Running the table


Top 100 Prospect
Mar 22, 2007
Something I like to keep an eye on every year is what teams run the table, in both a good way, and a bad way. I think Appo is the only team that can still go undefeated. How about on the losing side? I see McKean is at 0-12, and Design Thinking Academy (whatever the hell that is) is 0-11. Any others?
Design Thinking Academy (0-12) keeps the streak alive after losing 15-2 to Wilmington Christian School (2-8) yesterday.
St. Georges' starting pitcher Noah Finocchiaro held Appo scoreless for 5 innings yesterday, but the Jaguars scored 2 in the 6th and held on for a 2-0 win. Keene went the distance for Appo.
Appo is 15-0, with 3 regular season games left (DMA, Hodgson and Woodbridge).
Appo is 15-0, with 3 regular season games left (DMA, Hodgson and Woodbridge).
I don't see them losing to any of those three. So it looks like they will at least finish the regular season undefeated.
Hoping McKean can get off the schneid today versus Delcastle
Uh oh. McKean forfeited today vs A.I. Have they packed it in?
DMA played and looked very good. Even the Appo parents were complimenting their program. Appo is the cream without question.
Well, Appo finished the regular season at a clean 18-0 after defeating Woodbridge yesterday. Can they run it out through the playoffs?

On the other side, McKean dropped to 0-15, with a 8-3 loss to Wilmington Christian yesterday. They have two more shots. Tomorrow vs Wilm. Christian (4-9) again, and Monday vs St Andrews (5-10). Come on Highlanders!!

As far as Design Thinking Academy (0-11). It looks like they may have packed it in for the season.
Isn't Appo the team that had the coach that liked to take "it" "out"

That is unfortunate I was going to apply for the varsity baseball coaching position couldn't be any worse than what they've had to date.

Ahhh so now we see. Would you have transferred your kid to Sign Design? Lol. Cmon man so you didn’t get the CA gig. Why run your kids coach under. That’s pretty lame after reading your post I wouldn’t hire you for equipment manager. Just saying
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Hey I get it. Thanks for clarifying but I believe you have put out enough information for the CA coaches to figure out who you are but rest assured I don’t believe they would punish your son for your comments. Hell I questioned CA football coaches at times and one of them was the coach your railing. There was no retaliation in fact they asked for my input. Sometimes they took it and made changes. Sometimes they didn’t.

Just saying no reason to go this route just talk with them. They will listen and either take your advise or not. But it does no good for you or your son to bash them in public on here .

I know Moxley he is not vindictive. He wants the best for the kids and does the best he can. Was he the best football coach maybe not but he listened to critics and made adjustments as he learned. He is a good guy. Give him a chance and just talk to him like a man. It will make sense to him or it won’t . As long as your ideas aren’t geared to your kid plAying more or at a certain position but as a coach you should know that
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To be honest I really don’t follow high school baseball much and know the drama around Caravel High School baseball and choose to stay away. But also know there are two sides to every story. Paul had a in with travel ball and a pipeline. Mox was left with what was left. To address last year I don’t think last years team was a championship team regardless if they won the previous year. They didn’t hit like a CA team. Yeah they had some pitching and maybe could have won if Wyatt Nelson didn’t leave (the freshman who pitched and help them previous year in the semis to get to the ship) They didn’t have him and as a coach you know you have to win the next in the tournament to move to the Silan got used Anyway just saying. If mox and crew are intimidated by you voicing concerns than that is wrong if your feeling of being intimidated is paranoid that is wrong. I don’t know baseball people are weird thats why I got out lol. Bottom line baseball is just a kids game and education is forever and that’s the truth
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By the way having a party is pretty common place when someone who has been at a place for bit. It’s a thank you for your service not a thank god your leaving. Just saying
I also don't ever feel intimidated I'm a former hockey player and I coach it just seemed liked that was what they were attempting to do

Eh I don’t know. It may just be a personal problem you have or maybe they were trying to intimidate you. But knowing those guys and reading your posts I would lean toward you having the complex. No offense
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Moxley wasn't invited it was at a player's house .

All I know is Mox coached my son 3 years in Football. He never had anything bad to say but he never had much good to say about him as a coach . He liked him and he (in my opinion) is a good judge of character he has expressed displeasure In coaches he didn’t like so I can surmise Mox is ok. I know nothing about him baseball wise.
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Yeah ok. Parents keeping pitching stats is a bit much for me. You do you. GL in states. go Bucs

FYI being your not a coach the only kid you need to worry about is yours And by the sound of things he isn’t being over used. Nor is the pitching rotation your concern. Be a fan cheer which ever kid is out there on. It’s your only job
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I never attempted to get the Caravel job never knew Paul was leaving and once I found out just assumed that his Brother Rob or one of the other coaches would take over. Then I would have politely asked for a spot on the staff since I have helped out in prior year's when Paul ran the program. I don't want to give out too much information about myself because if something negative happens to my son that would put me in a bad spot but he won't be returning next year to Caravel. So I was looking for something to do with all of the free time I am about to have empty nest and all. That school has had such a horrible program since it started I was looking to challenge myself. As a matter of fact the former AD and design labs first baseball coach is the jv head coach at Caravel currently. So please don't think that I am bitter because I wouldn't want the pressure of taking over such a high profile program but I do still believe that I would have been able to coach them to a championship last year no doubt.
Mox Did a great job with the team he made it to the championship they weren’t a top five team last year they had 1 good player on that team
8-6-2. Lost ship to mtown 5-1. Mtown that hockey juggernaut. Wonder how many CA hockey parents are questioning Havocs decisions in that game. Maybe we need a hockey forum to find out lol
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There are only 4 pure hockey teams in Delaware Appo, Sallies, St. Mark's and DMA. All 4 teams play in the PA league Appo and St. Mark's were in the Delaware league but left to play pure high school teams. I spent 4 years trying to get the league up and running it's best serving as the vice president and high school hockey league isn't DIAA sanctioned. The first year of the current DHSHL the combined Caravel/Hodgson team won the Delaware state championship 10-5 against a team from PA. So we changed the rules a little bit to have a league and state championship the following season. Once again my Caravel/Hodgson combined team goes into the league championship against Appo lost 3-2 on a buzzer beater great game. Following weekend guess what Caravel/Hodgson vs Middletown Delaware State Championship and they stomped us good out of no where maybe we were to confident 8-0. The the last two years Tatnall/Newark has won the championship beating my team both times in the semifinals. But my team has won 1 of 3 so I think that is not a bad thing.
No one cares.

But anyways, Dover loses to DMA could really affect the seeding
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I was only responding to the comment and by the way my ice hockey team's in 4 year's are 49-18-4 with a championship 2 runner ups and made it to the semifinals twice I care.
Are you gonna tell me your little league record too? Because i don’t see how this translates to high school baseball
How did this turn into a non-sport (hockey) discussion? Let's get back on topic.

McKean lost again to Wilmington Christian yesterday. They have one more game Monday vs St Andrews. Not looking good for the Highlanders.

And whatya know. Design Thinking Academy is still playing games, and still losing them. They lost to Dickinson (3-12) on Wednesday to drop to 0-12. They show one more game on their schedule - at Wilmington Christian on Tuesday. Go Wolves!
But Design labs is not going to be reopening next year and last hockey talk it's the hardest sport to play.

Bullshit if you can skate you can play and skating aint that hard....and it takes a genius to try and stop a puck with your teeth lol

But Design labs is not going to be reopening next year and last hockey talk it's the hardest sport to play.
Well then take it to the hockey forum. Oh, that's right, you can't, there is no hockey forum. Because no one gives a crap about hockey.
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Okay big guy public skate is at 12 at the ud my 17 is a skate guard go have a race with him. Or maybe me and you can go to open hockey gear up and get down

screw the skates lets go to the matt lets roll punk! lol and did you really throw your boy in the mix?.. lol ok Ill send mine up against your figure skater.. I will let the folks that know on here let you how that will turn out haha

fyi its just talk and fun and games BUT dont go to far lol
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lol 51 and 2 rotator tears in both shoulders and a bad back.. That would be a humorous scrap... but trust me lets not take it to our boys,,, yours would have a serious problem just saying

lol dude its all good this is all just T Talk and fun I actually like you and as my wife tells me I tend to gravitate to idiots and mutts lol
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We would let 84 join in no prob lol but yea havoc if your that much if a crip stay home. Just sayin no one wants to screw screws

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