Had to be 100 plus people videoing the mess. What a disaster. I have to say before the game even started, I commented to multiple people that the bench situation at that Milford venue was a mess. (For both teams) No reserved area for the teams. When opening shoot around was completed, players literally had to ask fans to move. Not saying it's an excuse, but in a expected high emotion game to not have a safety zone from hostile fans to players is asking for unneeded problems. It seemed like those fans were looking to instigate. If there is a fault of coaches in the thing, if they are aware a fan is sitting on top of one of your players chirping to an excessive extent, it should be demand a stop, get DIAA involved and insist fans are removed. Again not making excuses but being a player does not mean you are fair game to take all types of unlimited close contact verbal abuse. Shame because DIAA is going to have their handful now looking at all that video and Cape is going to get crushed with multiple player playoff suspensions. Horrible way to end a season. In my mind DIAA is not without some responsibility for what appeared to be a less than ideally run venue.