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Top 100 Prospect
Mar 22, 2007
Can't be in two places at once. Please post scores here today.
Originally posted by Miffcat1:
According to Myers' tweet: Sals win 50-43
Yep-looks like that "soft" sked paid off....cant wait to hear what the haters have to say now....
My pleasant 72. Sussex Tech 63. Final
MTP: Burnett-24, Holland-6, Myrick-9, Brown-6, Kearney-20, ShipmanScott-5. #22-2
Tech: Abbott-10, Sykes-21, Allen-6, HuntFletcher-6, Rickards-14, Ball-5

This post was edited on 3/7 4:55 PM by 8yaz
Jawnsky. I beg for forgiveness. I had St G's . There goes my office pool.
Go Sals!
#1 for Mtp sends the game to overtime with a deep 3 pointer from top of the key. It was all mount from there. Sussex tech Is a tough team I don't kno how they were only 10-10. If mount could make free throws the game would of been over Burnett went to line at least 20 times. Whoever the #4 kid is for Sussex tech he had to have about 30pts. Helluva game tho worth the money the officials were terrible on both sides
Sallies led pretty much the whole game. Donte was as confident and measured as I've ever seen him. I believe he had 24 pts and was 11 of 15 at the line. STG could have won IF they were even mediocre at the line. They were horrible. Vince Paoli scored 10 and had the play of the game with a break away layup you'll just have to see on YouTube. STG didn't display any sense of urgency until there was about a minute left in the 4th qtr. Coach Haley substituted freely and often. Sallies student section was crazy and LOUD. The "just like last year" chant in the 4th qtr was classic. Sallies gets the AI / Appo winner on Tuesday
Is that what they were yelling... I thought they were chanting "Give Yaz Heartburn " haha
Great game at Mt Pleasant . Holland banks in 3 pointer straight away at the buzzer to tie the game. Unbelievable .

Early on it looked like MP would win easy. They dominated the boards and Tech looked overmatched. Tech went to a zone press and scored like 12 straight points to take lead at half. Tech led by about 4-7 point the whole second half till MP went on run late to take lead and it like they had the game. Tech rallied again and had the 3 point lead before Holland tied it. You could see Tech was spent in the OT. Myrick hit back to back 3s to open the OT and that set the tone.
Top hill your right SG would have probably won if they shot 40% from the line. Donte wasn't gonna go out easy, missed three big free throws in the 4th but he responded well. Pretty sure that big play was from Duncan though.
The Sals students had a good cheer after a tough call against Sallies. They were chanting, "I'm blind, I'm deaf. I want to be a ref!" Classic. Overall though, I thought the refs were very good. Sallies is very well coached. They were solid on offense most of the day.
Myrick hit back to back shots....not 3s in OT. But still big.

Also a factor. Sykes picked up his 4th foul with about 3 minutes left in 3rd qtr and sat till about 4 left in game. That hurt Tech, but it's a part of the game.
Appo Wins 44-40

AI: Heard-8, Inge-8, Parker-2, Teagle-10, Agwu-12

APPO- Alexander-13, Grayson-3, DeLoatch-11, Sanders-6, Cale 10
Penn calls a timeout w/ none left Smyrna misses the FT's to ice the cake but a penn player throws a pass instead of shooting & time expires
Nothing pretty about the Penn - Smyrna game. I think it was tied at the half. Smyrna had a good 3rd qtr and took double digit lead. Penn rallied in 4th led by Walsh but fell short. Both teams missed a lot of free throws. Smyrna just made a few more plays and they move on.
So Mt. pleasant had 6 players of the court during the closing seconds when they hit the 3.... You can see in the video here that there are 6 white jerseys on the court. Oops!
This post was edited on 3/7 9:45 PM by pksundevil
Smyrna plays harder than any team that I have seen all year. They were my preseason sleeper & will be a tough out any night...they would be even touger if Kpana wasn't hurt & out. I really thought that Tech would win but sounds like that they went out fighting.On another note the almighty St. George's loses to Sallies...all the hype had me believing that they would get by Sallies so is Sanford now the favorite again?
Seen the footage on Twitter no way the DIAA will overturn the outcome of the game for Mount...looks like the refs missed one but I feel bad for Sussex Tech players/fans!!!
All three times I saw Mt Pleasant play this year (vs Newark, Hodgson and today vs Tech) they were lucky to win. Maybe they have the horseshoe around their neck this year!

This post was edited on 3/8 2:48 AM by 8yaz