Why not Howard -Sals this year

Uncle Bumfuzzled

D1AA Prospect
Sep 11, 2012
Sals ain’t getting in the tourney this year and the Howard-Dickinson matchup will probably be cancelled. To honor the memory of Coaches Millard Naylor/Gator Lewis and Father Buzzy O’Neill/Dim Montero, Sals & Howard should play this weekend. St.G’s could play at SC in a game that might mean something with a tournament implication.

A Howard - Sals game might be able to get the crowd limit raised. It would be for Bummy’s prestigious city title.

(Milford, the scheduled SC opponent, can surely find an opponent...)

What would the score of this game be? Any speculation,
diamond, the purpose of this proposition was to facilitate discussion. The idea is solid.

If 1980 called I would drive over to the game in my 1978 Olds Cutlass with my Carter-Mondale bumper sticker with Bob Seger's Hollywood Nights playing on my tape deck .

(Begin rhythmically clapping hands)

"He'd headed West cause he felt that a change would do him good
See some old friends, good for the soul
She had been born with a face that would let her get her way
He saw that face and he lost all control
He had lost all control"

This is 40 years later. Your football facts are on target. You would do home and away (every other year) for football just like Salesianum and Howard had done back in the 1950's. (Back in 50's and 60's Sals and Howard played 2 basketball games every year...a home and away within the same year). Howard and the Big S continue to have one of the continuous longest running basketball rivalries upstate.

The Rock is a public facility. It is Howard's home field as long as they want it. Salesianum has the management contract.

Thank you for supporting my wonderful idea. I can't take it any longer.
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Having a difficult time with the rhythm of the song. I am working on my metronome exercise. In the meantime, can you send me a meme of your rendition?
Since the football thing ain’t working out, maybe Sals and Howard have a competition drum line. Being that Howard is vo tech, Sals may have an advantage
It is a 1980’s song and there could be some syncopation problems.

The FB rivalry just like in basketball would work out. Look... the schools are like 14 blocks apart.

Maybe when Ritter takes the Sallies FB job you will come on board with idea. I can see he and a Matthews plotting and scheming against each other.

Howard has had over $100 million dollars of Physical plant upgrades in the past 5 years. It is a facility equal to or better than Salesianum plus they share a stadium.

shine, you agree with me. Thank you for your support. PEEEEEEEEAAAAACE!
I say Howard puts a running clock on them. They are just too fast. Unless 1980 calls and tells BDN they want their playbook back.

Wouldn't go that far. Howard has talent yes, but Sals has some considerable beef that could hamper Howard's line play. Howard could win, but it'd be close. Sals still has the numbers after all.
Gate, glad you chimed in. You are a man of high intellect.

Yes, the Big S has some numbers like 100 penalty yards per game minimum.