Semi Final Schedule

I agree about Middletown. When I played and coached there was definitely a home type of atmosphere at MT. Those damn cow bells. I’ve never been to Delmar (always wanted to go) and last time I was at Smyrna it was a grass field with horrible lights. When Newark was good they had a slight home field advantage.

I’ve been to too many games at Archmere. It’s a wine and cheese atmosphere. Archmere wins games there because they have a good team.
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Yes - he left the board earlier this year - was not reappointed

Glad to hear it!
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I feel that It’s ok to move the Archmere game. More fans/ people will have the opportunity to come watch live. Also, Archmere does have adequate away stands so that can’t be the reason. Not losing a true “home” game in 3 years is impressive and it does suck that they can’t use that to motivate them but I don’t think the Auks need anymore motivation for this game. I believe there will be more fans there rooting for the Auks regardless the location.
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I agree about Middletown. When I played and coached there was definitely a home type of atmosphere at MT. Those damn cow bells. I’ve never been to Delmar (always wanted to go) and last time I was at Smyrna it was a grass field with horrible lights. When Newark was good they had a slight home field advantage.

I’ve been to too many games at Archmere. It’s a wine and cheese atmosphere. Archmere wins games there because they have a good team
A loooot of backtracking starting to happen. Do teams in DE have home-field advantages or not?
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I agree about Middletown. When I played and coached there was definitely a home type of atmosphere at MT. Those damn cow bells. I’ve never been to Delmar (always wanted to go) and last time I was at Smyrna it was a grass field with horrible lights. When Newark was good they had a slight home field advantage.
I’ve been to too many games at Archmere. It’s a wine and cheese atmosphere. Archmere wins games there because they have a good team.
Idk man this is coming from a guy whose never been to a Delmar football game but I’ll take your word for it
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The DMA AD Jeremy Jean.... His hands are all over illegal recruiting from his Glasgow days BBall coach and now at DMA...... Dont tell me he wasnt pushing for it....
Going through your past messages, it seems like you have a small unhealthy obsession, but regardless, not sure why anyone thinks DMA had any influence in this. They are the 5th seed, game was at Archmere same day and time as Claymont christmas parade where they close Philadelphia Pike not allowing fans access to field. But yes I am sure DMA called DIAA and forced them to use Sallies field. Its a huge conspiracy. Also, u ever wonder why kids choose to leave a public school for another? Maybe because that school sucks and they dont like it, maybe they want to play with friends or go to a blue ribbon school that 1000s of others are also trying to get into because it has a great culture. Grown ass men on here hating…worry about yourselves. Nobody said anything when DMA lost top players every year to other schools like Sallies St Marks Middletown Caravel. JJ is the best AD in the state, families at DMA love him and he devotes 16 hour+ days for these kids just for guys names soccer07 to trash his reputation on a message board. U have zero clue what really goes on
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Going through your past messages, it seems like you have a small unhealthy obsession, but regardless, not sure why anyone thinks DMA had any influence in this. They are the 5th seed, game was at Archmere same day and time as Claymont christmas parade where they close Philadelphia Pike not allowing fans access to field. But yes I am sure DMA called DIAA and forced them to use Sallies field. Its a huge conspiracy. Also, u ever wonder why kids choose to leave a public school for another? Maybe because that school sucks and they dont like it, maybe they want to play with friends or go to a blue ribbon school that 1000s of others are also trying to get into because it has a great culture. Grown ass men on here hating…worry about yourselves. Nobody said anything when DMA lost top players every year to other schools like Sallies St Marks Middletown Caravel. JJ is the best AD in the state, families at DMA love him and he devotes 16 hour+ days for these kids just for guys names soccer07 to trash his reputation on a message board. U have zero clue what really goes on

Just out of curiosity, with 1000's of kids trying to get into DMA, what system do they use to decide who gets in? Is there state (DOE) oversight on this?
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Just out of curiosity, with 1000's of kids trying to get into DMA, what system do they use to decide who gets in? Is there state (DOE) oversite on this?
Honestly not sure but do know they fall under red clay oversight. Heard that several years ago (at least 4 years ago) the district was not happy there were too many out of district kids accepted, so DMA instituted a rule which allows only x number of out of district acceptances to keep that number low and keep acceptances within the local school district. I can speak from experience that the selection system has to do with a combination of essay, grades, military interest, sports/extra cirriculars, behavior, and a one on one interview between military instructors and the potential cadet. Not sure how they choose but i am sure the high demand allows them to pick the best in all phases.
Honestly not sure but do know they fall under red clay oversight. Heard that several years ago (at least 4 years ago) the district was not happy there were too many out of district kids accepted, so DMA instituted a rule which allows only x number of out of district acceptances to keep that number low and keep acceptances within the local school district. I can speak from experience that the selection system has to do with a combination of essay, grades, military interest, sports/extra curriculars, behavior, and a one on one interview between military instructors and the potential cadet. Not sure how they choose but i am sure the high demand allows them to pick the best in all phases.

Hmm , I don't know if I buy all that especially the showing military interest part but it is interesting. I wonder if the initial application process (entering in the 9th grade) is different than transfers after 9th grade. I know in parochial schools it's way different (easier) things like transfers don't have to take the Archdiocesan Exam like applicants do trying to get in as Freshmen. I understand its different in that DMA is not a Catholic private but just wonder if its easier to get into DMA as a transfer than as a Freshman applicant
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Hmm , I don't know if I buy all that especially the showing military interest part but it is interesting. I wonder if the initial application process (entering in the 9th grade) is different then transfers after 9th grade. I know in parochial schools it way different (easier) things like transfers don't have to take the Archdiocesan Exam like applicants do trying to get in as Freshmen. I understand its different in that DMA is not a Catholic private but just wonder if its easier to get into DMA as a transfer than as a Freshman applicant
I do know that one of the things that attracted my son was the fact that if he wanted to enter a service academy, DMA can give him more of a chance then a public high school. His grandfather graduated from the air force academy and his uncle from the naval academy, so he has heard about what they went through to be accepted and being at DMA would give him a leg up. Not saying that is what he would do, but the option is there. While it may be a small part of why some choose to gi there I know it was a factor that won him over.
I do know that one of the things that attracted my son was the fact that if he wanted to enter a service academy, DMA can give him more of a chance then a public high school. His grandfather graduated from the air force academy and his uncle from the naval academy, so he has heard about what they went through to be accepted and being at DMA would give him a leg up. Not saying that is what he would do, but the option is there. While it may be a small part of why some choose to gi there I know it was a factor that won him over.
Same for mine, I dont think people understand how much military it is, they have active duty naval science instructors, do PT, drill, wear uniforms 4 out of 5 days in which they get inspected. This also causes a lot of kids to leave because it is a fit for some but not others.
Same for mine, I dont think people understand how much military it is, they have active duty naval science instructors, do PT, drill, wear uniforms 4 out of 5 days in which they get inspected. This also causes a lot of kids to leave because it is a fit for some but not others.

Thanks for your candor. Just so you know I am not coming from left field with these questions. I have a genuine interest in how DMA and FSMA work. If you didn't know my son graduated from Caravel and is currently a Marine Corps Officer and he has expressed certain feelings about those schools so he would be happy to know about any strong influences or desires from the DMA or FSMA students to become officers in the Military. Personally I see nothing wrong with DMA being able to use athletics to draw kids in and in turn they are exposed to and given opportunities to serve their country where as otherwise it wouldn't have been considered. Particularly if they are able to gain entry into one of the service academies or an ROTC program (PLC for Marines) at a university.
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Thanks for your candor. Just so you know I am not coming from left field with these questions. I have a genuine interest in how DMA and FSMA work. If you didn't know my son graduated from Caravel and is currently a Marine Corps Officer and he has expressed certain feelings about those schools so he would be happy to know about any strong influences or desires from the DMA or FSMA students to become officers in the Military.
For sure, appreciate his service…it definitely appeals to a certain type of kid I sure many of which are similar to your son, over-achievers who like sports and discipline. Most teenagers want to rebel, this school keeps them in line for the most part requiring short hair and high standards. Almost every kid is involved in multiple sports and clubs and there is high parent involvement. Look I am not trying to be a cheerleader on here, I just dont think alot of people get the culture. People accuse them of so much stuff but from my sons experience and other parents I talk to, the families love it. This can be seen by the fans that show out for games. DMA had more support and fans at Caravel than the home team which is shocking to me. When a school is popular, similar to Caravel or STM, the haters come out of the woodwork. I am sure you have seen that before-
For sure, appreciate his service…it definitely appeals to a certain type of kid I sure many of which are similar to your son, over-achievers who like sports and discipline. Most teenagers want to rebel, this school keeps them in line for the most part requiring short hair and high standards. Almost every kid is involved in multiple sports and clubs and there is high parent involvement. Look I am not trying to be a cheerleader on here, I just dont think alot of people get the culture. People accuse them of so much stuff but from my sons experience and other parents I talk to, the families love it. This can be seen by the fans that show out for games. DMA had more support and fans at Caravel than the home team which is shocking to me. When a school is popular, similar to Caravel or STM, the haters come out of the woodwork. I am sure you have seen that before-
yeah unfortunately Caravel is really light on numbers these days, like less than 35 or so in the football program vs DMA's 80 or so. With twice as many kids in the program it stands to reason there will be more fans (family/friends/students etc) going to the games. Of course winning helps in that as well. When we first went to Caravel DMA was using their field as their home field and there wasn't near as many fans for DMA games as CA games then but DMA didn't have near as many players (ballers) then either. DMA always did have a good student turn out at games though for all sports, Times change.. but yeah I am no stranger to the haters ask @Uncle Bumfuzzled lol
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Yes, Bib used to be a hater magnet. I think with repeated posts people get to know your perspectives and your sincerity. Bib works his butt off as a resource for this message board. I on he other hand readily admit to being somewhat of a clown,

Bummy used to rag on the Sals. I called them the Slowskys. Then people who beat me up for it started calling them the Slowskys, too. Go figure.

Now, I root for the Sals.
Yes, Bib used to be a hater magnet. I think with repeated posts people get to know your perspectives and your sincerity. Bib works his butt off as a resource for this message board. I on he other hand readily admit to being somewhat of a clown,

Bummy used to rag on the Sals. I called them the Slowskys. Then people who beat me up for it started calling them the Slowskys, too. Go figure.

Now, I root for the Sals.
Hey I do my clowning too. Hell sometimes I will say something crazy just to stir the drink.. I can turn from being a clown to a pedantic on a dime though. lol

pedantic, you like that one Sir?
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Yes, Bib used to be a hater magnet. I think with repeated posts people get to know your perspectives and your sincerity. Bib works his butt off as a resource for this message board. I on he other hand readily admit to being somewhat of a clown,

Bummy used to rag on the Sals. I called them the Slowskys. Then people who beat me up for it started calling them the Slowskys, too. Go figure.

Now, I root for the Sals.
You got a question about a team and BiB will give you a breakdown, history, strengths and weaknesses and I'm sure if he looked he can even tell you what the starting right guard had for breakfast that morning.
You got a question about a team and BiB will give you a breakdown, history, strengths and weaknesses and I'm sure if he looked he can even tell you what the starting right guard had for breakfast that morning.

I have two jobs here.. forum comedian and......


not sure which I am better at..probably the former lol
Well when you look at it. Starting with 3A Dover really should have been 4 seed they beat STG in reg season and then proved it in playoffs. Pretty impressive Dover beating STG twice at their place IMO. 2A everyone pretty much had #5 DMA as the second best team in 2A and favored over Caravel. DMA I believe would have been the 2 seed sans an OOS loss to a PA team. and in 1A IR was favored over St Andrews..
Does home-field advantage matter or not? lol
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Going through your past messages, it seems like you have a small unhealthy obsession, but regardless, not sure why anyone thinks DMA had any influence in this. They are the 5th seed, game was at Archmere same day and time as Claymont christmas parade where they close Philadelphia Pike not allowing fans access to field. But yes I am sure DMA called DIAA and forced them to use Sallies field. Its a huge conspiracy. Also, u ever wonder why kids choose to leave a public school for another? Maybe because that school sucks and they dont like it, maybe they want to play with friends or go to a blue ribbon school that 1000s of others are also trying to get into because it has a great culture. Grown ass men on here hating…worry about yourselves. Nobody said anything when DMA lost top players every year to other schools like Sallies St Marks Middletown Caravel. JJ is the best AD in the state, families at DMA love him and he devotes 16 hour+ days for these kids just for guys names soccer07 to trash his reputation on a message board. U have zero clue what really goes on
Mr. Billow
Interesting beginning to your post. I can say I have never gone back through anyone's post.... That said, If you notice a common theme it's that your AD you love cheats. He has been doing since recruiting Chester kids to Glasgow to play basketball, and openly trying to get Kavvon Cramer to leave Mount along with others. Now he's at your beloved DMA (Great school) and he's bringing that same there. Openly recruiting upper classmen to play there. Thank God Cody came your way as a senior transfer...... Everyone who has eyes to see is aware. You can love him all you want. MANY coaches are real pissed about how he operates. You will see. Kool-aid always taste good for a while, the some grow up.
Be well
Going through your past messages, it seems like you have a small unhealthy obsession, but regardless, not sure why anyone thinks DMA had any influence in this. They are the 5th seed, game was at Archmere same day and time as Claymont christmas parade where they close Philadelphia Pike not allowing fans access to field. But yes I am sure DMA called DIAA and forced them to use Sallies field. Its a huge conspiracy. Also, u ever wonder why kids choose to leave a public school for another? Maybe because that school sucks and they dont like it, maybe they want to play with friends or go to a blue ribbon school that 1000s of others are also trying to get into because it has a great culture. Grown ass men on here hating…worry about yourselves. Nobody said anything when DMA lost top players every year to other schools like Sallies St Marks Middletown Caravel. JJ is the best AD in the state, families at DMA love him and he devotes 16 hour+ days for these kids just for guys names soccer07 to trash his reputation on a message board. U have zero clue what really goes on
Agreed that there are some that do want the experience you are mentioning.
it is a stretch to think that this generation is clamoring for the military experience.

what ever they have done there, above board or not, they are winning.

really though on the blue ribbon, blah,blah and military experience.
sure that the yes sirs and no sirs are flying around on the field with a salute.

they may lead the state in personal fouls, unsportsmanlike penalties on coaches and warnings.

that’s why this board works. Call it as you see it.
School works for you- terrific.
lets not, make it sound like it was made in glass. Too many stones, too many windows.
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Agreed that there are some that do want the experience you are mentioning.
it is a stretch to think that this generation is clamoring for the military experience.

what ever they have done there, above board or not, they are winning.

really though on the blue ribbon, blah,blah and military experience.
sure that the yes sirs and no sirs are flying around on the field with a salute.

they may lead the state in personal fouls, unsportsmanlike penalties on coaches and warnings.

that’s why this board works. Call it as you see it.
School works for you- terrific.
lets not, make it sound like it was made in glass. Too many stones, too many windows.
Little far fetched to say that they lead the state in unsportsmanlike penalties unless you have seen every game by every team. And one of my biggest gripes is that they do pick up more then they should and should be more disciplined in the middle of games. There was a play this weekend where a caravel player laid out the center after the play was over and stood over him, when the center was getting up he pushed the caravel player away from him and they were both flagged. In all honesty only the caravel player should have been flagged. You can say that I am watching through a fans eyes but there does seem to be a disparity at times.
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Mr. Billow
Interesting beginning to your post. I can say I have never gone back through anyone's post.... That said, If you notice a common theme it's that your AD you love cheats. He has been doing since recruiting Chester kids to Glasgow to play basketball, and openly trying to get Kavvon Cramer to leave Mount along with others. Now he's at your beloved DMA (Great school) and he's bringing that same there. Openly recruiting upper classmen to play there. Thank God Cody came your way as a senior transfer...... Everyone who has eyes to see is aware. You can love him all you want. MANY coaches are real pissed about how he operates. You will see. Kool-aid always taste good for a while, the some grow up.
Be well
Who is Cody?
He is talking about CJ
This is what I mean about people not knowing what they are talking about, he actually went to DMA as a freshman and left (not by choice) and worked his butt off to try to come back. He presented his case to the DIAA board and the transfer was approved. Whats the problem here. I know nothing about basketball and glasgow and the kid from mount. CJ was the only senior transfer. Malcolm wanted to go to school with his best friends (10 and 11) and BJ transferred mid freshman year to the school his brother coaches at and older brother played rb at. These kids werent recruited, they didnt have to be. What can DMA offer them? A tougher high school experience, they arent paying anyones tuition here
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This is what I mean about people not knowing what they are talking about, he actually went to DMA as a freshman and left (not by choice) and worked his butt off to try to come back. He presented his case to the DIAA board and the transfer was approved. Whats the problem here. I know nothing about basketball and glasgow and the kid from mount. CJ was the only senior transfer. Malcolm wanted to go to school with his best friends (10 and 11) and BJ transferred mid freshman year to the school his brother coaches at and older brother played rb at. These kids werent recruited, they didnt have to be. What can DMA offer them? A tougher high school experience, they arent paying anyones tuition here
I am also a proponent of kids going where they want…my son has played with several kids who I know for a fact get their tuition (or a portion) payed for in DE to play sports. I for one wont be the guy publicly trashing those schools or their ADs because I know those kids are happy in their situations and ultimately its about them and their families who make the choice as to where they go. Several DE kids are playing in PA and NJ for catholic schools for exposure and free tuition so theres that aspect as well. If a kid leaves your school, u shouldnt question the kid and maybe start questioning why they dont want to play for ur school.
I am also a proponent of kids going where they want…my son has played with several kids who I know for a fact get their tuition (or a portion) payed for in DE to play sports. I for one wont be the guy publicly trashing those schools or their ADs because I know those kids are happy in their situations and ultimately its about them and their families who make the choice as to where they go. Several DE kids are playing in PA and NJ for catholic schools for exposure and free tuition so theres that aspect as well. If a kid leaves your school, u shouldnt question the kid and maybe start questioning why they dont want to play for ur school.

Preaching to the choir here. I agree. I have always held the opinion if a kid is legally enrolled in a school and is in good academic standing then no one has the right to tell them they can't participate in that schools after school activities, whatever they are band, sports, drama, lego robotics etc.. The supreme courts in other states have already said so. but I have been banging that drum on here since 2010.. haters gonna hate it's what they do. lol
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Another thing to keep in mind about people saying saying they are getting tuition paid for their kid to play at a school. It's mostly bullshit. They are getting financial aide and went through a process to determine need to get it and just don't want to admit it to people so they say they are getting money for their kid to play there and make it sound like some sort of athletic scholarship. It's malarkey 99% of the time even if it's your best friend saying it. It's just human nature

I saw it all the time when I had our Harco Horns program and we placed many kids in MIAA and WCAC schools. I would hear the kids parents tell others that all the time then I would have to explain to new parents looking for a scholarship for their kid what it really is. Qualified financial aide that pretty much any kid can get even kids who parents seem well off but they are in debt so they qualify, just some food for thought
Preaching to the choir here. I agree. I have always held the opinion if a kid is legally enrolled in a school and is in good academic standing then no one has the right to tell them they can't participate in that schools after school activities, whatever they are band, sports, drama, lego robotics etc.. The supreme courts in other states have already said so. but I have been banging that drum on here since 2010.. haters and gonna hate it's what they do. lol
Male Karens 🤣
Another thing to keep in mind about people saying saying they are getting tuition paid for their kid to play at a school. It's mostly bullshit. They are getting financial aide and went tough a process to determine need to get it and just don't want to admit it to people so they say their getting money for their kid to play there and make it sound like some sort of athletic scholarship. It's malarkey 99% of the time even if it's your best friend saying it. I saw it all the time when I had our Harco Horns program and we placed many kids in MIAA and WCAC schools. I would hear the kids parents tell other that all the time then I would have to explain to new parents what it really is. Qualified financial aide that pretty much any kid can get even kids who parents seem well off but they are in debt so they qualify, just some food for thought
oh for sure, and “alumni sponsorships” I lose zero sleep over it regardless, but then again I am not a Male Karen 🤣
Another thing to keep in mind about people saying saying they are getting tuition paid for their kid to play at a school. It's mostly bullshit. They are getting financial aide and went through a process to determine need to get it and just don't want to admit it to people so they say they are getting money for their kid to play there and make it sound like some sort of athletic scholarship. It's malarkey 99% of the time even if it's your best friend saying it. It's just human nature

I saw it all the time when I had our Harco Horns program and we placed many kids in MIAA and WCAC schools. I would hear the kids parents tell others that all the time then I would have to explain to new parents looking for a scholarship for their kid what it really is. Qualified financial aide that pretty much any kid can get even kids who parents seem well off but they are in debt so they qualify, just some food for thought
We never got very far into the process because of the decision he made, but whnlenever I spoke to representative from a school, and this is in MD, NJ, DE, and VA, and I brought up tuition the response I always received was "oh don't worry about that we will take care of it". Because it never went any further then that could have been financial aid when all of the papers were signed but I do not know.
We never got very far into the process because of the decision he made, but whnlenever I spoke to representative from a school, and this is in MD, NJ, DE, and VA, and I brought up tuition the response I always received was "oh don't worry about that we will take care of it". Because it never went any further then that could have been financial aid when all of the papers were signed but I do not know.
It's exactly what it would have been. There are those that give the old don't worry about the money let's get you qualified for entry and committed. first. They would have walked you through it once you applied and whatever your award was (usually a percentage) if it wasn't enough then some of the schools have other programs or charities to draw from. It was even like this at St Frances (pre Poggi), kids go there thinking they are on a full ride then low and behold their parents get a bill. After football season of course lol I am not saying that there aren't some schools out there that give full rides for sports there are some but mostly ones that aren't part of any state association though
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This is from Sallies webpage and is exactly what the deal and process is at most private schools. Sallies gives out more than 2 mil a year for tuition through academic merit scholarships and financial aide. 2mil for 1000 students , do the math. And if its not enough you can get a loan. See "don't worry about tuition we got you".. of course not every private has that kind of money available some much more some much less. Thanks to Abessinio's donation Sals is on easy street at the moment. I remember not too long ago they were at about 850,000 given out a year. Like 3 years ago lol


Tuition for the 2021-22 school year is $17,500.

Academic Scholarships​

Salesianum offers merit-based academic scholarships and need-based financial aid grants totaling more than $2,000,000 each year. Academic scholarships are awarded to a student based on his score on the Entrance Exam. Students scoring in the 90th national percentile or higher may qualify. Families may also apply for need-based financial aid.

Financial Aid​

Salesianum strives to provide an affordable education for all interested families. We have partnered with School and Student Services (SSS) to provide our financial aid review. Parents can apply for aid starting October 2, 2021 at The deadline to apply through SSS is December 1st. We invite you to use this link for more information on how to apply. Salesianum's school code is 7054.

You can contact the SSS Helpline at 1-800-344-8328 to assist you. Any additional questions regarding the financial aid application process may be directed to

Financial Aid is reviewed on a yearly basis. Current Families must re-apply each year.


Another tuition management option is an education loan. Salesianum has partnered with the following companies to offer maximum flexibility in choosing a loan.

Sallie Mae K-12 Family Education Loan
Sallie Mae offers flexible repayment terms, no prepayment penalties, and competitive interest rates which may make tuition payments more manageable for your family. For further information on the Sallie Mae K-12 Education Loan, visit Select ‘I’m a Parent’ under the heading ‘Start Your Application’, then select K-12 Family Education Loan. Enter school code, 607518-00, when completing your application.

DEXSTA Federal Credit Union Loan
DEXSTA FCU offers unsecured personal loans that can be used to pay tuition. Families must qualify for membership. Visit for more information.

Specific questions regarding tuition may be directed to .
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