Thoughts on ref requiring haircut??


Getting reps on JV
Jan 1, 2018
I’m sure many of you have seen the story by now about the ref requiring the wrestler to cut his dreads or be DQ’d. What are everyone’s thoughts on this matter? It seems as though those outside of the wrestling world are outraged while those of us understanding the rules- see it a bit differently (putting “race” aside- because it’s not for me or us to decide whether or not that played a part).
I don’t think it’s right. How are we supposed to grow the sport if we keep putting more and more exclusions/restrictions in it? Females Wrestle and they have long hair. There are hair wraps that prevent this from being a problem. Where do you draw the line? There’s a lot of other males who wrestle with long hair. This ref is suspect, he’s been accused of discriminating behavior before.
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I’d like to hear more of the details. For instance- was this mentioned during the pre-match checks. If it was, and the wrestler didn’t take the time before the match to correct the problem, the ref was simply following protocol by starting injury time and giving them 1:30 to fix it. BUT I haven’t seen those details so I’m not sure. One can speculate that it was racially driven but no one really knows for sure. When refs start picking and choosing what rules to enforce- that’s where problems will begin to arise.
I’d like to hear more of the details. For instance- was this mentioned during the pre-match checks. If it was, and the wrestler didn’t take the time before the match to correct the problem, the ref was simply following protocol by starting injury time and giving them 1:30 to fix it. BUT I haven’t seen those details so I’m not sure. One can speculate that it was racially driven but no one really knows for sure. When refs start picking and choosing what rules to enforce- that’s where problems will begin to arise.
That match according to the article was the 1st time his hair had been a problem. The article also states he was suspended at one time (it wasn’t carried out) for calling a fellow ref the N-word. We need to stop making excuses for this type of behavior. We’ve all seen kids just about every match that have long hair.
I’d like to hear more of the details. For instance- was this mentioned during the pre-match checks. If it was, and the wrestler didn’t take the time before the match to correct the problem, the ref was simply following protocol by starting injury time and giving them 1:30 to fix it. BUT I haven’t seen those details so I’m not sure. One can speculate that it was racially driven but no one really knows for sure. When refs start picking and choosing what rules to enforce- that’s where problems will begin to arise.
Chatter on nj boards is they made a point of emphasis this year that hair below collar needs cap connected to headgear. Apparently a ref visited Buena pre season and told the kids. 2 cut their hair, one said he was gonna get new headgear. I guess they never got it. Last weekend they let them slide but said this is last warning. At pre check they told ref they had it but they didn't. When kid went to table he banged him for it. Kid was like cut it. Coach posted a message saying media blew it up. Kid was just sacrificing for team, he didn't think it was a racial issue. I'm just repeating what i heard from people i know and posters on nj boards.
Chatter on nj boards is they made a point of emphasis this year that hair below collar needs cap connected to headgear. Apparently a ref visited Buena pre season and told the kids. 2 cut their hair, one said he was gonna get new headgear. I guess they never got it. Last weekend they let them slide but said this is last warning. At pre check they told ref they had it but they didn't. When kid went to table he banged him for it. Kid was like cut it. Coach posted a message saying media blew it up. Kid was just sacrificing for team, he didn't think it was a racial issue. I'm just repeating what i heard from people i know and posters on nj boards.
You’re repeating what you heard, but the ref was pulled from reffing any more matches in that district. I don’t think they would have done that if the kid volunteered to cut his own hair! Anyone who has been around wrestling know this is a bunch of crap! Cut nails, maybe!
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Here is post from a buena coach who is a stand up dude. I think he's a penn state guy originally. Not my words.he posted this on nj boards.

This whole post should be about a kid who put aside his personal feelings and anguish and wrestled and won. Despite the adversity. Not about what a ref did right or wrong. I’ve coached this kid for about 10years and watched him mature and grow into the young man you see in the video. He is from a handsome and exemplary family raised by stellar parents. I did not expect anything less from him. Shame on the media for the jump to racism over the fact a young man of any race stepped up and did exactly what he should have. He pushed forward overcame and successfully and positively made a difference not just for himself but for others on his team. he made no excuses he blamed no one. He did exactly what he had to do. Hard charge Drew keep up the good work. My hats off to Rosa and Sheridan I’m glad you chose to live in Buena and have your sons represent the Boro.
Coach Tim
Here is post from a buena coach who is a stand up dude. I think he's a penn state guy originally. Not my words.he posted this on nj boards.

This whole post should be about a kid who put aside his personal feelings and anguish and wrestled and won. Despite the adversity. Not about what a ref did right or wrong. I’ve coached this kid for about 10years and watched him mature and grow into the young man you see in the video. He is from a handsome and exemplary family raised by stellar parents. I did not expect anything less from him. Shame on the media for the jump to racism over the fact a young man of any race stepped up and did exactly what he should have. He pushed forward overcame and successfully and positively made a difference not just for himself but for others on his team. he made no excuses he blamed no one. He did exactly what he had to do. Hard charge Drew keep up the good work. My hats off to Rosa and Sheridan I’m glad you chose to live in Buena and have your sons represent the Boro.
Coach Tim
Easy To say when it’s not your kid, and you don’t have to walk in his (or his parents) shoes! The coach is talking outta turn. ESPN, NBC, and even Fox News, featured this story! I’m not gonna beat this up anymore, just wanted to give some sources.
Easy To say when it’s not your kid, and you don’t have to walk in his (or his parents) shoes! The coach is talking outta turn. ESPN, NBC, and even Fox News, featured this story! I’m not gonna beat this up anymore, just wanted to give some sources.
Appreciate your thoughts . I'm obviously not against beating a dead horse myself. I personally hate mainstream media and try to collect information as best i can from where i can.
Ok, I feel especially qualified to speak to this issue :). When I first read the story (maybe one hour after it broke), my first thought was that it probably was because the head covering was not attached to the headgear as required by rules. I wanted to respond to the growing twitterverse outrage about the incident but was talked down from the ledge by the wife and son (state champ with dreads-like (sic) hair). They said that the facts would come out later, and they did. Although the ref had a prior "racial incident", the application of the rule was in no way racially motivated in this case. Of course, no one knows what is in his heart, but requiring an appropriate head cover or cutting hair was the proper procedure. Period. That the media blew it up on a racial level is unfortunate, and made for good viral fodder. I spoke with several Beast officials this weekend, and all saw it the same way. I blame the coach, since Buena is good enough a program that the kid should have had the proper cover. If the kids hair was borderline and he had no cover, I could see the situation arising. But, if it's long enough that a cover was used (albeit the wrong type), then the coach is responsible for putting his wrestler out there improperly equipped. In fact, a Maryland kid was called on it this weekend, but I was able to give him a brand new approved head cover to use for the tournament and keep.
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You’re repeating what you heard, but the ref was pulled from reffing any more matches in that district. I don’t think they would have done that if the kid volunteered to cut his own hair! Anyone who has been around wrestling know this is a bunch of crap! Cut nails, maybe!
Ref was temporarily pulled from doing matches as a reaction to the ill-informed public outcry. It is not an indicator of whether the kid volunteered or not. Of course the kid did not volunteer. As a parent of a long haired, black son, I know first hand how attached they are to their hair after growing and tending to it for such a long time. It becomes a part of their identity (internally and externally).
This is such a touchy subject but I will give my input or thoughts on the matter in general and not particularly about the incident that recently took place. First off rules are made to be followed that's why their called rules. If we didnt have rules set in place than nothing would work. Now that being said if a boy or girl wrestling has hair that is long or borderline close to a rule infraction it should be up to the coach to make sure his or her wrestler is aware of the rule and to provide his or her wrestler with the proper equipment (hair net) to ensure his or her wrestler is within the guidelines and wont suffer any consequences from a potential infraction. I personally dont see anything wrong if a wrestler has their hair in tight braids where it's not getting in the way of eye sight or has the potential to be wrapped up in the other wrestlers hand. Any boy or girl wrestler that grows their hair out obviously loves their hair and wants to keep it or they wouldn't have spent the years committed to growing it out and I'm sure if any wrestler with long hair were forced to cut it would be upset no matter if their Male female black white Asian Hispanic or other. Like said before I think the coaches who know the rules should have the proper equipment on hand to alleviate this problems so hopefully no other kid has to go through this matter again
Wow after reading the article I cant help but feel very irritated like the ref had it out for the kid. Just a real shame and one more thing that will give wrestling a black eye. I hope this issue is dealt with accordingly.
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Easy To say when it’s not your kid, and you don’t have to walk in his (or his parents) shoes! The coach is talking outta turn. ESPN, NBC, and even Fox News, featured this story! I’m not gonna beat this up anymore, just wanted to give some sources.
it sounds to me more like your trying your best to MAKE a big issue out of it. are there racist people out there? sure, but follow the rules and they can’t bother you. adversity builds character, isn’t that what wrestling is about? the kid pushed past and sacrificed for his team. kudos to him, HE is not a victim but a competitor!
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it sounds to me more like your trying your best to MAKE a big issue out of it. are there racist people out there? sure, but follow the rules and they can’t bother you. adversity builds character, isn’t that what wrestling is about? the kid pushed past and sacrificed for his team. kudos to him, HE is not a victim but a competitor!
I’m sorry @Leverage1991 I know I said I was fine with this post but this dude @Bully pulpit dragging me back in! I’m trying to make a big deal of it?! Knowing what I know about this world and this situation, I should question it. I know, I know, “FAKE NEWS” right? Lol. Get off your high horse dude. If the kid was willing to cut his hair, he wouldn’t have waited till right before the match!! By the way the ref had a racist incident against another ref so therefore any thing he does in regards to a person of color should be QUESTIONED AND CHALLENGED!!! NO, he should just be booted from officiating! The problem is when people try to disguise their racism, right?
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I’m sorry @Leverage1991 I know I said I was fine with this post but this dude @Bully pulpit dragging me back in! I’m trying to make a big deal of it?! Knowing what I know about this world and this situation, I should question it. I know, I know, “FAKE NEWS” right? Lol. Get off your high horse dude. If the kid was willing to cut his hair, he wouldn’t have waited till right before the match!! By the way the ref had a racist incident against another ref so therefore any thing he does in regards to a person of color should be QUESTIONED AND CHALLENGED!!! NO, he should just be booted from officiating! The problem is when people try to disguise their racism, right?
I'm with you. No need to apologize to me.Reading the family's account really made me think differently. And question the refs motives. Wrestling has always been an inclusive place for me that embraced diversity and why I love the sport. Wrestlers were the only people who didn't judge me or fault me for my past.Its also why i stand up and challenge things my whole life. Its upsetting to consider but I'm afraid I'm not sure what to think right now about how it went down.
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The ref should have checked hair covering in the locker room before the meet. Probably just asked if he had a cover instead of actually checking what type. I fault the ref for this if he didn't check type of cover. However, he should have also asked coach if all of his wrestlers were properly equipped to wrestle. I blame the coach for not making sure that the wrestler had correct cover. I think long hair should be covered, but braided hair not required to be covered unless extending beyond collar or eyebrows. That would allow more kids to wear a hairstyle of choice and wrestle cover free. If hair is intentionally used as an abrasive, it would be ruled a technical violation, and a point given to opponent. I don't fault ref for correct application of the rule, but between the locker room inspection and the coach, the situation should never have reached matside.