I’m sure this was said the last 2 years about their in-state schedule & they made it to the Bob both years including a horrible foul call away w/ 1 second left on the clock from the championship game last year. They don’t have the horses as those 2 years past but same type of schedule w/ a lot of their games coming against out-of-state teams so I’m sure they are hoping same results as people doubt them. They have 2 players in West & Williams & probably the best freshman downstate in Gourdine who went to Postlethwait last year.Yeah,can’t figure that one out. St TM’s schedule is really suspect imo...There in state schedule is very week. They got crushed by St G, the only other instate team worth mentioning is Red Lion that they play, after that nothing, DPSS,MOT Charter, Freire Charter, Design Lab & DSU smh
Hyland had 58... SmhCoach gotta do better
Just watched their game vs St George's