Sallies v Conrad Sportsmanship

Good stuff, if the kid said something to Dougie, he's not going to let it slide. Sounds like someone's kid got a little out of line. Doug has earned his stripes, you don't disrespect that man. Should he have fired back, probably not, however, whoever the kid was that said it needs a history lesson.
Takes the bait from a kid? He better start to learn how to let things slide
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Sals Tux display and the 3rd base Umps displeasure with the same cost them a game tying RBI and possibly a winning inning. Clearly a fair ball down the third base line called foul. Only moments after the 3rd base Ump told the Sals coach to tell them to be quite. Jump in here anytime Bummy
Sals Tux display and the 3rd base Umps displeasure with the same cost them a game tying RBI and possibly a winning inning. Clearly a fair ball down the third base line called foul. Only moments after the 3rd base Ump told the Sals coach to tell them to be quite. Jump in here anytime Bummy
It's funny how folks see things differently. My view from the first baseline showed the ball hit by the Sallies player toward third was clearly foul. Guess that is why officials are assigned on the field who have the best view of things.
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Sals Tux display and the 3rd base Umps displeasure with the same cost them a game tying RBI and possibly a winning inning. Clearly a fair ball down the third base line called foul. Only moments after the 3rd base Ump told the Sals coach to tell them to be quite. Jump in here anytime Bummy

No need to jump in. Bummy was not at the game and knows very little about baseball.
As time permits the Bummy will look at the video.

I can forgive high school athletes for letting their emotions get the best of them. I do believe that adults involved should be held accountable and possibly suspended a couple-three games in the beginning of next year if it is warranted. Not a big deal...nothing over punitive (if that is a word). You have to show the students and adults that there are consequences for their behavior. Also, you have to show coaches in other sports that you will not tolerate adults not setting the example.

Slowskyanum/DIAA. The world is built on relationships. The Slowskys to their credit had a graduate become the first director of DIAA after DSSAA became overbearing. Jack him or not....put a human face on state school athletics...he was a true gentleman. and leader. Roberts and Tommy (last name escapes me) are fine successors to Holloway.

I said enough. I am starting to bore myself. Good luck to Conrad and Caravel.
No need to jump in. Bummy was not at the game and knows very little about baseball.
As time permits the Bummy will look at the video.

I can forgive high school athletes for letting their emotions get the best of them. I do believe that adults involved should be held accountable and possibly suspended a couple-three games in the beginning of next year if it is warranted. Not a big deal...nothing over punitive (if that is a word). You have to show the students and adults that there are consequences for their behavior. Also, you have to show coaches in other sports that you will not tolerate adults not setting the example.

Slowskyanum/DIAA. The world is built on relationships. The Slowskys to their credit had a graduate become the first director of DIAA after DSSAA became overbearing. Jack him or not....put a human face on state school athletics...he was a true gentleman. and leader. Roberts and Tommy (last name escapes me) are fine successors to Holloway.

I said enough. I am starting to bore myself. Good luck to Conrad and Caravel.

Agree coaches need to be held accountable but the athletes also need to be held as well. Just awful that you are going to give the athletes a pass for cursing and using profanity toward the opposing coach. No, great teachable moment for Sallies coach and they dropped the ball big time. Conrad's coach spoke to Sallies coach with his concerns moments after the incident as seen on Wdel video and that's when it got heated. Exactly what I said earlier. You're being an enabler to them just like their coach. I've since seen more video and one of Sallies kids started screaming obscenities to the umps as they walked off the field and he had to be restrained by a teammmate. The kid and a Sallies coach were ejected just moments after the game from what I heard. Great life lessons for the Sallies boys. Hopefully, coaches, administrators, & parents hold these kids accountable
from Sallies. But I doubt it from what I'm reading on here. It's either give them a pass or you're spinning it to lay blame on Conrad in one way or another. If Sallies was winning the game at any point during all of this or had won the game everything would be honky dory with the Broom Streeters. Sad to say the least. Can't win resort to pointing blame on others.
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Agree coaches need to be held accountable but the athletes also need to be held as well. Just awful that you are going to give the athletes a pass for cursing and using profanity toward the opposing coach. No, great teachable moment for Sallies coach and they dropped the ball big time. Conrad's coach spoke to Sallies coach with his concerns moments after the incident as seen on Wdel video and that's when it got heated. Exactly what I said earlier. You're being an enabler to them just like their coach. I've since seen more video and one of Sallies kids started screaming obscenities to the umps as they walked off the field and he had to be restrained by a teammmate. The kid and a Sallies coach were ejected just moments after the game from what I heard. Great life lessons for the Sallies boys. Hopefully, coaches, administrators, & parents hold these kids accountable
from Sallies. But I doubt it from what I'm reading on here. It's either give them a pass or you're spinning it to lay blame on Conrad in one way or another. If Sallies was winning the game at any point during all of this or had won the game everything would be honky dory with the Broom Streeters. Sad to say the least. Can't win resort to pointing blame on others.
So it was the Sallies kids and coach? Try Simon Eye Associates. I hear they are very good. Take the first base sitting guy that can see the third base line with you
So it was the Sallies kids and coach? Try Simon Eye Associates. I hear they are very good. Take the first base sitting guy that can see the third base line with you

Dumb!! Actually, I sat 3 rows up from dugout w/ Sallies friends. Witnessed everything. Sallies coaches have zero control of those kids. Even witnessed your mysterious fair ball that was clearly foul. Can't get your way keep spinning with you sarcasm. Jump on the Sallies poor sportsmanship band wagon.
So it was the Sallies kids and coach? Try Simon Eye Associates. I hear they are very good. Take the first base sitting guy that can see the third base line with you
Excellent vantage point from the first base line. Just for the record I didn't say you were wrong just that the person paid to do the job had the best opportunity to get. get it right.
Dumb!! Actually, I sat 3 rows up from dugout w/ Sallies friends. Witnessed everything. Sallies coaches have zero control of those kids. Even witnessed your mysterious fair ball that was clearly foul. Can't get your way keep spinning with you sarcasm. Jump on the Sallies poor sportsmanship band wagon.
I would bet you weren't sitting on salllies side at all I would bet you have something to do with Conrad .most people in this forum post what they saw not having to mention in their posts that they were on sallies side but you make sure to mention it so I guess it makes your story true. Lol. Didn't yell any obscenity he told coach that's all you got . I actually was in sallies side watching and no my kid doesn't go there and I have no dog in fight. Jmo
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With as many views that this thread/topic has already garnered, it's fair to say this has struck a nerve......If the DIAA had to come on the field, there was a problem. Is it that big of a deal ?
no-it just got heated.
Both teams and Coaches were involved but lets be real-Conrad does not have a lot to brag about so beating Salesianum is huge!
I have said this many times before, the Sals Coaches/Players and Fans are as bad (if not worse) then anybody when we talkin' bout sportsmanship and class (or lack of).
Congrats to both teams on a good game and good seasons.
I wasnt at the game but I have witnessed poor attitudes and dirty play by Sallies athletes in football,, none the less.. I say if you hold the coaches accountable then the coaches will hold the players accountable.. Parents need to STFU and let the players play, coaches coach and let the officials officiate and just cheer on all the athletes
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My humble opinion. There is ABSOLUTELY no place for any unsportsmanlike conduct in high school sports...PERIOD...THE END...

I 100% understand being intense and competitive. Certainly things can get heated during sports. But this is high school sports. And yes, some of these "kids" i speak of are 18 or 19 years old, but they are still KIDS. The coaches need to act like adults for one. Then when the kids act unsportsmanlike, they should be disciplined immediately for it. Outbursts, cursing, and especially talking back to umps or coaches...FIND THE BENCH. It happens more than once...GOODBYE.

If the coaches arent doing the disciplining, then the AD/Principal/district person should be doing it. If the coach allows it...they should be gone too. The coaches and the schools are 100% responsible for the actions on the field.

If the schools wanted to curb bad behavior, they could easily do it. They choose not to.

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