
This could be the best TV theme song if you take it away from the campy show and just take it as a song..very well written

I hated this song as a teen,,I meen HATED,, but listening to it now I realize how well crafted and lyrically genius it is,,,great song
I remember my dad watching that..
He also watched World at War..
that opening music was so depressing!!
just goggle Lee Majors...
worth 15 million and was married to my girl, Farrarh Fawcett!!
looks like me and old Lee have something in common!!
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I was in my early 20's but was immature and juvenile. After Steve Austin crashes they put him back together with robotic parts....the bionic man. He never lost a fight. The Russians were always trying to kidnap him and he once fought Bigfoot. (I believe Lee Majors played college football..)

Bigfoot was played by Andre The Giant. Classic fight. The $6 Million Man runs off Bigfoot.

For a while, the show was on Friday nights. Bummy missed a few episodes to watch DE HS FB.
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