Sat Scores Week 7

Don't know what the CRad QB is ran it to the 9 past the first down marker and ran OB.. He could have just ran it in no one was there..guess he was just determined to get that first down..🤷‍♂️

Arch holds again still zip zip after CRad has TD called back for holding.. .. CRad not laying down for Archmere... not yet anyway
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dagnabit... CRad gives up TD with just 6 secs left in half.. 7-0 Auks at the half.. Archmere drives 43 yds with 37 seconds and no time outs. Score set up by throw back screen pass where CRad had no one home that went for a bunch..
Conrad scores missed pat... 14-6 Auks

Auks drive to CRad 11 fumbles..

CRad ball start of 4th Auks 14 CRad 6
Arch QB long TD run.. 21-6 Arch about 8min left.. welp it was fun while it lasted lol
Auks score again up 28-6 about 6min left.. CRad was game for 3 quarters but guess they had enough,
Montooth back in at QB Mooney out.. Long run for Montooth called back for holding.. holding calls killing Sals all year
Bib are we sure on how the tiebreaker works? Was told from a reliable source in the media that the tiebreaker of Hodgson beating St. George’s doesn’t count because there’s a 3rd team part of the tie. So it goes directly to opponents wins/losses? Care to clarify?
Bib are we sure on how the tiebreaker works? Was told from a reliable source in the media that the tiebreaker of Hodgson beating St. George’s doesn’t count because there’s a 3rd team part of the tie. So it goes directly to opponents wins/losses? Care to clarify?

It is how these situations were played out before in my experience of them coaching football and other sports over the years. The HtoH always held trump in a tie breaker situation meaning however the other breakers play out the team who has a Hto H over another cannot be overtaken by them..

.but the scenarios aren't really spelled out in the DIAA rule book so I guess it's open to interpretation. I am sure it will be heavily debated if it comes to that and pretty sure you will have differing opinions on how the rule gets applied.. OTHER rule books have the ifs and this and that different possible scenarios explained out how it gets applied. DIAA's don't .again just in my experiences..
@HSftballlaxFan This is the rule.. It resets back to 1 after each team is pulled from the equation..Interpret it however lol

C. Tie-Breaking Procedures: If two or more teams are tied for any seed, the following tie-breaking criteria will be used in the order listed. Once a team is removed from the tie, the tie-breaker criteria will be reapplied sequentially to the teams that are still tied.

1. Head to Head Competition
2. The team whose opponents have the most victories in regular season play will qualify for the playoffs.
3. The team whose opponents have the fewest defeats in regular season play will qualify for the playoffs.
4. The team who had the fewest points allowed
5. If a tie still exists, the committee will choose the at-large team(s) by vote.
My interpretation is HVT HtoH over St G removes St G from the 3way tie. Then they are in a two way with Central and HVT would be in a two way with Central

but you can interpret it as whoever is top on the 3 way opponent wins is removed then you reapply starting at breaker 1 with the two left.

but again and just in my experience of these things HtoH trumps to the point St G cannot get in over HVT but that is not spelled out in DIAA rules soooooo

it will be interesting if it comes to it that is for sure
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Exactly, that’s how I always thought it played out but they feel confident in the way they explained it to me this morning!! And talking to a SG coach last night, they were under the impression that if they win, they are in! So I’m just confused right now.
Exactly, that’s how I always thought it played out but they feel confident in the way they explained it to me this morning!! And talking to a SG coach last night, they were under the impression that if they win, they are in! So I’m just confused right now.

well St G would have to be #1 in the opponent wins tiebreaker for that to work interpreting it that way..
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All this debate could be moot if Sallies pulls off the wins it’s now 14-14 after being down 14.

Based on the calculations St G would be win and they get in as I think they have the break over Central.. It's a matter of how it is applied if HVT or Central gets in, If HVT has to be in over St G then St G would be 4 and HVT 3.. If they go the other way then St G 3 and Central 4
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A lot of confusion lol.
Idk why SG keeps throwing the ball. That’s their 2/3 interception knowing Sallies can’t stop the run.
Man don't know if I would be throwing there... Sals gets pick in endzone.. Sals ball on 20 coming out

Another long Montooth run called back for holding..
TD StG after strong drive...St G goes for 2 and doesn't get it. hmm?? 20-14 St G 5:05 left in the game.. Door open for Sals to win it with TD and EP