Which teams don't belong in the playoffs? It's on First State Football

This is an interesting topic, I wouldn't mind getting everyones opinion on this matter. Depending on how Newark finishes, they could sneak in, Concord as well. How Cape finishes they could miss, depending on certain outcomes, Sallies could make it.

Then go down in Division 2 and we have Wilmington Friends, Conrad, Tower Hill

How does everyone feel about these teams or even the ones that not on the bubble. What would you playoff look like? With points aside and just by going with what you know and who these teams have played up to date....what does your playoffs look like?
The top 6 teams in DI are:

William Penn
St. Mark's
Sussex Tech

Newark hasn't beaten anyone with a winning record (I'm not sure what Oxford's record is). Newark has games remaining against Middletown and Concord so they could earn their way in. Cape Henlopen's best in state win is against CR but if they finish 9-1 it would be tough to keep them out.

DII is much tougher

Top 8 in DII

St. Georges
Friends or Tower Hill

Archmere and DMA play each other this week. Friends has played a very weak schedule with a nice win at Woodbridge. Tower Hill got handled fairly easily by DMA 34-14.

4 teams are 4-4. Howard, Indian River, Mount Pleasant and Woodbridge.

Howard has a nice win against Hodgson (without Jones) and played St. Georges tough. Howard has remaining games against Brandywine and Moyer and could finish 6-4. Indian River has losses to Cape, Smyrna, Lake and Laurel with remaining games against Delmar and Sussex Central. Mount Pleasant would have to upset Caravel in week 10 to finish 6-4 assuming they defeat Christiana this week. Woodbridge is out with the loss to Friends unless they pull a miracle and beat Sussex Tech. They would still have to beat Delmar to finish 6-4.

I don't think the Independent conference should get 2 teams in the playoffs. It should be whoever wins between Friends and Tower Hill. I would rather see 1 of those 4-4 teams get in if they get to 6 wins or DMA/Archmere.

I left Conrad at 5-3 out because of their last 2 games. Losses to Archmere 42-0 and Tower Hill 44-12. Conrad is improving a lot and the program is getting much better but they are not a playoff team yet. Next year maybe.

This post was edited on 10/29 12:40 PM by fanoffootball123
Simple for D2. Tower Hill and Friends do not belong. Look at those teams schedule and tell me if they belong.... The toughest team Friends played all year was Woodbridge(who are not good) and they barely won.... Tower Hill well beating the likes of Harford Technical(who?), Perkiomen(who?), Tatnall, St. Andrews, George School(who?), Dickinson, Conrad, and Christiana. The best team they played was DMA and they got handled pretty easily. Luckily Friends and Tower Hill play each other next week and hopefully one gets bumped out for a better team because neither of them really deserve to go with those schedules....
I feel bad for DMA because they had a very ambitious schedule for the most part and they're going to be victimized while Tower Hill and Friends stand to be rewarded for playing some absolute cupcakes. Other than that, I think both the D1 and D2 fields will be stocked with teams who earned their way in.
Also you guys can be a little less bias to upstate schools you know? Tech and Lake sure aren't a pushover in their respective divisions. Sounded like you guys are just giving the state championship to either St. George's, Caravel, or Hodgson in D2 and Penn or Middletown in D1.
I just listed the teams according to what I thought. Sussex Tech is very good and has a chance to beat anyone. They did lose head to head to St. Mark's in a close game. I picked Lake last week to beat upstate Archmere and I have them ranked ahead of Hodgson. I think Caravel and St. Georges are better than Lake.

I even mentioned Indian River and Woodbridge.

I think Cape is overrated. Just my opinion of course.
This post was edited on 10/29 3:30 PM by fanoffootball123
I've listened to every podcast since they started and Buzby has been critical on Cape all year. Panek has been much more level with them. I think Sussex tech they both have been fair with. Then again their schedule was a bit more tougher.

Personally, and this is coming from a northern guy, although I'm still below the canal, I think lake forest and tech may be the odds to win it all. It doesn't say that in any rankings, but they both are playing better football than the rest of the feild. A William penn-sussex tech could be a very entertaining game. As well as a STG-lake game.
Have you watched Lake this year HS? I think a lot of people(not you) look at the games earlier in the season specifically against upstate Brandywine and Mt. Pleasant and see that they were close games. However it's clear to see the team has gotten much better. This is the first year starting for the QB and he missed the 2nd half of the Mt. Pleasant game through the Brandywine game. Also DJ Cornish missed the Brandywine game as well. Not saying its an excuse but losing important players on D2 teams can be huge blows especially when you're trying to get comfortable with the offense. The last 3 games Lake has played I was expecting close games and neither were. Lake led Laurel 15-7 at the half and offense was very predictable but they scored 21 unanswered in the 2nd half winning 36-7. Against Archmere last week, it was 13-7 at halftime I believe. Archmere shot theirselves in the foot with I believe was 5 turnovers on the game but Lake ended up winning 35-14. Archmere and Laurel are very good teams and Lake seemed to win handily by the end of the game. St. George's, Caravel, and Hodgson are also very good teams obviously but Lake isn't just going to be some pushover. I see it being a very good D2 playoffs. I hope it comes down to those 4 teams but most likely won't....
Smack.....unfortunately, I haven't seen them play since they had Bryant as their running back. But I try to be a little more level with the southern teams because I don't see them as much. I'll be the first to admit though, preseason, I don't think I had laurel or lake ranked in the top 5, but granted through every game, they have proved their ranking regardless.
Been to 3 Lake games they run a ground and pound style that pays off in the 3rd and 4th quarters. Any team will have their hands full with them. I think they put the upstate schools on notice last week. I am interested in watching Tech Vs. St. Marks again. Then hopefully St. Marks, Penn final.

Wp 24
St Marks 34
State Final

sorry can sit with the Clone faithful....hahaha

just saying
Penn and Mt in the BHS had 42 points in the bag before the season started. The Conference is grossly top heavy and has been for several years. could say that about the whole state since I moved here 10 years ago....same 3 maybe 4 division 1 teams....same for d 2.....the rules and regulations have Delaware lagging way far behind most other off season play running or true team football activities along with a very late football start date has created the have's and havenot's......
Sport; in the definition of a well balanced conference you should have three teams any of which can win a championship, three or four that can contend, and the rest fight out for the basement. Until this season, it was almost all MT. There always seems to be 5-6 teams in the BHC that are out of the running from game 1. I think that the assumption that a higher enrollment translates into an advantage over a school with a smaller enrollment is not true here. It certaintly isn't the case for basketball.
Enrollment Flight A Fall 2013-14

William Penn 2187

Charter 1602 *****Cab Calloway 632 + Charter 970******

Newark 1549

Appo 1539

Delcastle 1519

Middletown 1281

AI Dupont 1110

Concord 1099

Glasgow 997

This post was edited on 10/30 4:51 PM by fanoffootball123
That was a real good broadcast. The fact that they made it their opinion was a great way to run it. They didn't attack the system, they just put it as a "what if". Obviously the issue here is Cape and it is hard to disagree that they lost their only big game of the year. However, they should not be penalized because CR and to a lesser extent SC are having down years. If you take a look at the teams in the Blue Hen A, there are a great many powder puffs on their schedules as well. It really comes down to who would you want out, the second team in Hen A or the second team in the Henny North. Giving the tournament birth to a team with a tougher schedule, but fewer playoff points is simply not fair to those who set a schedule that garnered them enough points to qualify for the tournament. Another thing I wonder is this, If CR were in Capes shoes, would this even be a conversation? So I guess my opinion to this thought provoking question is, the teams that get into the playoffs should be the ones that qualify based on points. Unless you can show me every play of every game, who am I to judge.
Originally posted by Threedogs3:
No chance St.Marks scores 34 against Penn
Why is that? They played last first week.. St M had receivers wide open behind the secondary numerous times... ST M's has their QB back now,,, Just saying its a different dynamic now... ST M will score on Penn but they will have to stop Penn from scoring.. Point is you have to throw out game 1 in the play-offs ..ST M is a different team now with Williams back? Is Penn different have they gotten better? Also Penn has to get past the grades issue week ten... I am hearing there are major issues,,,
Well sorry to disappoint there are no grade issues and yes Penn has got better.Williams won't have all day to pass against Penn.It will be a good game if they meet in Playoffs
Originally posted by ravensrooster2:

Originally posted by Threedogs3:
No chance St.Marks scores 34 against Penn
Why is that? They played last first week.. St M had receivers wide open behind the secondary numerous times... ST M's has their QB back now,,, Just saying its a different dynamic now... ST M will score on Penn but they will have to stop Penn from scoring.. Point is you have to throw out game 1 in the play-offs ..ST M is a different team now with Williams back? Is Penn different have they gotten better? Also Penn has to get past the grades issue week ten... I am hearing there are major issues,,,
Just a thought, while I wasn't at the game, one reason a defense might let receivers run free would be if they didn't fear the quarterback. If the two teams play again, it should be much closer, but please know that the game plan for the first game was predicated on the lack of the #1 STM QB.
Originally posted by Threedogs3:
Well sorry to disappoint there are no grade issues and yes Penn has got better.Williams won't have all day to pass against Penn.It will be a good game if they meet in Playoffs
3 Dog Night LOL
I am very happy to hear that there are no grade issues and Penn is playing better. Also hope both teams have all their players available. If they meet that will be a must see game.

RR is dead on-both teams have changed (good and bad) since week 1. We know it will not be a 1st round matchup if it happens.
Originally posted by spartakos:

Wp 24
St Marks 34
State Final

sorry can sit with the Clone faithful....hahaha

just saying
Sparty- you def. the man! But you need to lay off whatever you layin' on dog 9why do I sense a nasty pic comin?
....The Spartans have held 3 teams to 24 or less

other 4 games?

just sayin'
smackjack are still upset the freinds beat you a couple of years back, freinds is a good football program, and if the have the points, they should be in, dont be salty
Originally posted by Threedogs3:
Well sorry to disappoint there are no grade issues and yes Penn has got better.Williams won't have all day to pass against Penn.It will be a good game if they meet in Playoffs
Not disapointed at all.. Thats good news as far as I am concerned.. for the kids sake I could care less about the football team when it comes to this subject..
Originally posted by ikeyfbst:

Originally posted by ravensrooster2:

Originally posted by Threedogs3:
No chance St.Marks scores 34 against Penn
Why is that? They played last first week.. St M had receivers wide open behind the secondary numerous times... ST M's has their QB back now,,, Just saying its a different dynamic now... ST M will score on Penn but they will have to stop Penn from scoring.. Point is you have to throw out game 1 in the play-offs ..ST M is a different team now with Williams back? Is Penn different have they gotten better? Also Penn has to get past the grades issue week ten... I am hearing there are major issues,,,
Just a thought, while I wasn't at the game, one reason a defense might let receivers run free would be if they didn't fear the quarterback. If the two teams play again, it should be much closer, but please know that the game plan for the first game was predicated on the lack of the #1 STM QB.
No one ever has a game plan to let recievers go free regardless who the QB is.. That is silly talk

Also its not like the The QB didn't complete any passes he just over threw two deep ones that were wide open and didnt see few others.. I think Williams makes those plays but yes it would be a good game in my opinion..

This post was edited on 10/31 8:59 AM by ravensrooster2
Originally posted by ravensrooster2:

Originally posted by Threedogs3:
Well sorry to disappoint there are no grade issues and yes Penn has got better.Williams won't have all day to pass against Penn.It will be a good game if they meet in Playoffs
Not disapointed at all.. Thats good news as far as I am concerned.. for the kids sake I could care less about the football team when it comes to this subject..
Agreed- gotta put the work in the classroom before the roadwork/ weight room and field!
unless you play at ............? Fill in the blank-that should be fun lol.
Don't start this crap again. I don't really think that's a fair question.

And it's Friends not Freinds
Originally posted by rizzo2005:

Speaking of them they will be at Appo nov 8th to play St Peters Prep.. all the haters can go watch them get beat by 50 and have a ball ..

all kidding aside SPP is worth the price of admission they have one of the best QB's in the country in Brandon Wimbush..committed to Notre Dame

This post was edited on 10/31 10:48 AM by ravensrooster2
where will you be dining at before the azz whipping?

just wondering
No one ever has a game plan to let recievers go free regardless who the QB is.. That is silly talk

This post was edited on 10/31 8:59 AM by ravensrooster2
Obviously you have not seen how teams are covering Milford this season. Sadly, that's not silly talk.

My first comment lent itself more to the idea that Penn might have been selling out to stop the run because they didn't fear the #2 quarterback as much as the STM #1 that's all. If guys are running free, I suspect these "free runners" were a result of playing a lot of cover zero, looking to stop the run. Apparently it worked, because that's just how many points STM scored, zero. Another reason for free runners is lack of game tape for the first contest of the season. I suspect both defenses will be much better coached if and when they meet again.
Originally posted by ravensrooster2:

Originally posted by rizzo2005:

Speaking of them they will be at Appo nov 8th to play St Peters Prep.. all the haters can go watch them get beat by 50 and have a ball ..

all kidding aside SPP is worth the price of admission they have one of the best QB's in the country in Brandon Wimbush..committed to Notre Dame

This post was edited on 10/31 10:48 AM by ravensrooster2
Jawnsky is gonna be there if can.....had it circled on the calendar since you brought it up wayyyy back in preseason etc .........SPP alone worth it and some good kids at ECA as well.

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