

Tackles too high
Jan 17, 2017
Im as big a Newark sports fan as you'll find but beating a team 39-0 is just disrespectful a 20 piece should have been plenty enough to let up and put the ig/freshman players in hopefully that was done Idk what the circumstances were reguardless it's not something you should be doing in high school sports against a school that struggles to put a team together ..
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On the other side of the fence, the starting pitcher Blevins threw a 2 hit 5 inning shoutout on 52 pitches. As for the offensive production, I can't speak too it, I would hope the coach got some guys who may not see a lot of bats this season in the lineup. If he did do that, then sounds like the guys hit it were they weren't. Would like to hear some input from someone whom was in attendance before we judge
On the other side of the fence, the starting pitcher Blevins threw a 2 hit 5 inning shoutout on 52 pitches. As for the offensive production, I can't speak too it, I would hope the coach got some guys who may not see a lot of bats this season in the lineup. If he did do that, then sounds like the guys hit it were they weren't. Would like to hear some input from someone whom was in attendance before we judge
Yeah I agree on the last part that's why I said Idk the circumstances but doubt anybody was at a Dickinson vs Newark game hopefully there's somebody
I didn't go. I thought the same thing when I saw the score. I guess you can't tell your batters to go up there and strikeout on purpose.
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Just tell the players to get their hit then get picked off... 20 runs in the 5th is uncalled for
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How about Dickinson considering whether or not it should even have a sports program? That is a total embarrassment to the school district. Combine that with the McKean score and you had two Red Clay high schools lose by a combined score of 61-0. That is an absolute embarrassment. It's not Newark HS's fault or Hodgson Vo-Tech's fault that those schools have students who really could care less about their schools. That have zero pride in their school. Zero ownership. Zero. It's a shame, because not all that long ago both of these schools were very good. Enter charter schools and everything changes.
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Why would they even have Dickinson on their schedule? The concept of adding winnable games has been morphed into making sure there's a team to run it up on. Adding winnable games to your sched doesn't mean you should have guaranteed wins, it means you are equals and your team could win the game.

If you are scared to go winless and need to schedule weak opponents then stop coaching
Why would they even have Dickinson on their schedule? The concept of adding winnable games has been morphed into making sure there's a team to run it up on. Adding winnable games to your sched doesn't mean you should have guaranteed wins, it means you are equals and your team could win the game.

If you are scared to go winless and need to schedule weak opponents then stop coaching

Are they or are they not in the same conference? Last I checked they were. Perhaps it's time to move schools around and create a lower conference? I'm sorry, just still not a fan of charter schools and all that it implies. This goes way deeper then sports, for me. It is showing itself in sports though. I made a prediction two years ago that no public school, truly public, not the "public/private" charter schools, from north of the canal would ever win a football state title again. It's sad. No pride in your school because they aren't in your neighborhood and there is no civic pride. Just sad.
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Charter schools, for the most part, are nothing short of a "free alternative" to get out of the district public school systems! It's one thing to send your kids to a truly private school that you PAY for, but allowing these students to go to these so-called "charter schools" has ruined the public school system. They "recruit" as well as the private schools which, again, goes against what it is supposed to be about! I am in full agreement that the state should have a true separation between private and public (at least in athletics) because of that. If that happens, let the private schools recruit all they least it will be on a level playing field!
I agree with Joeypop10, without a traditional neighborhood school, it's hard to show any pride in your school. The local neighbors don't know anyone on the particular teams, I know it's hard for the neighbors to go and support kids from another part of the county play sports at their local school. The Red Clay schools are having a tough time fielding competitive teams in all their sports. I couldn't begin to think how good RC schools would be if the athletes in the respective feeders went to their home schools. But, with the current state of those schools, and much better options; catholic, private and charter schools, I don't see them improving any time soon. What a shame.
Red Clay sports have taken a major fall with all the charter and vo tech schools. Most kids who are Red Clay end up trying their best to goto A.I. Dickinson and McKean are sadly on the decline but those schools have some of the best things to offer. McKean is transitioning into a vo-tech school. A public high school with amazing career programs but nobody wants to go there any more. There's no pride. Its a shame. Think that's why the Henlopeon schools do so well because there isn't all of those options to choose from like there are up North. Every other street there's a new high school. Dover that's it D High, Smyrna that's it Smyrna. Yeah Poly Tech or STMA but they don't pull away from the districts like Red Clay feels.
I agree with Joeypop10, without a traditional neighborhood school, it's hard to show any pride in your school. The local neighbors don't know anyone on the particular teams, I know it's hard for the neighbors to go and support kids from another part of the county play sports at their local school. The Red Clay schools are having a tough time fielding competitive teams in all their sports. I couldn't begin to think how good RC schools would be if the athletes in the respective feeders went to their home schools. But, with the current state of those schools, and much better options; catholic, private and charter schools, I don't see them improving any time soon. What a shame.
Red Clay is doing great with their athletics. Just look at DMA, Conrad, Wilmington Charter. The plan to bleed feeder schools of committed parents and students is working.

Also, Newark is Flight A and Dickinson is Flight B. They do not have to play. Shame on Dickinson's AD for scheduling them too. Not completely on Newark. I do hope the Newark players were uncomfortable as the game went on. Knowing a few of them, I'm sure they were.
As far as the schools suffering: adapt or die. Pride in your neighborhood? When schools take pride in themselves, the kids will follow. Let's work on the adults first.
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Red Clay is doing great with their athletics. Just look at DMA, Conrad, Wilmington Charter. The plan to bleed feeder schools of committed parents and students is working.

Also, Newark is Flight A and Dickinson is Flight B. They do not have to play. Shame on Dickinson's AD for scheduling them too. Not completely on Newark. I do hope the Newark players were uncomfortable as the game went on. Knowing a few of them, I'm sure they were.

You just named nothing but charter schools, aka, publicly funded private schools.
My two cents and without knowing the facts. The score is appalling BUT..i don't blame Newark unless they didn't start taking starters out.

After 19-0 going into the fifth does the Dickinson coach maybe forfeit? I'm not a fan of quitting, but i do put some blame on the Dickinson coach. If i'm Dickinson coach, I think i might go over to the other coach and suggest a forfeit to save my kids from embarassment and that maybe if the other coach wants some gametime practice situation they continue the game in practice mode. Otherwise everyone go home. Again, i don't like quitting but at some point it was obvious that the 20 run fifth inning should have been stopped by everyone.

Another suggestion, if your the Dickinson coach and your responsible for posting the score do you ask the Newark coach if he minds posting the score after 4. If i'm the Newark coach i suggest it as well.

Either way the 39-0 score shouldn't have happened or at least publicized.
My two cents and without knowing the facts. The score is appalling BUT..i don't blame Newark unless they didn't start taking starters out.

After 19-0 going into the fifth does the Dickinson coach maybe forfeit? I'm not a fan of quitting, but i do put some blame on the Dickinson coach. If i'm Dickinson coach, I think i might go over to the other coach and suggest a forfeit to save my kids from embarassment and that maybe if the other coach wants some gametime practice situation they continue the game in practice mode. Otherwise everyone go home. Again, i don't like quitting but at some point it was obvious that the 20 run fifth inning should have been stopped by everyone.

Another suggestion, if your the Dickinson coach and your responsible for posting the score do you ask the Newark coach if he minds posting the score after 4. If i'm the Newark coach i suggest it as well.

Either way the 39-0 score shouldn't have happened or at least publicized.

I have two, you don't forfeit. I understand your getting the stuffing kicked out of you. However, we are not just teaching baseball, but life. I think asking to quit is a road we should not go down with these kids. I think they have way too many excuses for not doing things in today's society. They started the game, so finish hat you started. Also, a comment was made about getting on then getting picked off. In my opinion, that is just as bad as beating a team by 20. Start you normal 9 and play an inning. Once they were up, I hope they made all the changes plus went station to station on the bases. If the other team cannot get you out, there is no way that is Newark's issue. Asking a kid to get out by striking out, getting picked off, or any other method is against the spirit of the game. Again, just my opinion.
JVCoachDE...i completely agree that the maneuvers are possibly worse. I remember my kid playng in a travel game that got so out of hand that our players started batting on the opposite side of the plate (righties batting left, etc.), which i didn't agree with, but the other coach got really angry like we were mocking them.

But what do you do. We were walking off the bag getting purposely tagged out etc. No matter what we did they kept walking our batters, making errors.

Again at what point does the losing coach say enough is enough.
JVCoachDE...i completely agree that the maneuvers are possibly worse. I remember my kid playng in a travel game that got so out of hand that our players started batting on the opposite side of the plate (righties batting left, etc.), which i didn't agree with, but the other coach got really angry like we were mocking them.

But what do you do. We were walking off the bag getting purposely tagged out etc. No matter what we did they kept walking our batters, making errors.

Again at what point does the losing coach say enough is enough.

Then you end up with a 39-0 score. I still believe the other team has to get the required outs. I agree that it was a junk move batting from the opposite side. But, I don't believe you can ask kids to get out on purpose. I guess my answer is that enough is enough when they get the required outs. It sucks, but it is the game. Agree that it was a crappy job of scheduling since they were 1-16 last year. and thanks for the JV tag
Well then there is also the fact one starter went 5 for 6 so we know one starter didn't come out
deball1...i completely agree with everything you said especially about baseball = life.

But i still respectfully disagree with allowing the game to continue. I am ultra competitive and not a bleeding heart. A good but kicking builds character. But there are mercy rules in place for when a game gets out of hand. If a team is up by 10 after 5 innings mercy is invoked. I'm 100% fine with that (actually think it should be higher because 10 runs isn't a lot in HS basball). But to your point, finish what you start...lets get rid of that rule then. Make that game go the full 7. No mercy. Let it be 100-0. Or what if the game couldn't get out of the first inning...its 20-0, its 30-0, still no you go to 100? or 200? I know i'm being silly but at some point you have to stop the insanity. Its no fun for the winning team or losing team.

And unlike a game like football where you got 11 guys and possibly can get a stop or get the ball moving, in Baseball this usually only happens because a team can't pitch the ball across the plate so there are tons of walks. Thats no fun. I have seem way too many games where the other teams arms are done and kids are walking batter after batter after batter. You know the game is over. Nothing can be done at that point.
I have two, you don't forfeit. I understand your getting the stuffing kicked out of you. However, we are not just teaching baseball, but life. I think asking to quit is a road we should not go down with these kids. I think they have way too many excuses for not doing things in today's society. They started the game, so finish hat you started. Also, a comment was made about getting on then getting picked off. In my opinion, that is just as bad as beating a team by 20. Start you normal 9 and play an inning. Once they were up, I hope they made all the changes plus went station to station on the bases. If the other team cannot get you out, there is no way that is Newark's issue. Asking a kid to get out by striking out, getting picked off, or any other method is against the spirit of the game. Again, just my opinion.

"We're teaching life lessons" Please, It was a bad baseball game between two different level teams. Life lessons, my azz. I'll bet every baseball player, and I mean player, wanted off that field during before that last inning. It was the adults who thought it was more than a game.
2 things...39 runs, 22 hits....must have been walks. Maybe just have your kids hacking...eventually they will hit enough fly balls to get outs...maybe have your kids back off baserunning a hair...give them more time on ground balls in the infield..

also, maybe adopt a rule of 20 after 3, 15 after 4, 10 after 5 for mercy ruled games.

Also, this is year 2 of the schedule. It was very similiar to the one they went 7-11 and 6-12 with last cycle. They were mostly competitive even with good teams in that cycle. Hard to predict this much of a falloff.
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I have two, you don't forfeit. I understand your getting the stuffing kicked out of you. However, we are not just teaching baseball, but life. I think asking to quit is a road we should not go down with these kids. I think they have way too many excuses for not doing things in today's society. They started the game, so finish hat you started. Also, a comment was made about getting on then getting picked off. In my opinion, that is just as bad as beating a team by 20. Start you normal 9 and play an inning. Once they were up, I hope they made all the changes plus went station to station on the bases. If the other team cannot get you out, there is no way that is Newark's issue. Asking a kid to get out by striking out, getting picked off, or any other method is against the spirit of the game. Again, just my opinion.
I agree completely with what you said , If you cant field a competitive team then you should not play varsity schedule they should of just played JV teams that may give you a more competitive game ?
My 2 cents. Merge Dickinson - McKean. School to be located at Dickinson. Move Charter to McKean. Re open Wilmington High in the current Charter building as a Red Clay HS that that is for City kids.

No Red Devils has left a hole in my soul. WHS would be a real force not the current farce.
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My 2 cents. Merge Dickinson - McKean. School to be located at Dickinson. Move Charter to McKean. Re open Wilmington High in the current Charter building as a Red Clay HS that that is for City kids.

No Red Devils has left a hole in my soul. WHS would be a real force not the current farce.

Oldskool......I see your point and sorry for the confusion. I was making comments based on the current rules of 5 inning 10 runs. I agree it sucks to be down by 20 after 2 innings and we all know it was a bad matchup. Thanks for explaining. @Soccer...yea, I hear you....but I hope that some of the decisions that any coach makes (especially in a situation like this) will lead to life lessons. You may think I'm stupid and that is okay. Won't be there first or last time that has happened. @baseballguy....good Idea, but with DIAA rules on fielding varsity teams at certain sports....they might lose some or all varsity programs. @Uncle....I think you have a great idea. There are a number of areas that could be consolidated. In addition to your schools, Delmar is pretty good so far this year, Laurel isn't. Same with Seaford and Woodbridge. These would be other area that may benefit from being put together. Bottom line.....the game sucked and we have to hope schools will look for better matchups in the future.
My 2 cents. Merge Dickinson - McKean. School to be located at Dickinson. Move Charter to McKean. Re open Wilmington High in the current Charter building as a Red Clay HS that that is for City kids.

No Red Devils has left a hole in my soul. WHS would be a real force not the current farce.
All seriousness. If you take out the city kids from AI, Dickinson and McKean, you could fit the rest of the kids in one school building. Sell the AI property, keep McKean as the high school, and sell Dickinson to Wilm. Charter.
All seriousness. If you take out the city kids from AI, Dickinson and McKean, you could fit the rest of the kids in one school building. Sell the AI property, keep McKean as the high school, and sell Dickinson to Wilm. Charter.

No problem. Either way I would make that deal in a minute. A lot of city kids would probably choose to stay at the combined suburban HSs. I think the new Wilmington High would draw city wide and become a force. Back in the mid to late 70's WHS was approaching like 1900 students.
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Well then there is also the fact one starter went 5 for 6 so we know one starter didn't come out
Gotta think about the times they batted around he could of got 6 ab's in the first couple innings .. wish somebody was there
Charter schools, for the most part, are nothing short of a "free alternative" to get out of the district public school systems! It's one thing to send your kids to a truly private school that you PAY for, but allowing these students to go to these so-called "charter schools" has ruined the public school system. They "recruit" as well as the private schools which, again, goes against what it is supposed to be about! I am in full agreement that the state should have a true separation between private and public (at least in athletics) because of that. If that happens, let the private schools recruit all they least it will be on a level playing field!
Trust me I agree that it's wrong that schools recruit, but I've heard rumors of a public school like Smyrna recruiting. Not saying their true just heard it while watching games in the stands.
Gotta think about the times they batted around he could of got 6 ab's in the first couple innings .. wish somebody was there

huh? the math doesnt work for that

To bat around 6 times in two innings would be 54 ab's 6 got out so that leaves 48 on base.. even if they left 3 on base each inning they would have scored 42 runs.. they scored 13... 39 runs in five is mathematically in line with 6 ab's. also they were scoreless in the 3rd
huh? the math doesnt work for that

To bat around 6 times in two innings would be 54 ab's 6 got out so that leaves 48 on base.. even if they left 3 on base each inning they would have scored 42 runs.. they scored 13... 39 runs in five is mathematically in line with 6 ab's. also they were scoreless in the 3rd
Dickinson played well in the third inning.
JVCoachDE...i completely agree that the maneuvers are possibly worse. I remember my kid playng in a travel game that got so out of hand that our players started batting on the opposite side of the plate (righties batting left, etc.), which i didn't agree with, but the other coach got really angry like we were mocking them.

But what do you do. We were walking off the bag getting purposely tagged out etc. No matter what we did they kept walking our batters, making errors.

Again at what point does the losing coach say enough is enough.

It can be very tough, especially in baseball where the other team has to get 3 outs. There's only so much you can do and sometimes, no matter what you do, you're going to upset either the opposing coach or the opposing parents.

I also saw the comment about at least 1 starter didn't come out. If you check Newark's roster, they only list 15 on the varsity roster. By my math at least 3 of the starters had to be in at the end. Not many teams carry enough players to pull all 9 starters.
It can be very tough, especially in baseball where the other team has to get 3 outs. There's only so much you can do and sometimes, no matter what you do, you're going to upset either the opposing coach or the opposing parents.

I also saw the comment about at least 1 starter didn't come out. If you check Newark's roster, they only list 15 on the varsity roster. By my math at least 3 of the starters had to be in at the end. Not many teams carry enough players to pull all 9 starters.
Again comes down to the coach being prepared by bringing jv/freshman up for that game but hey at the end of the day I'm not complaining newark must of played great just don't want anybody to get embarrassed like that unnecessarily
We complain about teams getting their asses handed to them. Is Newark that much better than Dickinson. I heard that Dickinson had about 12 players. Newark did not put the hammer down, Dickinson couldn't get an out. Is that the fault of Newark. You play with with what you have, but as a coach who has been on both sides of this, sometimes it comes down to how prepared you are. I'm going to post a little article / video that says it all as far sports today. I am sorry Dickinson lost, but as a kid no one ever said that to anyone I knew.
We complain about teams getting their asses handed to them. Is Newark that much better than Dickinson. I heard that Dickinson had about 12 players. Newark did not put the hammer down, Dickinson couldn't get an out. Is that the fault of Newark. You play with with what you have, but as a coach who has been on both sides of this, sometimes it comes down to how prepared you are. I'm going to post a little article / video that says it all as far sports today. I am sorry Dickinson lost, but as a kid no one ever said that to anyone I knew.
39-0 buy they didn't put the hammer down ??? Your crazy the point was that's to much point blank shouldn't of happen

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