Smyrna gets another one???

Oct 1, 2019
“To all the coaches that are recruiting me, i’d like to announce that i am attending to smyrna high school for my senior year.“
-Jermaine Earl via Twitter

I’d say they’re having a good offseason.
“To all the coaches that are recruiting me, i’d like to announce that i am attending to smyrna high school for my senior year.“
-Jermaine Earl via Twitter

I’d say they’re having a good offseason.
Who else did Smyrna pick up in the off season?
And for the sake of conversation, This is Earl’s third school in 3 years. JS.
I’m not sure of the transfer rules, but that seems like a lot.
And for the sake of conversation, This is Earl’s third school in 3 years. JS.
I’m not sure of the transfer rules, but that seems like a lot.

Didn't have a choice on this one same as the other CA player that is now at Sallies(Wing) . CA also lost Talib Wright to Neumann-Goretti. NG been recruiting up DE kids through a training place in Newark..
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I'm not sure how he would even be eligible to play for Smyrna. This is Earl's fourth school in four years. Started at Newark, where he started as a freshman. Then on to Caravel, Appo last year and now Smyrna.

DIAA allows one transfer after either freshman or sophomore year without a loss of eligibility. For subsequent transfers, the student athlete is supposed to be ineligible for 90 days after his or her first day at a new school. There are a bunch of exceptions, which are exploited all the time by athletes and schools.

It's time for the DIAA to grow a pair and start denying eligibility to those who abuse the transfer rules. Four schools in four years - with three of those being traditional public high schools - just smells of recruiting and opportunism. Either enforce your rules or get rid of them.

Different Earl at APPO... J Earl was at Newark 9th and 10th then transferred to Caravel last year. He was not eligible to return to Caravel so he is at Smyrna now. He will be eligible to play at least as far as DIAA transfer rules are concerned.
The DIAA really needs to look into this instead of slipping a knife into a member school. They used rented Leddie Brown to grab a title and who can forget the two (2) 7 foot Nigerians who appeared on the doorstep in time for a baskets title. Something stinks and it ain't Duck Creek.
Different Earl at APPO... J Earl was at Newark 9th and 10th then transferred to Caravel last year. He was not eligible to return to Caravel so he is at Smyrna now. He will be eligible to play at least as far as DIAA transfer rules are concerned.
My apologies. I did not know this. I still believe the transfer process is abused far too often, however.
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My apologies. I did not know this. I still believe the transfer process is abused far too often, however.

True.. the rules now states you get 1 free transfer at anytime before the start of your Jr year unless it is to to your home district public then you get the 1 transfer at anytime during your high school eligibility (hence some of the Sr year transfers we have seen in the South, Tech to Central and Tech to Woodbridge) and of course with school choice you have what we have.

In Mr Earl's case he used his free transfer going to CA from Newark but being he was not able to return to CA the rules also state he could then make a one time choice to pretty much any school he wanted. A public that accepts school choice students or private. I have no idea where he lives though but it really wouldn't matter.
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why can't he return to CA?

Really not going to discuss that but it is not uncommon for kids to transfer to CA and not be asked to return for a few reasons whether it be academic, behavioral, behind in payments etc.... CA is pretty strict on their policies and some may seem to think they don't apply to them because they are good at a sport or what have you.. Earl and Wing aren't the first and they won't be the last. There are a few of these cases each year.. Is what it is..CA is not easy especially when transferring from a public high school. Most make the adjustment some can't.
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True.. the rules now states you get 1 free transfer at anytime before the start of your Jr year unless it is to to your home district public then you get the 1 transfer at anytime during your high school eligibility (hence some of the Sr year transfers we have seen in the South (Tech to Central and Tech to Woodbridge) and of course with school choice you have what we have.

In Mr Earl's case he used his free transfer going to CA from Newark but being he was not able to return to CA the rules also state he could then make a one time choice to pretty much any school he wanted. A public that accepts school choice students or private. I have no idea where he lives though but it really wouldn't matter.
Thanks for the insight BiB...can you possibly find that rule that says he can choice to any school he wanted because he no longer could attend said Private school, I looked and cannot find it in the DIAA handbook (I probably just missed it or misunderstood it). My understanding would be he would have to attend his feeder or home school district which is why I believe those ST players that you speak of were eligible to transfer and play immediately.
Thanks for the insight BiB...can you possibly find that rule that says he can choice to any school he wanted because he no longer could attend said Private school, I looked and cannot find it in the DIAA handbook (I probably just missed it or misunderstood it). My understanding would be he would have to attend his feeder or home school district which is why I believe those ST players that you speak of were eligible to transfer and play immediately.

I don't think it spells this situation out exactly but to me would fall under the same thing as sending school not offering the sport or closing being the school is no longer available for the student. At worse he just applies for waiver and it would get approved rather easily...
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Jermaine Earl is supposed to be at Penn, he chose to choice to Newark, then transferred to Caravel. He’s got to be using an address in Smyrna.
Jermaine Earl is supposed to be at Penn, he chose to choice to Newark, then transferred to Caravel. He’s got to be using an address in Smyrna.

Not necessarily.. All you have to do is move to a different zone than the one you were in, you don't have to go to the school in your new address zone. You can choice to any school...BUT in this case I believe no move is required as he doesn't have a choice but to transfer. Transfer Due to Change of Residence - The transfer is the result of a change in residence by the custodial parent(s), legal guardian(s) or Relative Caregiver to the attendance zone of a public school that student was not attending. If, as a result of the change of residence, the student could now enroll in a different public school, the student may make a one-time election and select any school including a private school. A change in residence has occurred when all occupancy of the previous residence has ended and a new legal residence has been established. Maintaining dual residency for purposes of athletic eligibility shall render the student ineligible.

Example: You can live in New Castle and move to Newark and choice to Smyrna per rule...
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Not necessarily.. All you have to do is move to a different zone than the one you were in, you don't have to go to the school in your new address zone. You can choice to any school...BUT in this case I believe no move is required as he doesn't have a choice but to transfer. Transfer Due to Change of Residence - The transfer is the result of a change in residence by the custodial parent(s), legal guardian(s) or Relative Caregiver to the attendance zone of a public school that student was not attending. If, as a result of the change of residence, the student could now enroll in a different public school, the student may make a one-time election and select any school including a private school. A change in residence has occurred when all occupancy of the previous residence has ended and a new legal residence has been established. Maintaining dual residency for purposes of athletic eligibility shall render the student ineligible.

Example: You can live in New Castle and move to Newark and choice to Smyrna per rule...
So, out of curiosity, since he just declared last night that he’s now at Smyrna, where has he been for the last month and a half since school started?
So, out of curiosity, since he just declared last night that he’s now at Smyrna, where has he been for the last month and a half since school started?

He has been at Smyrna since the summer as far as I know. I was told about it awhile ago just wasn't going to bring it up on here until someone else did. I guess he just decided to announce that now for whatever reason.. Maybe he needed some attention.. kids these days lol
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Choice closed in January right? But as far as I know after talking to a source he still lives in his house in Bear and is making the daily commute.
Choice closed in January right? But as far as I know after talking to a source he still lives in his house in Bear and is making the daily commute.

Not sure how that all works but it's up to the school to admit the student on school choice DIAA really has nothing to do with that. The application deadline is in Feb I believe but there is the "good cause" exemption.

Enrollment After the Deadline Good Cause - The parent of a school age child may submit the standard application form after the deadline if “good cause” as defined in 14 Del.C., §402(2) exists. The Receiving LEA and district of residence shall accept and consider the application in the same manner as those application submitted by the deadline.
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