Laurel Bulldogs!

@rr2....ready over it... I just happen to notice it while going through the film to do my sons highlights for the season.

If you have time can you tells us more about the process and your thoughts of a good highlight film.

Hopefully, you will allow the readers to view this body of work.
@ CavCharlie.. I am the wrong guy for that. I have no talent in that area. I just use Hudl and I keep it simple.. Just the plays no music or fancy effects..

This post was edited on 11/18 12:22 PM by ravensrooster2
@ rr2.. Got it. Hudl, simple, just the plays (10 best), no music/effects. I do like the little circle that highlights the player. Thx.

I'm always amazed how you can sum up an entire season in less than 2 minutes. I mean the amount of time in hours, days, weeks, months an individual with passion dedicates themselves. I guess if it was easy, everyone would be playing.
Yes Def the player circle is a must...
you can go to 14-16 plays if you crop them tight.. I make one with all the plays for Grandparents and family then the shortened one for the coaches..
Everyone outside of Laurel, and I do mean everyone just about literally, was telling the Bulldogs they have no chance in this game prior to kickoff. Several commenters on this board included. Then Laurel goes out and wins and a few people on here rub it in a little, and now they are the bad guys. God bless the Internet.
Originally posted by wingstopaws0912:
break it's not like you have a game to worry about this week.......
Because I said I would and probably shouldn't.. Here is the deal with that play.. Originally I saw it as you did some sort of motion intercept the snap type play.. I even said to the guys around me "WTF was that are drawing crap up in the dirt?" 2nd and goal from the 5 and you run some play that doesn't work past 11U rec ball? well I found out it was like this..

The play was originally a fake jet sweep to the motion man and Savage keep it left ( and by the defensive set up it most likely would have worked) During the time out the coaches said to cancel the motion and just run to the diamond bunch... For what ever reason #7 and # 3 did not process the information... #7 called for the motion #11 did not respond because he heeded the the coaches wishes... #3 false started then turned and urged #11 to go in motion... #11 goes in motion and #7 calls for the snap at the same time #11 was in the way... As for Laurel guy blowing up the play nope.. No one was even on that side to block them as it was supposed to be a sweep left and 11 was to kick out the guy who came in unblocked..
AS for the pregame issues... The coach who brings the team out told me they were told to come out at 7:20... NO one told them that they were supposed to go to the other endzone and re enter,,, In almost every venue when the locker room is on one side of the stadium both teams enter on one side.. Its like this at Baynard, Middletown, Archmere, HVT ST G and many others .. its the norm it makes no sense to cross all the way across your sideline and enter back the other way No one really does that. Yes I get that is what is done at Laurel but that was not conveyed to the CA coaches... If it were they would have complied.
They entered at 7:20 and had every intention of being out of the way when Laurel entered only the CA band was still playing and on the field... He didnt want to run trough the band so he waited, When Laurels kids came in and it was obvious it was a problem they made the choice to run through the band (and they got crap for that as well).. CA coach even asked the IR coaches who were there what the deal was and they said yeah your supposed to enter from the other side. CA coach said well wish someone would have told me,.. Its was not done in any attempt to be disrespectful...

Ok man breathe and let it go. Caravel is a great program and will undoubtedly be back next year. They got beat and now laurel is focused on Wilmington friends, as am I. The past is the past and what's done is done. Move on and let's stop worrying about it.
Originally posted by wingstopaws0912:

Ok man breathe and let it go. Caravel is a great program and will undoubtedly be back next year. They got beat and now laurel is focused on Wilmington friends, as am I. The past is the past and what's done is done. Move on and let's stop worrying about it.
LOL I let it go ten minutes after the game .. I just like to talk for the sake of it. Its not that serious... but yeah I do have to have the last word .. Its a trait I inherited from the Mrs. LOL well that and I am stickler for details..

This post was edited on 11/18 10:16 PM by ravensrooster2
Your grasping.. Literally Wings its obvious you are a team Mom.. can we get a pic? If not I am sure Sparty or Jawnsky can provide one.. just asking.. LOL

This post was edited on 11/18 11:00 PM by ravensrooster2
Hey, Wingstop, we get it, Laurel won. There is still interest for some of us to talk about the game and what happened during certain plays. If you're tired of the conversation, ignore the thread. Stop telling everyone to "let it go." It's getting annoying.
Originally posted by cavaliercharlie:
I like...A true Mike with a good frame that can read. Good luck and have fun with the final cut.
Thanks CavCharlie hes a hard worker.. final cut goona take awhile.. I have 114 tackles to cut to 15 or so arghh .. One of those good problems I suppose
I don't care if there was 12 turnovers...laurel won. They caused the turnovers, its called defense...stop making excuses. Maybe Caravel comes out snd watches laurel on their home field lol.

As far as not shaking hands, not sure I would have after you try to show me up pre game then run out and make it a point to run to mid field and walk across the bulldog while staring at the laurel team. You get no respect after that classless act. Your lucky you don't get you tail whipped after that....oh wait, they did, ON THE FIELD! Enjoy the off season

This post was edited on 11/23 6:32 AM by ottie35
Ottis, this thread has been asleep for three days until you woke it up this morning, so nobody "keeps talking about it." Except now I have to, so...

Yes, we all know that Laurel won the game, but if you were there you know that the best team didn't win. Caravel basically had their way offensively for much of the game, and the turnovers were Caravel mistakes (fumbled snaps, miscommunication on plays, etc.), not Laurel defense. All that being said, hats off to the Bulldogs, because they are playing in round two, and CA is not.

As for CA running to the middle of the field...they've been doing that for years, the same way, every game, home and away. No offense was intended, I'm sure.
I was ready to let this go but Laurel folks are being ridiculous acting like they sleighed a dragon rather than just being humble and thankful for their fortunes this season...

CA - 208 yds Rushing 128 yds Passing 336 Total
Laurel - 125 yds Rushing 85 yds Passong 210 Total

Savage 21 for 112
Auguste 21 for 70

The difference was CA lost 3 fumbles (one returned for a TD) and a botched recovery on onside kick

Through all that CA still overcame a 19-7 deficit only to have a ref blow an offensive PI call to give Laurel the win..

ALL that being said Laurel won and deserved it because they made less mistakes.. Fans/Parents need to chill and be thankfull of their fortunes.. after all they drew Friends next and are in the Chip...

And Ottie.. your way off base and there is more I will hold to myself but don't push it because it is not a good look for Laurel.. Take your CA and Friends victory to UD and take your best shot at HVT,,, save the drama

This post was edited on 11/22 7:51 PM by ravensrooster2
You guys are hilarious. Stop trying to make excuses and take these wins from our boys. I was at both games and laurel moved the ball just as well as Caravel. Auguste splits carries with Reggie and amare.

Let's talk about savage. You know where he is from right? He grew up in seaford and as far back as I remember he has no wins vs laurel through pop warner or anything. We have played against him since he was a little guy. Goes to Caravel and that still doesn't work out. Were a public school, we don't recruit,as a matter of fact we have kids (some my family) starting at tech (their qb and best defensive player), and some at Delmar. When was the last time Caravel beat laurel, go ahead, I'll's been quite sometime. So stop with the "we pay money to attend school, so we must be better than you, and you only beat us because we let you attitude".

As far as your personal vendetta against our coaches, save it....nobody cares.

So now we beat Caravel, then beat friends, on your field. Come watch us next week...
Ottie35 and RR2 - How about we put this to rest. Both Caravel and Laurel have very good football programs. Both have won multiple State Championships and both of you, along with players from both squads, should be extremely proud of these accomplishments. I feel the thread has gotten out of hand and has lost what it was originally intended for, and that was BULLDAWGS78 loving and rooting the "DAWGS" on.

Yes, the game is won on the field and last week, Laurel was that team. It is a great accomplishment to go from 2-8 to 8-2 and one win from a DII Championship, but to state anyone from Caravel is making excuses and trying to take these wins away from your boys is ridiculous. One could say all this nonsense is doing that. With that being said, I wish Laurel the best of luck next week against Hodgson and to Caravel the best of luck next year.

This post was edited on 11/22 9:40 PM by Ollie19
Originally posted by ottie35:
You guys are hilarious. Stop trying to make excuses and take these wins from our boys. I was at both games and laurel moved the ball just as well as Caravel. Auguste splits carries with Reggie and amare.

Let's talk about savage. You know where he is from right? He grew up in seaford and as far back as I remember he has no wins vs laurel through pop warner or anything. We have played against him since he was a little guy. Goes to Caravel and that still doesn't work out. Were a public school, we don't recruit,as a matter of fact we have kids (some my family) starting at tech (their qb and best defensive player), and some at Delmar. When was the last time Caravel beat laurel, go ahead, I'll's been quite sometime. So stop with the "we pay money to attend school, so we must be better than you, and you only beat us because we let you attitude".

As far as your personal vendetta against our coaches, save it....nobody cares.

So now we beat Caravel, then beat friends, on your field. Come watch us next week...
What the hell are you talking about?? Ill just chalk this up to dumb ass down south hick talk... because thats what it is.. CA splits carries between Savage, Shriner and Robinson as well... but did you notice Chuckie and Darnell had the SAME AMOUNT of carries.? What difference does it make where any of the kids grew up? I grew up in Kansas and played HS football in Maryland.. SO?

I have no personal vendetta agains Laurel players or your coaches only the ignorant Laurel posters on here that have come out of the woodworks and say dumb ass untrue ignorant stuff... Where have you guys been the last 4 years??? Quite honestly I havent even heard of Laurel for the last 4 years to even have a vendetta or care.. Delmar or Indian River are the only significant Hen South teams I know about...

As I said before congrats to Laurel.. they made it.. but be realistic they didn't even win the Hen South ... Be thankful... Show some humility after years if being terrible... because your really not that good now,

Ottie I am sure you are OK with your Coach cursing out the CA players including multiple F Bombs and even trowing the N word out to one of CA's marque players,, but that doesn't surprise me at all... yep that happened...

This post was edited on 11/22 10:51 PM by ravensrooster2
RR, you're better than that man. Down south hick talk? What the hell is that? Don''t let immature trolls ruffle your feathers. Laurels fans, players, coaches, the whole program has always been like this. They've always had trash-talking players/coaches and dirty players.

This post was edited on 11/22 10:51 PM by smack.jack99
Originally posted by smack.jack99:
RR, you're better than that man. Down south hick talk? What the hell is that? Don''t let immature trolls ruffle your feathers. Laurels fans, players, coaches, the whole program has always been like this. They've always had trash-talking players/coaches and dirty players.

This post was edited on 11/22 10:51 PM by smack.jack99
Smack your right.. ... but after last year listening to Delmar fans throw racial slurs at our kids from the end zone fence and learning of the coach from Laurel throwing them out as well I am just pissed.. Hell I am a hick that grew up in Kansas but damn even us Kansas hicks dont do that.. When is it even permissible for an opposing coach to address the other teams kids let alone curse them out? You take your beef to the other teams HC period!

And thats a shame because most folks like me would gladly root for small town teams that are underdog to win.. I wasnt here when Laurel was good so I dont know the history but as I said before I would gladly root for them but their fans and attitude make it too hard to do so... JMHO


This post was edited on 11/22 11:25 PM by ravensrooster2
My point is who cares about personal stats? This is a team sport, and the best two teams are playing next weekend. Do you own this board? Who are you to regulate who uses it? Obviously he isn't better than that, didn't take much to show that either.

Not worth the energy and lil nuk said just try a spot of tea, it'll help you relax. lol And no jumping off of the HVT bandwagon now, you have been officially declared a Nukster.
So let me get this straight RR so a Laurel coach drop the N word to one of your players? So is this coming from your son? Doesn't Laurel have more African Americans on there team. Why would they do such a thing.
Originally posted by SWINGANDMISS:
So let me get this straight RR so a Laurel coach drop the N word to one of your players? So is this coming from your son? Doesn't Laurel have more African Americans on there team. Why would they do such a thing.
No it didn't come from my son.. My son said he heard the F Bombs but not the N word.. It came from at least three other players who said so.. AS for Delmar I heard it myself live and in person which Laurel being in the same area leads me to believe it was true as well. Kids won't make that up .. As for the AA players on their own team that is what is more disturbing to me. than heckling the opposing team..
So because Delmar said it, laurel must have to? Makes absolutely no sense. Sounds like some folks were just upset. I can tell you I have known laurels coach a long time....he doesn't have a racial bone in his body. His family is one of the most giving and loving families I know. Just not buying it.

This post was edited on 11/23 12:05 AM by ottie35
Ottis you should show some humility. I could be wrong but I would bet HVzt goes hog ass wild on Laurel next week.

I actually am rooting for you guys but chill out and enjoy the ride.
What's that have to do with these crazy accusations on laurels coach. Unless you know for sure, don't make an accusation like that. That's terrible
Originally posted by ottie35:
What's that have to do with these crazy accusations on laurels coach. Unless you know for sure, don't make an accusation like that. That's terrible
I know for sure or I wouldn't have made statements nor would I have posted them Can't say which coach it was for sure though.. but I did witness a Laurel coach pointing a yelling at our kids while I was getting Pizza..

This post was edited on 11/23 2:05 PM by ravensrooster2
Stop what? Supporting my hometown team....I can't help it you were wrong in your predictions and can't take the fact they beat Caravel. I won't stop supporting them, and if bogus personal attacks towards our coach is all, that's sad. It doesn't change the fact that laurel beat Caravel.....get over it.
Originally posted by ottie35:
My point is who cares about personal stats? This is a team sport, and the best two teams are playing next weekend. Do you own this board? Who are you to regulate who uses it? Obviously he isn't better than that, didn't take much to show that either.
the best two teams arent playing next weekend.. The best two played today at St G stadium... Hell I admit even if CA made it to the chip HVT would beat them like a drum as well... I have been around HS football long enough know D2 in DE is just not that good this year and that is easy pickens for HVT and their talent... Its no knock on Laurel .. numbers are just numbers
Originally posted by ottie35:
Ahhhh I get it now, your son plays for Caravel? That explains alot.
Does it really? I said before the playoffs started HVT would win it...

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