Ok, you win...the refs did a fine job yesterday, no issues...I was completely wrong. Make sure you check out some media outlets today...they may say otherwise. Then again, no one knows as much as you.
I thought I'd stand my ground on here but I don't have it in me...not sure how some of you do it.
I was never typing w/one hand and pounding my fist on the table w/the other...do yourself a favor and try not to interpret a poster's tone and demeanor from reading a text off a forum. Trust me, you guys were way off in this case as far as my intentions go.
I still think it's hilarious when tables are turned and tantrums are thrown and some on here have a hard time handling it.
For those of you that use this forum for how it was intended, PLEASE keep up the good work...I apologize taking up your time w/my posts.