17 inning game 1973 or 1974


Sep 14, 2012
Can anyone give any details on the 17 inning game between Dickinson and Concord from either 1973 or 1974? I believe the final score was 1-0, Dickinson won. Thanks.
I was attending, well I was enrolled in, high school at that time, playing softball, but not at those schools. Doesn't ring a bell with me. Can't imagine anyone remembering that unless they were on the those teams.

This post was edited on 6/5 11:52 AM by 8yaz
I believe it was Dickinson and Claymont. Allen Ellis pitched for Dickinson and Mike Doherty pitched for Claymont. Thats about all I know. No pitch count back then.
Originally posted by 8yaz:
I was attending, well I was enrolled in, high school at that time, playing softball, but not at those schools. Doesn't ring a bell with me. Can't imagine anyone remembering that unless they were on the those teams.

This post was edited on 6/5 11:52 AM by 8yaz
8yaz The only softball you have played is in the men's beer league.
1974 semifinals-dickinson vs claymont-univ of del freshman field

17 innings
1-0 dhs win
both pitchers pitched whole game
dickinson had to go play newark in final on varsity field at u o f d 20 minutes after this game

dickinson-edwards,niggbrugge,ellis-russo coach
claymont-m. doherty,d. doherty,marcin-wheeler coach

claymont was defending champs-only had 2 seniors

greatest game in history of del high school baseball

and yet no one cares

This post was edited on 6/8 10:54 AM by TouchThemAll
Doherty said. "My shoulder was never the same after that day."

The more interesting nugget to me was that Ellis never had any problems. This reaffirms my belief that a majority of elbow/shoulder issues for pitchers are dictated by genetics, and their impact on mechanics. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing who doesn't have the great pitching genetics until it's too late.