Baynard Plan Delayed?

HCS Football Fan

Getting reps on JV
Feb 5, 2016

Those living in the big city may have a better take on this than us country bumpkins, but wth? Does anybody really think the City of Wilmington can do a better job with Baynard than Sallies can? I understand wanting to make sure the same groups will continue to have access to the facility but thought that had been addressed already. Thoughts?
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The city of Wilmington is so ass backwards. They have so many problems in the city I don't get why they wouldn't want to give control over to sallies. At this point the game isn't even viewable by the lower half of the visitors bleachers. As long as sallies is guaranteeing the use to groups currently using it I don't see a problem.
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I don't see a problem either. Let the process play out a little. I think there were some folks who were left out of the planning that felt slighted. That is not Salesianum's fault but the political folks' responsibility.
Let it play out a bit. It should work out. It would be a tragedy for everybody if the Big S walked away from this deal.
No panicking..........
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Ever wondered why Verizon installed fiber optic cable in city streets yet no fiber optic service? Chalk it up to the same idiots who were concerned the project was moving too fast for them. They kept demanding more and more concessions from Verizon until Verizon said no thanks. Stupidity runs the place.
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This is crazy, that is why Wilmington is so f$%ked up, I would be thanking Salesianum. I read the article:

"No one has been able to say to me, 'What's the rush,' and to answer that question 'Why are we moving so fast,' " Chukwuocha said. "I've been on council these four years, I haven't seen anything move this fast.

"It's just mind-boggling."

REALLY !!!!!!!! The place is literally falling apart and the city let the place riot for years and did nothing.
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Pretty sure if it was Warner Elementary School right down the street or the now closed Delaware Met or Moyer Academy Charter schools who wanted to sign a 50 year lease and put $20 million into the place Councilman NNambi Chukwuocha wouldn't have said a word. The City Council is a joke.

They would never do it because they don't want to get rid of the practice fields but how funny would it be if Sallies said screw it and just built their own stadium and all the other schools abandoned Baynard for the new Sallies mega complex.
Five years ago it could of been called
Daystar Sills Stadium.. Sallies missed that Money Train!!
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I see Sallies just withdrew there bid..
Good for them and a big F**K YOU Wilmington!!

An excerpt from the communication that went out:

At last night’s meeting of the Education, Youth and Family Committee, the pathway to that vision became less clear. An effort led by state representative Charles Potter and his wife, City Treasurer Elect Velda Jones-Potter, suggested that this renovation could - and should - be funded by taxpayer dollars. As a result, the committee’s chairman, previously a sponsor of the legislation City Council Member Nnamdi Chukwuocha, decided that a task force was necessary to examine the situation at Baynard Stadium.

Our goal all along was to have a facility that the City of Wilmington could be proud of; a facility that honored the rich history and tradition of this landmark. We are fully supportive of any plan that can achieve that goal. Accordingly, Salesianum is withdrawing our proposal to invest $20 million in Baynard Stadium so as to not serve as a distraction to the city’s task force now charged with identifying public funds for the stadium.
Considering how fast they pulled that offer, seems to me that presenting the offer in the first place was at least partially about lighting a fire under the city council to get them moving on a fix. In other words, they were willing to do the renovation themselves, but were okay with getting the city to do it too.

Wouldn't be surprised if a public/private partnership is struck where the city gets most of the funds but asks Sallies to contribute some sum to the project too.
With all that needs fixing in Wilmington, why the heck would they want to use taxpayer dollars for this project when they could basically let somebody else handle it for "free"? If I'm a Wilmington taxpayer I'd be royally pissed right now. That stadium is so bad now it should be considered borderline acceptable for playoff games. You can only see the action from the top 2 rows of the visitor stands and the "home" stands are terrible for anyone with mobility issues (or are just clumsy like myself). Hope somebody figures this out sooner rather than later for the sake of the kids who play there.
With all that needs fixing in Wilmington, why the heck would they want to use taxpayer dollars for this project when they could basically let somebody else handle it for "free"? If I'm a Wilmington taxpayer I'd be royally pissed right now. That stadium is so bad now it should be considered borderline acceptable for playoff games. You can only see the action from the top 2 rows of the visitor stands and the "home" stands are terrible for anyone with mobility issues (or are just clumsy like myself). Hope somebody figures this out sooner rather than later for the sake of the kids who play there.

If I'm not mistaken when they condemned the Visitor side didn't they only give the Home side 1 more year? What then? Logistically those temp crap bleachers won't work on the Home side.
What, no faith the powers that be in Wilmington politics can find funding and get the project done lickity split??? Hahahahahaha. If Sallies still wants to work on a fundraising campaign I'd be glad to take their money.
Man, I have an opinion about who called this project into question but I cannot share it on a message board. All I can say is I am NOT surprised certain members of city council found a way to butcher this.
This says it all right here.. Even though Sals had it in the 50 year "lease" not lease to own mind you that all the same groups would use the field exactly like they have been.. what are they worried about 50 years from now? wtf.. politics as usual costing the tax payers more.. yeah well you voted these clowns in.. clowns in clown decisions out

"In the “Save Baynard Stadium” email sent Nov. 11, Potter rallied constituents to oppose the Salesianum offer, saying “To give control of the stadium to a private school, which would then control and determine the athletic playing schedule for field use could place public school children, youth groups and community groups at a disadvantage, for a minimum of 50 years. I do not believe that it is in the best interests of the children in the city of Wilmington to have their future athletic extracurricular options determined by a private school.
Potter should ride up and down 4th Street around dark..He's looking at the wrong side of the fence..
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This says it all right here.. Even though Sals had it in the 50 year "lease" not lease to own mind you that all the same groups would use the field exactly like they have been.. what are they worried about 50 years from now? wtf.. politics as usual costing the tax payers more.. yeah well you voted these clowns in.. clowns in clown decisions out

"In the “Save Baynard Stadium” email sent Nov. 11, Potter rallied constituents to oppose the Salesianum offer, saying “To give control of the stadium to a private school, which would then control and determine the athletic playing schedule for field use could place public school children, youth groups and community groups at a disadvantage, for a minimum of 50 years. I do not believe that it is in the best interests of the children in the city of Wilmington to have their future athletic extracurricular options determined by a private school.
SALS made an honorable offer here and Potter is suffering post election blues. What a shameful argument he makes
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Potter should ride up and down 4th Street around dark..He's looking at the wrong side of the fence..
you sure showed me I guess. Potter is da man! Potter did all that? You are a funny guy rooster!!
Potter should ride up and down 4th Street around dark..He's looking at the wrong side of the fence..
Yeah I'd say he has bigger things to worry about regarding the children in the city of Wilmington! The irony will be when Baynard is in such disrepair because the city doesn't have money to take care of it and they are renting out the stadium that sallies builds on their own property. I have a feeling Mr. potter is gonna change his tune very soon.
Let's not go that far. That part of the city will always be in good shape, they'll kick Potter out before they let it fall that far. Baynard Stadium itself is definitely in critical condition and the city just turned down a transplant that could save it for some holistic medical option. Not a good look.
All the articles and press releases offered by WDEL and the News Journal today are quite interesting. I'm glad Sallies isn't sugar coating their reaction too much and isn't letting Potter get away with the lies/half-truths he's put out there.
There's still some good journalism left and the Journal/WDEL are on point with their coverage of this. It makes NO sense to turn down a free 20 mill whatsoever.
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Potter doesn't want "old whitey" (Salesianum) helping him out. Trust me that has A LOT to do with this situation. A predominantly white private high school isn't going to have the final say of what goes on in (HIS) city.

If you find the above statement to be offensive or wrong then I suggest you get your big boy pants on and man up.

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