Things I've learned this week


In the weight room getting big
Sep 11, 2008
ive leaned that while the SWC and DIAA, like many teams, claim to put sportsmanship above all else, that it's a f-cking lie! You show all of those young athletes that were at MHS, and there were a lot of them, that your actions don't have consequences if you are considered an elite wrestler or attend an elite program with connections. Let's look at the facts:
1) kid from laurel which is smaller program with young coach curses and gets dq'd. OUT OF STATES
2) kid from Smyrna curses and throws head gear, gets dq'd then Track is changed to show a different result and no DQ and awarded a place. IN STATES!
3) kid from Milford, punched someone in the face in the hallway, police are involved. IN STATES.

I've learned that smaller programs don't mean shit to these people in charge. Smyrna or CR coaches are mad? Let's see what we can do guys. Mount Pleasant coaches are mad? Sorry that's the way things are done. Sorry about your luck. Tell the kid he's not a big enoiugh name to make an exception for.

I've learned that our new way of picking kids for states is set up to benefit the better conference and not the best kids

I've learned that the fans of some teams will justify any behavior. Any behavior on or off the mat.

I've learned that the adults have taken the fun out of it for kids. At this time, there is at least one kid at 220 sitting home when they should be in the state tournament, but the powers that be made certain that their guy stayed in while another kid was kept out. Not Handy, but the next kid in line who should be in the tournament is who got slighted. There is also a kid upstate at 138 who was done wrong by both a coach who took the low road with a slam and a system that is set up to benefit those of us downstate. Oh and he's from small program that the SWC couldn't care less about.

I have traveled hundreds if not thousands on miles this past season watching matches in pa, md and Delaware. I have never been more disgusted with Delaware wrestling men in charge than I am now.

Take your state tournament and pound sand.