
Nov 16, 2018
DMA will officially be forfeiting last week’s game to Howard. Oddly, it has nothing to do with the incident during the game. It’s worse, as DMA knowingly used an ineligible player. Stay tuned for updates.
h/t to Twidder Phil for an initial heads up about a possible ineligible player, after which I was contacted by a parent who filled in the blanks.
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DMA will officially be forfeiting last week’s game to Howard. Oddly, it has nothing to do with the incident during the game. It’s worse, as DMA knowingly used an ineligible player. Stay tuned for updates.
h/t to Twidder Phil for an initial heads up about a possible ineligible player, after which I was contacted by a parent who filled in the blanks.
what was @TwidderPhil talking about with the scrimmage thing though?
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DMA will officially be forfeiting last week’s game to Howard. Oddly, it has nothing to do with the incident during the game. It’s worse, as DMA knowingly used an ineligible player. Stay tuned for updates.
h/t to Twidder Phil for an initial heads up about a possible ineligible player, after which I was contacted by a parent who filled in the blanks.

Well that certainly will come with suspension for the coach as well.. I assumed then they self reported to DIAA?
oh here duh...
found the DMA thread

I’m sort of lost here! But it sounds intriguing!

My only experiences with DMA seems to be surrounding controversy or false bravado. Wasn’t their motto essentially “we are going to kick everyone’s ass” last year? Then the messages the coach was sending kids. Then we had mr302takeover here with his comments.

And now the coach is playing ineligible players? Is that right?

So I guess my question is “if this coach is doing all of these things, why doesn’t anything happen?” Is everyone just “haters” against DMA and their coach? Or are there actual improprieties happening at DMA?
The player who was ejected in the scrimmage should be sitting tonight. At the least, the coach should be suspended tonight and answering why he shouldn't be fired. I imagine an additional game or 2 could be coming from the DIAA.
Let me get this right, if a player gets ejected from a scrimmage , it’s an automatic suspension as well?
yes normally in my coaching experience, if you are ejected you sit out at the next contest (scrimmage, regular season, post season, etc). The AD and DIAA should have been notified of the ejection after it happened. DIAA should have confirmed with the AD that player was ejected and is out for the next game. AD can file an appeal of the suspension. DIAA would rule themselves or held a hearing.

I wonder if Howard coaches were scouting the scrimmage and saw the ejection and then the kid playing against them.

When Christiana suited up suspended players with different numbers a few years ago, coach got let go, just prior to a game against Howard if I recall correctly.
Ok thanks I know that was case for games . I agree that it should be the result, just can’t recall ever hearing about this happening in the past.
yes normally in my coaching experience, if you are ejected you sit out at the next contest (scrimmage, regular season, post season, etc). The AD and DIAA should have been notified of the ejection after it happened. DIAA should have confirmed with the AD that player was ejected and is out for the next game. AD can file an appeal of the suspension. DIAA would rule themselves or held a hearing.

I wonder if Howard coaches were scouting the scrimmage and saw the ejection and then the kid playing against them.

When Christiana suited up suspended players with different numbers a few years ago, coach got let go, just prior to a game against Howard if I recall correctly.

I remember that. It wasn’t that long ago was it?
yes normally in my coaching experience, if you are ejected you sit out at the next contest (scrimmage, regular season, post season, etc). The AD and DIAA should have been notified of the ejection after it happened. DIAA should have confirmed with the AD that player was ejected and is out for the next game. AD can file an appeal of the suspension. DIAA would rule themselves or held a hearing.

I wonder if Howard coaches were scouting the scrimmage and saw the ejection and then the kid playing against them.

When Christiana suited up suspended players with different numbers a few years ago, coach got let go, just prior to a game against Howard if I recall correctly.
Allegedly the DMA player played with a different number than he had previously. If that's true, good old slick Nick should be gone.
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Wonder if he will coach tonight? Certainly not enough time for diAa to get involved. See if the school has enough ethics to suspend him immediately
Will diaa throw the book at them or wuss out and let them off like they did Middletown.
Good Luck with that Malvern game!

Malvern Prep put the running clock on La Salle and beat Wood last night 21-9. They will be ranked in the top 8 in PA maybe top 5. They look very stout and big. Probably the best team in PA behind SJP in my opinion. That game will be uglier than MT vs SJC. It's a shame those DMA boys will be put in that position by some clown coaches ego... #302embarassment
On our podcast today, we talked about how these need to be resolved and how the school can help themselves by releasing a statement, even a generic one. In the absence of actual information, speculation and disinformation reign.
Rumor is that he was TOLD about the rule prior to the game and chose to do it anyway. So this isnt a mistake its just another example of the trash act from the DMA coach - and his partner in crime the AD.

Coach should be fired immediately and if it comes out the AD knew he needs to go too. They have taken a pretty clean program and turned it to trash in 2-3 short years.
Rumor is that he was TOLD about the rule prior to the game and chose to do it anyway. So this isnt a mistake its just another example of the trash act from the DMA coach - and his partner in crime the AD.

Coach should be fired immediately and if it comes out the AD knew he needs to go too. They have taken a pretty clean program and turned it to trash in 2-3 short years.

If its true the player played under a different number that tells you all you need to know about who knew what and intent.
On our podcast today, we talked about how these need to be resolved and how the school can help themselves by releasing a statement, even a generic one. In the absence of actual information, speculation and disinformation reign.

I had to turn it off after the ten minutes of telling us why your not going to talk about the DMA issue and all that PC verbal vomit.. He (Buzby) said the ineligibility could be from any of the rules that make a player ineligible in the rule book knowing damn well what the reason was. Really? Buzby didn't have any problem dealing in rumor and speculation when he was bashing Red Lion daily back during that thing lol.. just saying he went on the whole spiel about being factual and not dealing in misinformation then proceeded to say the game Friday night was in Maryland so the DIAA was not involved or something.. C'mon man you know the game was at DMA and you didn't correct him? Is he like your boss or something? Dude is terrible and rarely has a clue what he is talking about. Too funny.
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