Mobhits...thats almost funny that the PA announcer would say that. Its obvious that the announcer was way too much of a homer to call a game. Especially given that everyone expected Mtown to win that game, it really is a stupid comment after the fact. It maybe says a little bit about the program at the school that they would allow someone like that to broadcast. But i have heard worse to be honest. I would expect that the home team announcer would be routing for his team and be more emphatic regarding his team, but I would think the PA announcer would be a little less biased and professional than to take a dig at an opposing player. But these arent professional broadcasters. Its just some dude they got to call the game. He couldn't help himself but to make a crack about the big, bad Mtown team that came to town to whoop up on his team that he loves WAY TOO MUCH. But if i was you i would just take it with a grain of salt.