This is from Sallies webpage and is exactly what the deal and process is at most private schools. Sallies gives out more than 2 mil a year for tuition through academic merit scholarships and financial aide. 2mil for 1000 students , do the math. And if its not enough you can get a loan.
See "don't worry about tuition we got you".. of course not every private has that kind of money available some much more some much less. Thanks to Abessinio's donation Sals is on easy street at the moment. I remember not too long ago they were at about 850,000 given out a year. Like 3 years ago lol
Tuition for the 2021-22 school year is $17,500.
Academic Scholarships
Salesianum offers merit-based academic scholarships and need-based financial aid grants totaling more than $2,000,000 each year. Academic scholarships are awarded to a student based on his score on the Entrance Exam. Students scoring in the 90th national percentile or higher may qualify. Families may also apply for need-based financial aid.
Financial Aid
Salesianum strives to provide an affordable education for all interested families. We have partnered with School and Student Services (SSS) to provide our financial aid review. Parents can apply for aid starting October 2, 2021 at The deadline to apply through SSS is
December 1st. We invite you to
use this link for more information on how to apply.
Salesianum's school code is 7054.
You can contact the SSS Helpline at 1-800-344-8328 to assist you. Any additional questions regarding the financial aid application process may be directed to
Financial Aid is reviewed on a yearly basis. Current Families must re-apply each year.
Another tuition management option is an education loan. Salesianum has partnered with the following companies to offer maximum flexibility in choosing a loan.
Sallie Mae K-12 Family Education Loan
Sallie Mae offers flexible repayment terms, no prepayment penalties, and competitive interest rates which may make tuition payments more manageable for your family. For further information on the Sallie Mae K-12 Education Loan, visit Select ‘I’m a Parent’ under the heading ‘Start Your Application’, then select K-12 Family Education Loan. Enter school code, 607518-00, when completing your application.
DEXSTA Federal Credit Union Loan
DEXSTA FCU offers unsecured personal loans that can be used to pay tuition. Families must qualify for membership. Visit for more information.
Specific questions regarding tuition may be directed to .