you had a bit at the table. Just because you’re part of it doesn’t mean you have special request on what’s going on.

granted. I thought Hodgson/CR had a gripe on what’s going on.
Doug clearly likes to think outside the box. But he was very clear about the relationship of the DIAA and the subcommittees. DIAA just goes with their recommendation without any oversight. I have said this many times over. If the football subcommittee makes the decision on the new realignment, it will be a mess. There are too many people on that committee that vote for the best interest of their individual team.
I say we have a 5 member committee that has no affiliation with the teams/sports. The subcommittees of all the sports bring their decisions to be voted on by the 5 person committee. I know there are at least 5 people on here that have common sense by just reading the boards. This would clearly be better than just having DIAA approve everything.
ohh boy let's talk about and consider every cockamamie idea someone sends in.. stick a fork in me I'm

This lady is in the wrong position if she is one of those who want to try and make everyone happy types.. That I can tell you..

I always wondered why it is okay for 8th graders to play HS ball if their 8th grade is in the same building as the high school, but it is not allowed if the 8th grade for that high school is in a different building. In some cases that 8th grade building is right across the street or right next door to the high school. How is that fair to all the schools and all the kids?
I always wondered why it is okay for 8th graders to play HS ball if their 8th grade is in the same building as the high school, but it is not allowed if the 8th grade for that high school is in a different building. In some cases that 8th grade building is right across the street or right next door to the high school. How is that fair to all the schools and all the kids?

Personally I don't think 8th graders should be allowed to play high school at all. Delaware is one of very few if not the only state that allows this. I understand why it was allowed in that schools that have 8th grade in the building are very small private schools and being private schools and not run by the state they assume the risk if the 8th grader gets injured etc..

The reasoning for allowing them was these small schools couldn't field JV teams to play JV games. When this rule was enacted I don't think most public schools had that problem. You really don't see very many 8th graders on the high school teams except in wrestling where because of the low weight classes they can compete there and that has been an advantage for schools like Sanford or Caravel to fill weight classes and on Varsity. I am assuming it is primarily the wrestling coaches making this request to DIAA

By enacting this rule to the public schools it opens up a whole can of worms not only including the assumption of risk involved by the state but with school choice then these 8th graders will be open game or at least more exposed for recruiting etc. Then what about Charters ( high school only ones) and Techs where do they feed 8th graders from? . I know it's more clear in southern DE schools where you have like a Delmar MIddle and High right there so middle school and high are defined and named alike but its not like that in the north.

I am not sure if it is even possible for the public schools to get this by the DOE or the State Government but I could get behind allowing 8th graders to wrestle with some restrictions. I also don't know if this could be a school district decision like a Delmar district could allow Delmar Middle 8th graders to play but I again I just don't see the state government getting behind this. Too much liability involved if one the the 8th graders gets seriously injured

The other issue with allowing 8th graders to play is it may encourage pink shirting ( holding a kid back to repeat a grade for athletic advantage) Parents do take advantage of this at the very few privates that house 8th graders as it is. If it were allowed statewide and in the public schools that 8th graders could play high school then pink shirting will be rampant.

Those are just my thoughts on the subject and like I said I would rather no 8th graders playing in high school at all like everywhere else.

Later I will research how many 8th graders are typically on high school rosters, what sports, what schools and post my findings. Work is slow right now and I always love a good research project.. Thank You for that.🤓

A quick peruse shows something interesting in that most the 8th graders are on varsity and I am willing to bet they are pink shirts (something I will not be able to prove sans a few kids) ..stay tuned for full report
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Bib, my belief is that the 8th grade one building rule is a carryover from the downstate small school rural past. For example, if you were to go Felton School before 1957, you would enter the building as a kindergartner and 13 years later leave the other side of the building as a HS grad.

A lot of downstate one building schools started to disappear as a result of the small school consolidation act of the late 1960’s. The Harrington and Felton school districts merged to become the Lake Forest District. This kind of process also gave us the Indian River School District, the Cape Henlopen School District and the Woodbridge School District.

The rule to allow 8th graders in the same building (or even interpreted as campus) hung around and was utilized by upstate private schools. As a result Elena Della Donne started piling up those points as an 8th grader at Ursuline..

I don’t know the status of the current rule.

The website contains some consolidation information.

Henlopen Conference History

Some consolidation began before the 1960’s. For example, the special school districts of Delaware City and St George’s merged to form the the Gunning Bedford School District. Then in the early 1970’s Gunning Bedford merged with the New Castle School District to become the the New Castle Gunning Bedford School District. Then as a result of the 1978 Court ordered bussing you had the De La Warr School District join NCGBSD to form the current Colonial School District.

OK, I am starting to bore myself.
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@Uncle Bumfuzzled

Here is the current rule and recent changes there of..

2.7.5 Limited Participation - Eighth Grade Students A high school may elect to allow students in the eighth grade to participate at the high school level to extent allowed in this section if the eighth grade is part of the same administrative unit as grades 9 through 12. Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, prior to allowing any eighth grade participation, Member schools are required to adopt policies consistent with this section and submit a request to the DIAA Board of Directors for approval. The request must provide sufficient evidence to determine that the school is eligible to permit eighth grade students to represent the school in high school interscholastic athletics. The burden shall be on the school to establish they are eligible under this regulation. It is the school's discretion to allow eighth grade participation at the high school level. Effective with the 2016-2017 school year, only rising eighth graders who have been in regular attendance at the eligible school for at least one full school year immediately prior to the eighth grade are eligible to represent the school in high school interscholastic athletics. Students who transfer into the eligible school for the eighth grade are ineligible to represent the high school at any level in any interscholastic sport. This subsection does not apply to schools that begin with the eighth grade. A junior high or middle school student who participates in a sub varsity or varsity contest at the high school level shall be ineligible to participate at the junior high or middle school level in the same sport during the same season. This subsection does not preclude an eighth grade student from participating in a try-out at the high school level while still retaining middle school eligibility.

2.7.6 Seventh grade students shall not be permitted to participate on high school interscholastic teams.
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Looking at the rule brought up another point I missed above and that is academic control over academic eligibility hence the way the rule is worded now "under the same administration" and no longer defined as same building or campus.
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Dr Layfield head of DIAA board and also on the football committee is the principal of Sussex central. I think the point that perhaps Doug Thompson and Mrs moffett wanted to make was Layfield voted on something that directly impacted his school. They just did not call him out It might not have changed the outcome but would have given a better appearance to the process. Perhaps others would have voted differently if they were not trying to support Layfield
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Dr Layfield head of DIAA board and also on the football committee is the principal of Sussex central. I think the point that perhaps Doug Thompson and Mrs moffett wanted to make was Layfield voted on something that directly impacted his school. They just did not call him out It might not have changed the outcome but would have given a better appearance to the process. Perhaps others would have voted differently if they were not trying to support Layfield

Well that information certainly changes things, well at least in my mind. A very good point being the vote to allow Delmar games to count put Central in and HVT out.. Just curious because the first vote to make Delmar eligible was 14-1 then it was petitioned that vote be overturned and that petition failed 5-8 and 2 abstains , was Layfield one of the 2 abstainers?

Just out of curiosity why would anyone vote to make Layfield or any Chair or Director happy? It's not like its a paying job to get fired from or could lead to some political office or something like that. lol 🤷‍♂️
Anybody else hear Frank Moffatt’s wife very politely but sternly tear the board a new one for their decision regarding Delmar? Yikes. Was probably some interesting dinner table conversation at the Moffatt household.

Isn't this year Moffett's swan song? If so what a sucky way to go out.. I can see why the Mrs. would be perturbed.
IMO, I don’t think anyone was trying to please Layfield. I think it goes back to Donna Polk saying that no one would be adversely affected by Covid cancellations. That really boxed in board members. As for Mrs. Moffatt’s comments, at best, they came actoss as completely tone deaf.
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IMO, I don’t think anyone was trying to please Layfield. I think it goes back to Donna Polk saying that no one would be adversely affected by Covid cancellations. That really boxed in board members. As for Mrs. Moffatt’s comments, at best, they came actoss as completely tone deaf.
Well they should have stuck with the rules they voted on and set forth from the beginning.

Donna Polk should have had deal with her her words on her own. She doesn't have the power to set or make rules anyway so she never should have even said that to begin with.
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Well they should have stuck with the rules they voted on and set forth from the beginning.

Donna Polk should have deal with her her words on her own. She doesn't have the power to set or make rules anyway so she never should have even said that to begin with.
They always did say that the rules were subject to revision this season. I just think with 300k dead and this thing raging out of control, everyone’s doing the best they can..
Based mostly on 2019 rosters also some are the same student playing multiple sports. I believe a couple schools in some sports the 8th graders play HS and 6 and 7th graders play MS.

There are no football players and I believe that is very rare but has happened.

Only 6 schools allow/do it

Sanford: FH- 1JV, BBB 1V, BBG 1V, BASE- 2V, LAXB- 2V

Tatnall: SB- 2V, BBB- 2V, BBG- 1V, WR- 2V, SG- 2V

Tower Hill: VB- 1V, LAXG- 1V

Caravel: FH- 1 V/JV, SB- 11 V/JV, VB 2JV, BBG- 1JV, VB- 5JV, BBB- 1 JV, BBG- 3V 3JV, WR- 4V, LAXB- 1V, SG 4 V/JV(2018), SOFT- 5V 8JV(2018)

Newark Charter: FH- 1V 9JV, SB- 1V 1JV, VB- 5JV, BBB- 1JV, BBG 3V 3JV, WR- 4V, BASE- 4JV, LAXB- 1V 5JV, LAXG- 2V 7JV, SG- 8JV, SOFT- 1V 3JV

RLCA: FH- 1V, VB- 1V, BBB- 1JV, WR-5V, LAXB- 1 (2018), LAXG 1V(2018), SOFT- 5V(2018)
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Based mostly on 2019 rosters also some are the same student playing multiple sports. I believe a couple schools in some sports the 8th graders play HS and 6 and 7th graders play MS.

There are no football players and I believe that is very rare but has happened.

Only 6 schools allow/do it

Sanford: FH- 1JV, BBB 1V, BBG 1V, BASE- 2V, LAXB- 2V

Tatnall: SB- 2V, BBB- 2V, BBG- 1V, WR- 2V, SG- 2V

Tower Hill: VB- 1V, LAXG- 1V

Caravel: FH- 1 V/JV, SB- 11 V/JV, VB 2JV, BBG- 1JV, VB- 5JV, BBB- 1 JV, BBG- 3V 3JV, WR- 4V, LAXB- 1V, SG 4 V/JV(2018), SOFT- 5V 8JV(2018)

Newark Charter: FH- 1V 9JV, SB- 1V 1JV, VB- 5JV, BBB- 1JV, BBG 3V 3JV, WR- 4V, BASE- 4JV, LAXB- 1V 5JV, LAXG- 2V 7JV, SG- 8JV, SOFT- 1V 3JV

RLCA: FH- 1V, VB- 1V, BBB- 1JV, WR-5V, LAXB- 1 (2018), LAXG 1V(2018), SOFT- 5V(2018)
Downstate- i believe that Milford, Sussex Academy, Delmar and Laurel are allowed to have 8th graders on HS teams.
Well that information certainly changes things, well at least in my mind. A very good point being the vote to allow Delmar games to count put Central in and HVT out.. Just curious because the first vote to make Delmar eligible was 14-1 then it was petitioned that vote be overturned and that petition failed 5-8 and 2 abstains , was Layfield one of the 2 abstainers?

Just out of curiosity why would anyone vote to make Layfield or any Chair or Director happy? It's not like its a paying job to get fired from or could lead to some political office or something like that. lol 🤷‍♂️
Layfield did no obstain at any point. In fact he said during the discussion prior to the vote “Let me put my Sussex Central hat on”. The same guy who steadfast against Sallies in the beginning of the season with his, “These are the rules that were put in place by the tournament committee. We can not change them. Good Luck with your season.” Fast forward to Sunday, and the rules were changed for guess who....
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